Bee sting treatment
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Treatment with stings of bees - this treatment is a kind of natural toxin. Apitoxin looks like a yellowish transparent liquid of a thick consistency with a characteristic odor. The poison quickly becomes more dense and hardens when staying in the air for more than an hour.
Apitoxin is acid-dependent, in the stomach it quickly loses its useful properties, but it retains them well in an oil base, as well as in dried or raw form. In hermetically sealed packaging, apitoxin can be stored for decades without losing its properties. If someone dares to try it on the tongue, then they will feel a bitter, pungent taste. When a bee stings, the odor of a secreted toxin instantly spreads, attracting other bees.
Benefit of a bee sting
For the sake of justice, it should be noted and the indisputable advantages that apitoxin (bee venom) can bring. The use of the bee stings is in the composition of the poison. The toxin from the bees' glands is extracted with great difficulty, each gram is really very valuable, since it contains peptides, about 20 amino acids, nine protein components, fat, carbohydrates, histamine, 12 mineral active substances, acids. Each bite is an ejection of about 0.3 grams of apitoxin.
Currently, apitherapy is only beginning its revival and ascent, and in ancient times dozes of diseases were treated with the poison of bees. The highest ranks, right up to the imperial families, did not disdain to use the services of yellow banded healers. Hippocrates, Galen, used their patients with bees. The Russian Tsar Ivan the Terrible was not afraid to put bees on painful joints, so he treated gout. It is known that after the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, among those that managed to survive, more than half were either beekeepers or simply amateurs of beekeeping products. Obviously, the healing properties of poison, honey, pollen had a radioprotective effect. In this sense, the benefit of the bee stings has saved the lives of many thousands of Japanese. In modern medicine apitoxin is used with caution, until now traditional medicine recognizes it only as a component that is part of pharmaceuticals. "Live" treatment by bees is now considered exotic, although the apitherapists are getting bigger every year.
Why is effective treatment with bee stings?
The treatment of beekeeping products has long been considered effective because of naturalness, and because the result was seen quickly enough and persisted for a long time. Apitoxin is a product of the work of the glands of worker bees. The main, natural purpose of the poison is not at all a cure, but protection from oneself, from other enemies, including both wild animals and humans. The concentration of active components in the poison depends on the age of the insect, on how much it is fed, on the quality of the feed medium. Babes-bees are not capable of secreting poison, as are drones, which do not have a sting. Quite often stings and the queen of the hive - the uterus, not the tsar's business, to spray its secretory substances. The most common bee stings workers, that is, workers, especially at the age of 16 to 18 days. And these bees can only sting after eating pollen.
Apitoxin is much more active and softer in terms of aggressive effects on the human body than snake venom. Among the main healing properties of apitoxin are the following:
- Enzymatic activity is 25-30 times higher than in snake toxin.
- Antibacterial action.
- Antiseptic and bactericidal action.
- Small doses have an activating effect, large doses are relaxing.
- Anticonvulsant effect.
- Anesthesia.
- Vessel expansion, nootropic effect.
- Antidote action.
- Anticonvulsant effect due to the large content of melittin in the venom.
- Activation of the spinal cord due to the content in the venom of apamine.
- Cardiostimulating and antiarrhythmic action.
- Hypotensive property
- Increased hemoglobin concentration in the blood.
- Blood thinning, antithrombotic action.
- Activation of cortisol production.
- Activation of activity, especially motor, from the digestive tract.
- Enzymatic action.
- Anti-erosive action.
- Hepatoprotective action.
- Activation of the broncho-pulmonary system.
- Expectorant action.
- Stimulation of the pituitary gland and adrenal glands.
- Sugar-reducing action.
- Radioprotective action.
- Improved metabolism.
The list of healing properties of bee venom is so great that the scope of the article simply does not cover it, in addition, all appointments should be made by a trained specialist - an apitherapist, since treatment with bee stings also has contraindications:
Who does not see the procedures of "live" therapy by bees:
- A person who has been diagnosed with idiosyncrasy for beekeeping products, as well as someone who has already suffered a bee sting.
- Period of exacerbation of any disease.
- Purulent inflammatory processes.
- Diseases accompanied by decompensation of internal organs.
- Chronic or acute form of kidney disease, liver, peptic ulcer.
- Cardiopathy - myocardial dystrophy, pericarditis, angina pectoris, aortic aneurysm.
- Systemic blood diseases.
- Bronchial asthma.
- Oncoprocess.
- Diabetes mellitus (insulin-dependent form).
- Pregnancy, the period of breastfeeding.
- Tuberculosis.
- Children under five.
- Hepatitis.
- Cachexia.
- Skin and venereal diseases.
- Some types of mental illness.
- With care, bees are treated after vaccination (a break of at least a month is required).
Treatment with bee stings is done in several ways:
- The first stage is a bioassay, that is, a check for a possible allergic reaction. The sample is carried out by stabbing into the lumbar region, followed by an observation for an hour. If there are no signs of an aggressive immune response, treatment can be carried out.
- Also before the course of treatment, a whole series of laboratory tests is carried out - blood (hemoglobin, leukocytes, erythrocytes, ESR, etc.), urine (sugar, protein).
- The bite test is repeated after obtaining laboratory tests.
- Treatment with live bees is carried out analogously to the acupuncture method, that is, in the biologically active points of the body. The bee is applied to a certain point, carefully holding it with tweezers. Immediately after the bite, the bee is removed, but the reservoir with healing apitoxin remains in the body of the prescribed period (from 5 to 10 minutes).
- The course of treatment involves sessions with an increase in the number of bites, as well as with interruptions between procedures.
Such exotic therapy, obviously, is not fully understood and has not yet received a proper assessment, despite the fact that there are official data on 80% of long-livers from the total number of beekeepers.
Treatment of prostatitis by bee stings
The disease of civilization is not only an allergy, heart attacks, strokes, but every year all the "younger" prostatitis. Prostatitis is diagnosed today even in 25-year-old young men, which 50 years ago did not happen in principle.
Treatment of prostatitis with bee stings is, perhaps, a cry of despair, when traditional therapy does not help. However, such an unusual and exotic way can, if not completely cure the disease, then, at least, translate it into a stable remission.
What is required for apitherapy in such cases? Of course, the time favorable for bees is summer, the patient himself and an experienced apitherapist with medical education.
A physiologically explainable "favorable" place for stinging is the foreskin, but not the head of the penis. It is through praeputium (prepubium, foreskin) that apitoxin quickly enters the cavernous bodies, and then, in fact, into the sore spot, the prostate. According to those heroes who went through the bee procedure, the pain is present only with the first two or three bites, perhaps, this is due to the anesthetic property of bee venom. Begin the course with 3-5 bites, then gradually the amount of stings is reduced to 35-40. There are other schemes of apitherapy, which are based on the application of bees to the acupuncture points of the hips, lower back, legs and abdominal area.
Treatment of prostatitis with bee stings brings noticeable relief of pain symptoms, in addition, blood circulation is activated in the prostate, puffiness and stagnant phenomena in the prostate are eliminated.
Treatment of vertebral hernia by bee stings
If hundreds of diseases are treated with bee venom, from scars to multiple sclerosis, then treatment of vertebral hernia with bee stings should not cause surprise in principle. Even those who have not yet ventured on such an unusual procedure, probably already used ointments containing apitoxin, and were convinced of their effectiveness. Accordingly, it is possible to proceed and apitoxin therapy - the so-called method of treatment with the help of a bee sting. In addition to treating hernias, bee bites help alleviate the symptoms of osteochondrosis, since they relieve local inflammation and activate blood flow to the damaged area. With regard to the intervertebral hernia, then apitherapy can remove spasms and block the muscles surrounding the disc, in addition, as a result of relaxation, it is possible to resume all metabolic processes in damaged tissues. It is the ability of bee venom to combat the degenerative process in the vertebrae that makes the procedure effective and efficient.
Treatment of vertebral hernia by bee stings is performed by the method of acupuncture, that is, applying insects to special biologically active points on the back. In addition to the fact that the poison affects the bone tissue, it quickly penetrates to the adrenal cortex and activates the production of anti-inflammatory hormones, thus rendering not only a local anesthetic effect, but also a deep therapeutic effect.
In conclusion, we should add a few interesting facts that will help rehabilitate the bee sting in the eyes of readers.
- Compulsory products included in the diet of astronauts are honey, and the space kit contains topical preparations containing apitoxin.
- Bees are indicators of air pollution. If you went to nature, where trees bloom, flowers and do not observe a single bee, then the ecological situation in this place is unfavorable.
- Bees circling around the hive (swarms) will not sting a person, it is done by "workers", that is, those insects that are sent to collect nectar.
- The bee queen never stings a person, she reserves her poison for possible rivals - pretenders to the "throne".
- There are bees - customs officers who are specially trained to recognize the smell of drugs and explosives. In addition, that a few bees are trained in this action, they transfer the "knowledge" to their relatives by the hive.
- According to legend, the founding father of medicine, Hippocrates, who not only praised the healing properties of honey and bee venom, but also himself a keen on beekeeping, lived to 107 years.