

Alternative medicine

Bee sting treatment

Treatment with stings of bees - this treatment is a kind of natural toxin. Apitoxin looks like a yellowish transparent liquid of a thick consistency with a characteristic odor.

Alternative treatment of cysts

Alternative treatment of cysts can really help and effectively cope with small lesions that do not have complications.

Energy therapy

The method of energy therapy usually involves concentration on energy fields, supposedly existing inside and around the body (biofield). All such methods are based on the belief that some kind of universal life force or subtle energy is inside and around the human body.

Manipulative and bodily methods of treatment

Manipulative and bodily methods include chiropractic, massage therapy, posture correction, reflexology and deep massage.

Biological methods of treatment

Biological treatments use naturally occurring substances and include biological and dietary therapies, herbal treatments and orthomolecular medicine.

Methods of body and mind

The methods of the body and the psyche are based on the theory that mental and emotional factors affect physical health through a system of mainly neural and hormonal connections throughout the body.

Biologically based therapies

Special dietary regimens (for example, Gerson's therapy, Kelly's regimen, macrobiotic diet, Ornish diet, Pritikin diet) are used to treat or prevent certain diseases (for example, cancer, cardiovascular disorders) or to improve overall health.

Alternative medical systems

Alternative medical systems are complete systems of diagnosis and practice.

Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Complementary and alternative medicine includes various areas of healing and therapy that have come from around the world and that are not based on conventional Western medicine methods.


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