Urine therapy - treatment with urine
Last reviewed: 07.06.2024

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It is not uncommon for people to seek other, alternative methods of treatment when a disease develops, especially if the usual traditional remedies do not work or are not effective enough. Urine therapy, or urine treatment, is often one such method.
Urine therapy has a huge number of both strong supporters and opponents of this type of treatment. What does this specific method actually represent, and is it worth relying on its beneficial effects?
Urine therapy in Ayurveda
The use of urine - internally and externally - has long been practiced for the treatment of many diseases. Urinary fluid is formed from blood, and according to Ayurveda belongs to the category of small products of vital activity, unable to harm the body. It is believed that the toxicity of urine is unjustified - primarily because it would then poison a person while still in the urinary system. If the patient still experiences negative sensations during treatment, it is believed that this is not intoxication, but a natural reaction of the body to purification, recovery and restoration.
Against the background of intensified practical therapy, due to increased excretion of salts and toxic substances, urine fluid becomes cloudy, which is considered a variant of the norm. In certain pathologies, specific toxic components can be excreted, giving urine a yellow, greenish or even bluish color.
According to Ayurveda, human urine has a drying effect, helps cure eye diseases, stabilizes the composition of bile, "chases" worms, improves appetite, calms. With competent therapy, it helps to cleanse the blood and skin, prevents the development of infectious diseases.
Benefits of urine therapy
Most often urine is used as a means of global purification of the body, to eliminate all sorts of ailments, or to improve the health of the skin and hair. Fans of this therapeutic method point to such useful properties:
- It is a well-known theory that all liquids present in the human body are structured in a special way, i.e. The molecular composition is strictly distributed and ordered. In order for the liquid to undergo such structurization, the body must undergo certain processes that require huge energy expenditures. If you use urine instead of water, the body is freed from unnecessary energy expenditure, is not subjected to wear and tear and saves its own resources.
- Urinary fluid includes more than two hundred components. In particular, many people attribute this to its ability to cleanse tissues and organs, as it acts like a dietary supplement.
Nowadays, many people use urine to treat digestive disorders, kidney and liver diseases, heart and vascular diseases, ophthalmologic and dermatologic problems.
Harms of urine therapy
Most doctors emphasize that urine cannot act as a medicine because it is a kind of "waste" of the body. Many patients - some out of desperation and some just out of curiosity - start drinking their own urine, strain it, boil it, use it externally and internally. Specialists warn that the use of urine can sooner or later lead to the development of renal failure, and there are many confirmations of such words.
All urine - both adult and child - contains nitrogenous compounds, uric acid and other components that the human body wants to get rid of. Fans of such treatment persistently and forcibly return the urinary fluid back. Characteristically, at the initial stage of treatment, patients really begin to feel better. Doctors explain this by the presence in the urine corticosteroid hormonal substances, which are also called stress hormones. It is precisely they and alleviate the symptoms of diseases. But doctors note that the disease itself after a course of treatment with urine does not disappear, but as if "hiding". The pathological process continues, and a special load is imposed on the kidneys and liver, which are working at wear and tear.
Much harm has also been found in the external application of urine. For example, if it is applied to large or deep wounds, they will soon fester and the situation will worsen, up to the development of sepsis.
Indications for the procedure
As much as we would like to, but at the moment scientists have not yet invented such a remedy (both folk and pharmaceutical), which would be able to treat absolutely all diseases. Treatment with urine also cannot become a panacea: its action is akin to hormonal drugs, can temporarily make the disease recede. However, no one can predict in advance the long-term consequences of urine use.
At present, the benefits and effectiveness of such unconventional treatments are not supported by scientific evidence.
Nevertheless, urine therapy continues to be actively used to eliminate gastrointestinal, infectious-inflammatory and colds, liver and kidney diseases, cardiovascular pathologies, fungal lesions, dermatologic and ophthalmologic problems.
What does urine therapy help with?
And yet, from what diseases exactly can urine help? After all, such treatment is really in great demand among patients. As a rule, the use, rubbing and injection of urine is carried out to get rid of such diseases:
- bronchial asthma, laryngitis, tonsillitis, adenoid overgrowths;
- maxillary sinusitis, sinusitis, rhinitis (including fungal and allergic rhinitis);
- conjunctivitis, blepharitis, uveitis;
- otitis media;
- diabetes mellitus, hypertension, metabolic disorders;
- enterocolitis, peptic ulcer, pancreatitis;
- arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, rheumatoid arthritis;
- myocardial infarction, stroke, atherosclerosis, heart failure;
- myalgias, myositis, myopathies;
- cancer;
- dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, acne;
- helminth infections;
- skin injuries, scratches, cuts, burns, hematomas;
- rheumatism, systemic lupus erythematosus, etc.
Treatment of diseases with urine therapy is not the only way to use the urine product. It is also successfully used for cosmetic purposes: to improve the condition of hair and skin, to eliminate seborrhea, acne, to get rid of wrinkles.
The beginning of the treatment should be timed to the beginning of the lunar cycle - in this way, the cleansing of the body should be natural and easy. A small exception is made for women: it is allowed to start the therapy at the beginning of their monthly cycle (on the 1st or 2nd day of menstruation).
At the initial stage, it is better to use enema administration of urine. Experts physiologically explain this by the fact that the largest amount of toxins accumulate in the large intestine. The enemas will help to clean this intestinal section, and within a week (if there are no serious diseases) the health-improving effect will be manifested.
Immediately after the act of defecation with the help of an enema pear inject about 300 ml of urine, it is possible in several steps. This is done every day for a week.
Then proceed to the second cleansing stage: start washing the nasopharynx with fresh urine collected in the morning, immediately after waking up.
Also at the preparatory stage it is important to make changes in the diet. It is recommended to consume plenty of clean water, as well as seasonal vegetables, fruits (can be both raw and stewed), dried fruits. In small quantities add to the diet porridge with a minimum number of additives. Cereal is successfully replaced by nuts, seeds, potatoes. It is allowed to occasionally use meat, but separately from other products.
The third stage of preparation should be timed to coincide with the new lunar cycle: start drinking urine in the morning, making an odd number of swallowing movements, wash the nose and throat, massage the body with urine. Women can practice washing with fresh liquid, it is also allowed to take a spritz. Enemas are no longer necessary, but they are left if necessary.
After a while, if there are no negative reactions of the body, proceed to the therapy of specific diseases.
Technique of the urine therapy
Urine therapy is a type of treatment where the patient takes his urine internally and uses it externally, adhering to a special diet or complete fasting. This method was introduced into unconventional medical practice by John W. Armstrong (at the dawn of the last century), although its use was known thousands of years earlier.
If someone still has questions about how to drink urine correctly, the recommendations of world-renowned experts can be:
- Urine therapy according to Malakhov offers three methods of treatment: massage, compresses and drinking. However, the healer himself insists that the internal reception is the most effective, and other methods should be used only if for some reason drinking the liquid is impossible. Malakhov advises to drink urine in one of three ways: once a day in the morning, three times a day between meals (the first intake - in the morning on an empty stomach), or without a special regime just during the day.
- Armstrong's urine therapy is more extensive: the specialist suggests taking urine internally, giving it as enemas, injecting it into the ears and nose, lubricating and rubbing it into the skin. Here, the internal administration is also considered as the main treatment, but without a prior course of enemas and skin wetting, it is not recommended to start treatment.
- Urine therapy according to Neumyvakin is a kind of combination of the methods described above, which he highlighted in his book. According to the author, urine is a structured liquid that has a long-term memory. When it enters the body, it already carries the necessary information about the health of the patient, about the diseases he has. Neumyvakin, like Malakhov, adhered to these rules: you need to consume urine in a volley, trying to make an odd number of swallowing movements. If you drink a little at a time, in parts, the properties of urine are leveled, and the necessary effect will not be.
In addition, there are generally accepted rules for urinary fluid consumption:
- The middle part of the stream is used for drinking, but if the patient is fasting, it is possible to drink all the urine from beginning to end;
- urine should be fresh, because after cooling its therapeutic effect is lost;
- the morning liquid is most appreciated;
- In addition, you should drink plenty of water;
- It is not allowed to drink urine during treatment with any medications, as well as in the presence of venereal diseases or pyuria.
You should also be prepared for possible side effects:
- primary aggravation of diseases;
- dyspepsia, digestive disorders, nausea with vomiting;
- loss of energy, loss of appetite, headache.
Contraindications to the procedure
Doctors warn that urine treatment is particularly dangerous in these situations:
- in the presence of venereal problems, inflammatory pathologies of the kidneys and urogenital system;
- with diseased liver and pancreas;
- for digestive diseases.
If you ignore contraindications, then therapy can turn into intoxication, deterioration of well-being with aggravation of existing diseases, the development of peptic ulcer disease, colitis and enterocolitis.
Also, you should not drink urine just for prophylaxis. Since it contains a certain amount of hormonal components, the consequences of prophylactic intake can only be guessed at: the development of intoxication, inflammatory and even autoimmune pathologies is possible.
Consequences after the procedure
Contrary to popular opinion, treatment with urine can be accompanied by a large number of side effects. Experts warn that the effect of treatment is also possible, but it is only due to the presence of steroid hormonal substances in the liquid, which have a pronounced anti-inflammatory property. This is where the greatest danger lies.
Prolonged use of urine, as well as any hormonal drugs, leads to the fact that its own hormonal mechanism can no longer function adequately, or even completely shut down. The body becomes dependent on the dose: cessation of urine therapy in this case is fraught with serious health problems. Doctors say that the process of addiction occurs gradually, but quickly enough: in most cases it is irreversible, and the patient has every chance of becoming a lifelong invalid.
The production of hormones in the human body is regulated by the pituitary and hypothalamus system. But this regulation is carried out until the excess hormones are excreted through the urinary system. Urine consumption - internal or external - leads to hormonal oversaturation of tissues, which causes changes in the body's own secretion of hormones.
Another extremely unpleasant consequence is urine poisoning during urine therapy. This condition is characterized by all intoxication signs: weight loss, pale skin, dark circles under the eyes, frequent stool disorders, headaches. If timely measures are not taken, then over time the following complications develop: chronic arthritis, cardiac and renal failure, hepatic pathologies.
Testimonials from cured patients
This specific therapeutic method has been known for a long time, and its fans are present in almost all countries of the world. As a rule, a person who has at least once undergone urine treatment, already tries to continue and practice it throughout his life. Due to its hormonal component, urine is a strong and effective therapeutic agent. However, even the patients themselves warn that such therapy requires great caution and sensitivity, with mandatory preliminary preparation and study of information and recommendations on this type of unconventional healing method.
Most users prefer not to limit themselves to urine therapy alone, successfully combining it with periodic fasts, dietary restrictions, yoga and other naturopathy, spiritual and cleansing practices.
Doctor's reviews
Urologists treat the issue of urine therapy unequivocally: in their opinion, such a method is meaningless. Medicine does not justify the use of urine practically nothing, although no special clinical experiments on this topic have been conducted. As doctors say, the reception of their own natural product is unnatural and cannot be acceptable to normal people, and often even dangerous.
Through urinary fluid, the body removes excess hormonal and toxic substances, vitamins, salts, and a person tries to forcefully "fill up" them again. A special danger is urine treatment of renal diseases, in which there is a release of nitrogenous products: taking such urine inside, any patient will only aggravate his painful situation.
Indeed, some people assure that urine therapy allowed them to cure psoriasis, joint problems. Specialists explain this fact by the fact that the urine contains small amounts of steroid hormones that have an anti-inflammatory effect. However, regular urine therapy practice can cause an accumulation of hormones, which invariably leads to a disruption of the body's own hormone production. The result is an increased risk of premature aging, metabolic disorders, obesity, neuropsychiatric abnormalities, and osteoporosis.
Problems can happen if you use infected urine. Doctors talk about the frequent referral of patients to them, for example, after external wiping of the eyes with infected urine. As a result - gonorrheic, fungal conjunctivitis. And internal urine therapy can end up with an exacerbation of gastric ulcer and 12-perintestinal ulcer or enterocolitis.