

Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue (dermatology)

Brown spots on the nails.

At an appointment with a dermatologist, therapist, other doctors, many patients complain that they have a brown spot on the nail. The spot can affect any nail: on the feet, on the hands. In most patients, the nail on the big toenail is most affected.

What to do if a blister bursts?

Wet calluses with watery contents are often formed by prolonged rubbing of the skin against shoe elements. What happens to such a blister in the future? Most often it shrivels up, peels off, and the skin heals.

Why do my nails turn yellow and what to do?

The color of the nails is an indicator of the health of the body. Let's consider why yellow nails on hands and feet. Methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of this problem.

Ingrown callus

Among all kinds of dry calluses on the degree of prevalence is leading ingrown callus - this is an unpleasant growth, which usually appears in the area of the foot and brings its owner a lot of discomfort.

Itchy scrotum in men

Among diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, pruritus is separately identified in ICD-10, although it is a secondary symptom of dermatologic diseases.

Dry calluses on the hands

While a normal blister callus is formed due to friction, hard dry calluses on the hands - on the hands and fingers - have a slightly different origin and are treated differently.

Gray hair in children

Can a child have gray hair? Yes, they can. Why do they appear and what does it mean? It means that the hair follicles have low levels or no melanin, the pigment that colors the hair.

Cracked nails on hands and feet

Nails, like hair, should always be flawless - and this is an indicator not only of grooming, but also of a woman's overall health. But what to do if unforeseen problems appear - for example, a crack on the nail? Moreover, what to do, if no home methods do not help to cope with the attack?

Itchy feet - as a symptom of disease

Skin itching brings not only physical agony. Often it becomes the cause of psychological discomfort. After all, the symptom itself does not go away, forcing a person to dwell on the thought of how to relieve unpleasant sensations (not always and not everywhere it is comfortable to do this) and what they may be caused by

Itchy feet: treatment

Effective treatment of itching on the feet is impossible without an accurate diagnosis. After all, the treatment of insect bites is fundamentally different from the treatment of skin diseases, internal organs


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