Treatment of drug acclimatization
Last reviewed: 17.10.2021
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Acclimatization is not a disease, but a natural process of adaptation of the organism to new conditions of life. Therefore, it is not treated, no matter how people try to convince themselves of it. In order for the adaptation to pass more sparing, it is important to deal with one's own health in advance. During the year, you need to strengthen immunity, monitor the quality of nutrition, exercise and breathing exercises in the mornings, as well as visit the gym for more intense training. You have to walk a lot and lead a flexible lifestyle. It is also important to temper your body, get used to walking and make trips to nature in rainy and windy weather, with snow and low temperatures. To improve the adaptogenic properties of the body it is useful to visit the sauna or sauna, as well as swimming.
It is known that many signs of acclimatization processes resemble catarrhal diseases. And so, on the seas and in the warm regions our people take a whole suitcase of medicines, for each symptom separately and still whole handful "just in case". Especially, it is typical to "pepper" the medicines of children whose mothers are simply afraid of any manifestations of illness in their children. This is not a panacea, but can, on the contrary, harm the body.
Therefore, parents and adults just need to remember that acclimatization treatment should only occur after consultation with specialists. And only they can prescribe the reception of certain drugs, as well as their dosage and duration of use. In addition, a good doctor can recommend a gentle method of therapy during acclimatization, which includes the correct mode of life under the given conditions, the desired water regime and diet, physical and breathing exercises, physiotherapy, massages, water procedures, aromatherapy and so on.
Medicines for acclimatization
There are medicines for acclimatization, which will help to increase the protective forces of man and strengthen his immunity. These include:
- Tincture of ginseng root. It is taken forty forty minutes before a meal, twenty-five drops a quarter of a cup of water, two or three times a day. There are contraindications to taking this tincture for people who are diagnosed with acute chronic diseases, hypertensive patients, people suffering from disorders of the central nervous system. In addition, the intake of tincture is forbidden for women in the stage of pregnancy and lactation, as for children under the age of sixteen.
- Tincture of the root eleutherococcus. It is taken half an hour before a meal of forty drops per quarter of a glass of water, two or three times a day. Contraindications to taking this tincture are available in individuals who suffer heart attacks. It is forbidden to use the medicine for hypertensive people, people with an unbalanced nervous system or suffering from mental disorders, persons diagnosed with vegeto-vascular dystonia. In hot weather it is better to refrain from using tincture, because of the alcohol entering into its composition.
- Bittner's balm. It is taken ten milliliters three or four times a day for three or four weeks. Contraindicated use of the drug to persons who have renal and hepatic insufficiency, cirrhosis, bile duct disease. It is forbidden to take medicine for pregnant women and nursing mothers, as well as children under the age of twelve and alcohol-dependent people.
- Drops Beresh Plus. Children from one year and adults take the drug one drop per two kilograms of body weight. In this case, the dose is divided into two daily doses. The medication should be used when diluted in water. It is recommended to take a medicine during a meal. It is not recommended to use drops for people who have symptoms of kidney failure, metabolic disorders of copper and iron, with sensitivity to the ingredients of the drug.
Tablets from acclimatization
Among drugs that help to survive the processes of adaptation of the organism to new environmental conditions, there are pills from acclimatization. Experts recommend using drugs:
- Geravit Pharmaton. The drug starts the processes of stimulating the nonspecific resistance of the organism, and also accelerates the metabolism and energy. This increases the cellular activity and improves the absorption of oxygen in tissues. The drug contains ginseng, vitamins, micro- and macronutrients. Contraindicated taking medication for hypervitaminosis A or D, violation of calcium metabolism, as well as persons suffering from kidney dysfunction and in the presence of sensitivity to the ingredients of the drug.
One tablet is used twice a day with food (during breakfast and lunch), for two to three weeks. Then you need to take the drug once a day for one tablet for breakfast. The drug should be taken whole, in any case not chew.
- Experts advise for a better adaptation to the new living conditions the reception of multivitamins and immunomodulators. It should be noted that even such, at first glance, safe drugs should not be used without consulting a doctor.
How to get acclimatized?
People who care about their health, necessarily ask: and how to get acclimated with less loss for your health? To achieve this, it is worthwhile to follow our recommendations and forget about the problems:
- The first few days after entering the new territory you need to lead a quiet and sparing lifestyle. This concept includes a normal and sufficient sleep, as well as an early departure for a night's rest.
- Food should also be moderate and restoring. It is important at first time to introduce new foods and meals in small doses, as well as monitor the body's response to these innovations. It is recommended to refrain from eating exotic dishes, the body's reaction to which is unknown.
- Avoid taking alcoholic beverages, especially in the first couple of days in a new place and, especially, in large quantities.
- It is necessary to take a large amount of liquid, namely pure water. Two liters a day - that's the minimum, which you need to carefully monitor. It is best to drink non-carbonated purified water or water with a low percentage of mineralization.
- Purchased bottles of water should be chosen such that the lid is tightly closed to avoid falsification of the drink. Do not drink tap water to avoid intestinal infections. Also, avoid buying teas or ice water, which are sold on the streets in many hot countries. Local residents, as a rule, prepare drinks on tap water, which can harm the health of tourists unaccustomed to this water.
- In order to prevent the body from overheating or getting a sunstroke, it is important at the outset to minimize the time spent in the sun. Sunbathing is in the morning and evening hours. And the amount of time that can be given to such procedures should be no more than ten to fifteen minutes per session.
- It is necessary to comply with all the usual rules of hygiene - take a shower every day and watch for the purity of the body.
- It is also important to do an easy exercise and simple breathing exercises, which you need to learn before you arrive in a new country.
Preventive maintenance of acclimatization
Preventive maintenance of acclimatization consists in that in advance to prepare the organism to conditions of residing new to it. Therefore, before any trips that create stressful conditions for the organism, it is necessary to gently prepare it for new circumstances.
So, experts recommend following such events:
- It is worth to prepare yourself for a new time zone. To do this, you need to translate the hands of the clock ahead of time, and also gradually shift the moments of retirement to sleep and awakening. Such a measure will allow a person to minimize stress when emerging in new territories.
- It is good to gradually transfer food intake to the intervals of the day, which more closely correspond to the time of meals in the new territory.
- The body must gain strength and energy. Therefore, the usual bustling preparations for trips must be made in advance. On the contrary, a week before a pleasant trip it is important to spend time in a measured and calm rhythm. And also to avoid large and small shocks, to devote a large amount of time to rest and relaxation, to sleep well and well.
- It is worth recalling about proper nutrition, which affects the strength and health of a person no less. A sufficient diet, in which all the substances necessary for the body are present, is a guarantee of its endurance and stress resistance.