
Information about doctor

Professor, Member of the Israeli Epilepsy Association and the American Epilepsy Society; He is the author of numerous scientific publications on child neurology.

Educated at the Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University (Israel); passed clinical internship in pediatrics; clinical neurophysiology internship in the USA (in Boston).

The professor Uri Kramer is one of the leading Israeli specialists in the diagnosis and treatment of epilepsy, as well as such childhood and adolescent neurological disorders, as attention distraction and infant encephalopathy, including those associated with prematurity.

A medical bracelet, developed by Professor Uri Kramer Om, signals epileptic seizures in children and adults.

Head of the department specializing in the treatment of epilepsy in children. He lectures on pediatric neurology at the Faculty of Medicine of Tel Aviv University.

He speaks Hebrew and English.

Education and work experience

  • Sackler Medical School, Tel Aviv University, Israel
  • Residency in Pediatrics at the Kaplan Clinic, Rehovot, Israel
  • Internship at the Pediatric Epilepsy Department at Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA

Membership in international organizations

  • Chairman, Israeli Association for the Treatment of Epilepsy
  • European Association of Epileptology
  • American Epileptology Community
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