

Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue (dermatology)

Graying at an early age: causes, treatment

The presence of gray hair is also associated with nervous tension and negative stressors, and, although frequent releases of adrenaline have a detrimental effect on melanocytes, however, the possibility of graying from grief is not supported by the study.

Itchy and flaky skin

Itching and flaking of the head - occurs against the background of seborrheic dermatitis due to poor diet, hormonal imbalance, bad habits, psoriasis, eczema or ringworm.

Laser blister removal

Calluses on the feet, toes and hands can cause significant discomfort, lead to pain when walking or performing routine and professional activities (manual work, etc.). In such cases, removal of calluses by laser may be performed.

Wound after wart removal

How long does it take for the wound to heal after removal? How to protect yourself from possible unpleasant consequences?

Viral wart: causes, treatment

Benign neoplasms in the form of small rounded growths with a flat surface, nodules on legs or with a sharp tip, flesh-colored, appearing on the skin or mucous membranes are called differently, depending on the appearance, warts, papillomas, condylomas.

Itchy scalp and dandruff: causes, treatment

When medical professionals talk about pruritis and diffuse skin desquamation on the scalp, it means that the patient has itching and dandruff. And these non-infectious, but extremely unpleasant symptoms are observed very often and appear for several reasons.

Pimples after facial cleansing

Going to cosmetic facial cleansing, we expect to get rid of unnecessary elements and formations, including rashes of various kinds. As a rule, the result justifies our expectations. But it happens and vice versa: pimples after facial cleansing are formed in greater numbers than before visiting the salon. Why does this happen and how to avoid this unpleasant fate?

How and with what can you remove warts at home?

The appearance on the surface of the skin of foci of overgrowth of epithelial keratinocytes in the form of warts - a very common dermatological problem. And many are interested in how to quickly remove a wart, and what available means and methods can be done.

Sebaceous gland blockage

One of the common problems of modern cosmetology, dermatology, is the blockage of sebaceous glands. This is a condition that entails a number of unfavorable consequences in the form of rashes, acne, purulent-inflammatory process.

Arachnoentomoses of humans and animals

Countless species of insects and arthropods (arthropods), which make up more than 80% of all known representatives of the fauna of the planet, live near us. Some of them can cause invasive parasitic diseases of humans and animals - arachnoentomoses.


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