

Paraffin therapy for feet

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 07.06.2024

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Such a physiotherapeutic procedure as paraffin therapy for feet is not only cosmetic, but also one of the methods of heat therapy: local exposure to temperature (+50-57 ° C), which provides melted paraffin.

Benefits of paraffin therapy for feet

From the medical point of view, paraffin therapy for legs is useful because under the influence of heat there is a dilation of capillaries and activation of local blood circulation, which contribute to better oxygenation of tissues and increase metabolic processes. This accelerates the regeneration of damaged tissues, reduces swelling and pain.

And the benefit of this procedure for the skin is a deep moisturizing of the stratum corneum of the epidermis and increasing its elasticity.

Indications for the procedure

It is advisable to perform this procedure:

Paraffin foot paraffin therapy for children can be an additional treatment for congenital flat feet deformity (flat feet).


To prepare for paraffin therapy, the solid paraffin must be melted. For this purpose, an electric paraffin therapy machine is used - a device that has a special bath for paraffin therapy of hands and feet. But at home it can be done on a water bath.

The feet should be washed and wiped dry beforehand.

Technique of the paraffin treatments for feet

Paraffin therapy for feet at home, as well as in physiotherapy rooms and cosmetic salons is carried out by applying liquid hot paraffin on the skin or immersing the feet in a container with melted paraffin. Paraffin is applied 3-5 times - after each previous layer has hardened.

Then the feet are wrapped in p/e film and insulated - for 15-20 minutes.

Cosmetic procedure - cold paraffin therapy for feet - is the application of a ready-made mixture of paraffin with various additives to the skin; such a cream for feet for paraffin therapy (cosmetic cold bioparaffin or paraffin cream) before application is heated in the hands.

There is a large selection of such products on sale, in particular, there are cold bio-paraffin brands Elit-Lab, Nila Cold Bio-Paraffin, etc.; cream-mask with liquid paraffin (mineral paraffin oil) and various essential oils and plant extracts - Vitex paraffinotherapy for feet; paraffin creams Courage, CANNI, Aravia.

After removing the cooled wax is used:

Contraindications to the procedure

Paraffin therapy for feet is contraindicated if you have:

Also, this procedure should not be performed during menstruation and pregnancy.

Complications after the procedure

It is not excluded the appearance of edema of soft tissues, as well as skin allergic reaction to the ingredients of ready-made mixtures based on paraffin oil (liquid paraffin) - in the form of a small red rash and itching.

Care after the procedure

Special care after paraffin therapy for feet is not required.

List of studies related to the study of paraffin therapy for feet

  1. "A Comparative Study on Effectiveness of Paraffin Wax Bath Versus Ultrasound in Plantar Fasciitis" - I. Khatri, Y. Shukla, 2020. The study compares the effectiveness of paraffin wax baths and ultrasound therapy in the treatment of plantar fasciitis of the foot.
  2. "Comparison of in vivo temperatures produced by hydrotherapy, paraffin wax treatment, and Fluidotherapy" - Roy M Borrell, Robert Parker, Ernest J. Henley, Don Masley, Martin Repinecz, 1980. The study compares the effectiveness of various heat therapy methods, including paraffin wax baths.
  3. "Efficacy of paraffin bath therapy in hand osteoarthritis: a single-blinded randomized controlled trial" - B. Dilek, Mehtap Gözüm, E. Şahin, M. Baydar, G. Ergör, O. El, Ç. Bircan, S. Gülbahar, 2013. A study evaluates the effectiveness of paraffin baths in hand osteoarthritis.

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