Itchy feet - as a symptom of disease
Last reviewed: 07.06.2024

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Skin itching brings not only physical agony. Often it becomes the cause of psychological discomfort. After all, the symptom itself does not go away, forcing a person to dwell on the thought of how to relieve unpleasant sensations (not always and not everywhere it is comfortable to do so) and with what they may be caused. The last question is by no means rhetorical, and often it makes sense to address it to the medics. So, itching on the feet can have both non-pathological nature and represent a medical problem. And it is not always about dermatology, as is commonly believed among the general public.
Causes of the itchy feet
The causes of itchy feet are numerous, and they are often very ambiguous. And when you look in detail at the causes and causes of itching, more and more new things come to light. For example, as one of the common causes of itching is considered an allergic reaction. And at the same time, the allergic itching on the feet known to many can be caused by different reasons.
So what can trigger the appearance of allergic itching on the feet:
- household chemicals (they usually contain at least one allergen, and people sensitive to them may have a skin reaction as a result of skin contact with the substance, less often due to a systemic reaction to the allergen),
- ingestion and use of medicines (here too there can be 2 variants: skin itching can be caused both by ingestion or injection of medicine inside the body, and by its local application on the surface of the skin),
- synthetic clothing (this is a separate conversation, because allergies to synthetics occur quite often, especially in situations of hormonal restructuring or immune problems, for example, in pregnancy, allergy to capron tights can occur even in those who previously calmly used such a piece of clothing),
- Insect bites (it is no secret that in search of food flying and crawling bloodsucking insects often "wander" to the human skin, and after their visits on the body are reddened itchy spots),
- Care cosmetics (itching occurs if the product contains components, including substances of plant origin that can cause allergies)
- pet hair (this is a known allergen, like book or other dust, causing both a local reaction (fine hairs of pet hair irritate skin receptors and itching occurs) and a systemic, i.e. A direct allergic reaction),
- cold and sun (we learned about the existence of these types of allergies not so long ago, but they do exist),
- hypersensitivity to substances in the composition of food products (food allergy, like any other allergy can be manifested by itching of the skin in combination with other symptoms),
- allergy to flower pollen (this is a seasonal variant of allergy, so if the itching appeared during the flowering period, it is quite possible that it is related to this).
Itching on the legs often occurs after shaving - a grooming procedure, which recently resorted to both women and men. And here, too, everything is ambiguous, because itching is not caused not by shaving itself, but by certain aspects associated with it or its improper implementation.
Risk factors
Risk factors for the skin on your feet to become itchy after the procedure can be considered:
- allergy to aftershave products (soaps, gels, foams, creams, special strips on razors), which usually goes away when the product is replaced with another one,
- dry and flaky skin associated with the use of toilet and laundry soaps instead of special soothing and moisturizing shaving products,
- identical situation is observed with "dry" shaving, in the absence of lubrication, the machine irritates the skin, causing burning and itching,
- neglect of preparatory hygiene procedures (the skin should be pre-cleaned moisturize by taking a bath or shower),
- sloppiness during shaving (usually caused by rushing, which results in small cuts and wounds on the body that cause burning and itching),
- Blunt razor (this is a serious problem, causing traumatization of the skin, increasing the risk of infection, contributing to the disruption of normal hair development),
- hair ingrowth (following on from the previous point: using blunt blades and shaving against hair growth increases the risk of hair ingrowth under the skin and the development of inflammation in this area, often accompanied by itching).
Itching on the legs after the beach or solarium is also familiar to many sunbathers. And there are explanations for this phenomenon. The cause of itchy skin, including on the legs, can be:
- sunburn of any degree (with a mild burn will appear only redness and itching, with a stronger skin begins to bubble), which occurs with prolonged exposure to the sun without the use of cosmetic protective products with a level of protection appropriate to the skin type,
- The use of sunscreen gels, foams and creams that are not suitable in their composition,
- fungal infections, scabies - these are the troubles that can also be caught on the beach, where many people with different diseases and individual attitude to hygienic procedures rest, and these troubles are accompanied by itchy skin (the same diseases can be "brought" from the solarium, if employees neglect the requirements of hygiene and sanitation, do not carry out regular disinfection),
- sunbed sanitizing products that can also cause allergies and irritation to sensitive, dry skin,
- sun allergy (photodermatitis), caused by the body's inadequate response to ultraviolet radiation,
- incorrect timing (tanning after skin peeling and other cleansing procedures is strongly discouraged, as they deprive the skin of its natural protective barrier and make it more sensitive to environmental influences, including sunlight),
- Taking medications (some drugs can increase the sensitivity of the skin to sunlight, as a result, even with a short stay in the sun a person may have a slight burn, irritation and itching).
By the way, as for dry skin. Dry air irritates not only the respiratory tract, but also the skin, which requires additional moisturizing, which is signaled to us by the body with itching. Another nuisance is chlorinated water, which dries the skin no less than toilet soap, and together they create unsuitable conditions for the normal functioning of the epidermis.
Dehydration of the body can also be considered as one of the risk factors for itchy skin, affecting its condition. And, of course, do not forget about avitaminosis, most often occurring in the spring and winter period. Lack of vitamins and minerals involved in metabolic processes, simply can not help but affect the skin. It becomes dry, irritation, hyperemia and itching appear.
Sweating feet, wearing poor quality shoes and those that squeeze the feet, disturbing blood circulation in them, can be considered a risk factor for itchy feet and toes.
We have looked at non-pathological causes that cause itchy feet. In most cases, it is a skin irritation or an allergic reaction to certain substances. Such problems can be easily eliminated. In addition, it is easy to prevent itching in such situations.
But there is another list of causes that cause itchy feet, which can be far from easy to eliminate. After all, we are talking about serious diseases, without treatment of which the itching will not go away completely.
Pathologic causes that can cause skin itching include:
- Disorders of the nervous system (yes, some nervous diseases can be accompanied by itching on the feet, because all our sensations are associated with it),
- fungal infections (fungi are also allergens, and some of them, such as mold, can even increase the body's sensitivity to other allergens),
- Infectious skin lesions of bacterial etiology,
- diabetes mellitus, other endocrine diseases,
- varicose veins and other cardiovascular diseases,
- blood disorders and oncology.
Quite often, patients with kidney or liver disorders complain that the skin of the legs is itchy. Pak in liver pathologies, the skin usually acquires a yellowish color, itching of varying intensity, subcutaneous hemorrhages. In renal failure, the patient has skin rashes and intrusive skin itching.
It's amazing that such different causes can trigger the appearance of the same symptom. But what is even more interesting is that the pathogenesis of itchy feet can also be different. For example, if we are talking about microcuts and wounds on the skin, the culprit of itching may be an infection (or rather products of its vital activity, provoking allergic inflammation) or itching appears as a sign that the wound heals and begins to exfoliate keratinized areas.
In case of sweaty feet, an infection (most often fungal, which likes a moist and warm environment and multiplies quickly in it) also plays a major role. When wearing uncomfortable shoes, it is more about the violation of tissue trophics (respiration and nutrition) due to impaired blood circulation, because both oxygen and nutrients in the skin come with the blood. The condition of the skin worsens, dryness and itching occurs. Tight shoes also put pressure on the nerve endings, which can also be considered as one of the causes of this unpleasant symptom.
Itching in allergic reactions is caused by histamine, a neurotransmitter synthesized in the human body in response to the invasion of "foreign" bodies. It also contributes to the expansion of blood vessels, which explains the hyperemia of tissues, redness of the eyes and nose, red rash in allergic reactions.
By the way, itching at the site of an insect bite can also be provoked by histamine, if the "bloodsucker" injects it into the skin to dilate the capillaries (this makes it easier to eat). Allergies and itching can occur in response to the entry into the bloodstream of insect saliva or special "anesthetics" with which they anesthetize the sting site.
Itching on the legs with varicose veins has a different nature. The appearance of this symptom is associated, first, with stagnation of venous blood. This becomes the cause of trophic disorders of muscle tissue and skin, which necessarily affects its condition. Products of metabolism and cell decay (lactic acid, carbon dioxide, toxic substances) are now worse removed from the blood and accumulate in the tissues. As a result, swelling appears, the skin changes color, becomes drier, prone to irritation, peeling and itching appear.
Secondly, with varicose veins there is a change in the structure of the vessels. The enlarged veins squeeze the small capillaries in the skin, increasing the tension in them, and those in turn press on the nerve endings passing nearby, irritating them and causing severe itching on the legs.
Itchy feet in diabetes mellitus is a consequence of elevated blood glucose levels. Diabetes primarily destroys small blood vessels, and this leads to deterioration of the skin. Due to its excessive dryness, itching and small cracks appear (due to high blood sugar levels, they take a long time to heal), where infection can easily enter and cause increased itching.
Disturbed trophicity of skin tissues affects the state of nerve endings in it, which begin to inadequately assess the intensity of the stimulus and react violently even to light touch. Itching, as a response of skin receptors, occurs now for any reason.
If you use soaps and other products that cause dryness or aggressive cleansing procedures when the skin is dry and sensitive (which it becomes when you have diabetes), it only aggravates the situation. Itching intensifies, due to the loss of the natural protective barrier infection easily enters microcracks and activates in the body, there are itchy pustules. Here joins and the action of histamine, released in response to the penetration into the blood products of pathogens.
In other endocrine diseases, itching on the legs is not a characteristic symptom, but can also sometimes occur due to hormonal disorders. Hormonal changes in pregnancy and menopause affect the metabolic processes in the body, which in turn affects the condition of the skin. The cause of itching in this case will be its excessive dryness and flaking, tendency to irritation, etc.
Diseases of the gallbladder and liver, in which the outflow of bile is disturbed, are accompanied by an increase in the level of bilirubin, which in large quantities has a toxic effect on nerve cells. Bile pigment not only affects the color of the skin, but also becomes the culprit of itching on it.
In kidney diseases with impaired kidney function, swelling, changes in skin color and condition appear. Again, the skin becomes drier, and therefore whiter and more sensitive. The accumulation of fluid in the tissues causes tension of small vessels and squeezing of nerve endings, which only increases unpleasant sensations in the legs.
Itching in the legs may appear in leukemia (blood cancer), as well as in tumor processes with localization in the lower extremities and pelvis, internal organs. In a generalized tumor process, itching of the lower extremities is very common.
Blood diseases with impaired formation of red blood cells and platelets cannot but affect the skin, because it is the red blood cells that are responsible for oxygen transport. The skin in leukemia becomes dry, thin, too sensitive with regular small hemorrhages. Not surprisingly, one of the symptoms of leukemia is itching. Tumor processes cause compression of blood vessels and nerve fibers: tissue trophism worsens, sensitivity of nerve endings increases and they react inadequately to stimuli.
In nervous disorders, itchy feet are usually associated with an inadequate response of the CNS to the signals that come from the skin receptors. The reason for this is the state of neurons that are almost always in an excited state, which forces the CNS to be in a state of alert all the time, and in fact to be proactive.
According to statistics, with itching on the feet faced each of us. But the causes of this symptom were far from always the same. Most often, of course, we are talking about insect bites, especially when it comes to a child, allergic reactions, wounds and irritation, increased dryness of the skin as a result of hormonal changes, contact with "chemistry". But this does not mean that you can rule out other possible causes.
Here it is very important to pay attention not to a single symptom of itching on the legs, but to the whole complex of symptoms, the appearance of new alarming changes in the skin and in the general state of the body. This will help to diagnose the disease in time. After all, itching is an important signal of some health problems (minor or even dangerous), although it is not dangerous in itself, except for the possibility of skin tearing and infection.
Itchy skin is not a specific symptom characteristic of one disease. Therefore, it is impossible to judge the disease only by the fact that the foot itches. Itching occurs as a response to irritation of the skin receptors, but the cause of its causing in different diseases may be different. Different causes provoke the appearance of certain symptom complexes, which may include itching on the legs. But how to understand what disease we are talking about, and is it at all, this disease?
First, it is worth paying attention to other symptoms, whether the first signs of the disease or those manifestations of pathology that appear later itching. Secondly, it is not unreasonable to assess the nature of itching and its localization, because it can be a local symptom, for example, on the toes of the foot, and widespread (on the legs and abdomen or shins and thighs).
The nature of the itching
By the nature of itching, of course, you can not make a verdict on its cause and etiology. Strong, unbearable itching on the legs can be both in an insect bite, and in an allergic reaction (for example, to kapron) or internal diseases. Another thing is that with a bite and allergies - itching is one of the first symptoms. If the allergen is removed, the itching soon disappears and can only appear with subsequent exposure to a specific irritant.
With varicose veins, diabetes, leukemia, liver disease, hormonal and neuropsychiatric problems, fungal lesions, it takes much longer from the onset of the disease to the appearance of itching. The same can be said about wounds on the skin, which begin to itch already during healing.
A little more about the cause of itching can be told by other, related symptoms. Itching and small rashes on the feet is a symptom of many health problems. It is quite possible that it is the intrigues of midges during a vacation in nature, if a person has a very sensitive skin on the legs. In this case, a lot of red dots and itching on his feet are provided.
On the other hand, severe itching and peculiarly arranged red dots on the skin may indicate a parasitic infection, such as the introduction of a subcutaneous mite. If the itching on the legs intensifies at night, you can suspect a scabies mite, because such fluctuations in the intensity of the symptom is more characteristic of scabies. With insect bites itching is noted at different times of the day approximately the same intensity, just when it comes time to go to bed, it seems more annoying, and in fact, we just do not distract us from analyzing their own sensations.
If you are not a fan of outdoor recreation, then, most likely, the cause will have to be found inside the body. Red rashes on the legs with itching are characteristic symptoms of urticaria - a skin manifestation of an allergic reaction. In people with swarthy skin it may not appear so clearly, and in light-skinned people the body may be covered with many bright red small blisters. Urticaria is often combined with other symptoms: swelling of the lips and throat, mucous discharge from the nose, sneezing and other allergy symptoms.
Itching and blisters on the leg may also appear as a consequence of insect bites, which inject anesthetic and vasodilating substances under the skin. These substances are perceived by the body as foreign and can occur trivial allergic reaction: itching, redness, swelling of the bitten place. The sting of the insect and our skin is a haven for many microbes, which get the opportunity to penetrate into the micro-wound. The inflammatory reaction intensifies, first exudative with the appearance of a transparent bubble, and then into a purulent form.
Vesicles combined with itching can also be noticed at the site of activation of fungal infection (most often on the foot between the toes), especially if it is scratched. The appearance of a vesicular rash is also a symptom of contact or atopic dermatitis, which occurs with repeated contact with an allergen.
In eczema, there are itchy reddened areas that begin to become covered with a fine rash, cracking and festering.
In all these cases, there is redness and itching on the feet. But if there is no rash and the redness and itching occurs after sunbathing, you can say that you have overdone it. Vitamin D saturation and a beautiful tan are good, but in moderation. Prolonged exposure to the open sun (especially for fair-skinned people) causes skin burns, which is exactly what is manifested by redness and itching. If you look closely, you can see many small capillaries and hemorrhages.
Flaking and itching on the feet can also be the result of sunburn, but later, when the redness has subsided. Flaking can also be very dry skin, which is often seen after washing your feet with tap water containing chlorine. When flaking appears and itching, but not so pronounced.
Skin flaking can be a delayed symptom of fungal diseases such as shingles. In this disease, an itchy, well-defined, bright pink plaque first forms on the skin, which changes to a lighter color after treatment and begins to peel.
Swelling and itching of the legs are more likely to be characteristic of venous circulation disorders (e.g. Varicose veins) and diseases of the cardiovascular system (coronary artery disease). Diabetes mellitus can also cause small, hard-to-heal leg ulcers.
A purulent rash, indicating poisoning of the body, combined with swelling and itching of the legs may also appear in the case of kidney malfunction. If the rash is localized mainly on the inner thighs and groin area, an STI may be suspected. If rashes are seen on the thighs and buttocks, it is more likely to diagnose rubella, which can be contracted at any age, although meningococcal infection cannot be ruled out (pitting hemorrhagic rash may be accompanied by itching).
But the rash on the legs without itching is often a manifestation of blood and vascular diseases, it appears first on the abdomen, and then can spread in different directions. Rashes without itching can be a symptom of pseudotuberculosis or psoriasis.
It should be said that allergic rash is not always accompanied by itching, so this symptom is not indicative in this situation.
Localization of itching
In order to know what a person has pain, it is necessary to know at least approximately the localization of pain. The same situation with itching, which does not occur out of nowhere, but in response to some internal or external factors.
Itching on the legs - the concept is not specific, because the lower extremity is quite a large in its extent organ, and the symptom can appear in any of its places: on the buds, knees, shins, feet, fingers. In some diseases, to make a diagnosis helps to indicate even more specific details, for example, the inner or outer side of the thigh, closer to the knees or to the groin. These points are worth paying attention to when an unpleasant symptom appears, especially if it does not come alone.
Itching on the toes. This symptom can accompany various pathologies and situations when it is not a disease. It is only worth observing when it appears, how long it lasts, and find out what it is associated with. If the itching occurs immediately after taking off your shoes, it is likely that it is tight for you, squeezes the vessels and nerve endings, so there is itching, tingling, a feeling of running goosebumps, which quickly pass. Most often the big toe and little finger are affected, but the skin on top of the other toes can also itch, especially when the shoe is low.
Big toes can also itch in flat feet, when the bony skeleton of the foot is disturbed. Itching usually occurs in the later stages and is localized at the base of the big toe.
Itching between the toes, where the skin is more delicate and sensitive, can be a manifestation of an allergic reaction. It is often caused by detergents and the very material of clothing for the feet (socks, stockings, footprints). Allergies can be caused by an individual reaction to synthetics in the composition of knitwear, occurring both generalized and in the form of local reactions in the area of the fingers. The same reaction can occur to individual components of detergents (soaps, detergents). Sometimes the cause of itching and irritation of delicate skin is the aggressive effect of laundry detergents, if they were not completely washed off the clothes with water.
In people who neglect foot hygiene, itching between the toes may occur for this reason. When we wash our feet, we remove flaking scales, dirt, and germs from the surface of the skin, which can cause discomfort.
All this is not so terrible and is quite solvable by changing socks and stockings, regular foot hygiene, selection of comfortable shoes. Much worse, if itching is caused by skin diseases. Such localization of lesions is characteristic of psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatitis. However, they can appear in other places, accompanied by redness, cracking of the skin, peeling, etc., foci can disappear and reappear.
Another unpleasant cause of itchy feet between the toes is fungal infection, the risk of which increases with excessive sweating of the feet. A fungal infection is most often indicated by itching and an unpleasant odor coming from the feet. Other symptoms may include redness of the skin, rash, slight swelling, which often extends to the top of the foot, dryness of the soles, and cracking of the skin.
If itching is noted near the toenails, and the day before there were no situations of traumatization of the skin (scratching, pressure with shoes), there is a high probability that we are talking about nail fungus - onychomycosis. This is indicated by itching for several days, nail discoloration, brittleness, appearance of furrows and spots, unpleasant odor.
Itchy feet. It is most often associated with allergic diseases, although often such a symptom can be associated again with crushing the skin with shoes, especially thin straps or insect bites. Itching of the upper part of the foot, occurring once, is usually caused by poor circulation and skin irritation as a result of wearing uncomfortable shoes. But we can not exclude possible allergic reactions, if the skin has long been in contact with a fabric containing synthetic fibers or not rinsed out powder particles. In this case, reddened blisters may appear on the skin, which are very itchy.
If the itching does not go away for a long time, tormented regularly, and redness and then a rash begin to appear on the body, it is worth suspecting skin diseases. Most often we are talking about allergic or contact dermatitis, but we can not exclude and limited psoriasis, eczema, which can appear on one or both legs.
If severe itching continues for several months or years, but there are no serious alarming changes in the skin, except for redness and mild edema, it is likely that this is focal neurodermatitis with a nonspecific course (usually papules also appear).
If itching occurs on the lower part of the foot and is accompanied by increased dryness of the skin, its cracking, there may be 2 reasons: either a fungal infection, or a thyroid disorder that affects metabolism.
Itching of the upper part of the legs. Itching in the thighs, where the skin is quite delicate and sensitive, can have several different causes. It is caused by hyperhidrosis, and synthetic fabrics, and even rough seams of clothing that disrupt blood circulation in the skin. This is a favorite place for insect bites. Here also often appear boils (suppuration of hair follicles), irritation of which by clothing may be accompanied by itching and tingling.
Itching of the skin between the legs can be caused either by skin irritation from friction or by an allergy to synthetic tights (in women), which usually occurs between the thighs and in the toe area. If the skin appears peeling, itching, spots that turn red, crusted and cracked, you can suspect a fungal infection (eg, lichen planus). In the same way can declare themselves and skin diseases: eczema, psoriasis, neurodermatitis. Fungal infections and some STIs often cause itching on the inner thighs and groin.
Also, thighs can itch against the background of stress, neurosis, some mental disorders. When disorders of nervous regulation are accompanied by allergic reactions, a diagnosis of dermatitis is made.
If itching appears on the abdomen and legs - it can be both a manifestation of allergies and a signal to check your liver and gallbladder. Such localization of the symptom is characteristic of bile stagnation (cholestasis).
By the way, with cholestasis, itching often spreads to the thighs and the areas below the knees, which confuses the determination of the diseased organ. In general, the causes of itchy legs below the knees are also quite a lot, and not all of them are associated with diseases.
Calves and shins can itch in people due to insufficient water intake and dry skin, improper nutrition, contact with allergens and irritants, insect bites. Causes of itching can also be some pathologies of blood vessels, diabetes mellitus, liver, kidney, gallbladder diseases, the above skin diseases, allergic reactions. Quite often the cause of itching in the shins and calves is varicose veins, which usually develops most actively in the lower legs, although it can cause unpleasant symptoms in the thighs. With varicose veins on the legs can be seen bloated veins, nodules, vascular nets, with liver and kidney disease in connection with intoxication of the body may additionally appear rash, with allergies are usually formed itchy blisters.
Itching on legs above and below the knees often appears after hygienic procedures and depilation, which is associated with either allergy to the cosmetic and care products used, or with irritation of the skin, or rather sensitive receptors on its surface. Identical situation is observed in the cold season, when coming into a warm room begin to experience severe itching on the thighs, less often shins, especially on the front side of them. Usually the symptom goes away quickly.
Itchy skin on the hands and feet often torments patients with diabetes, with the lower legs and palms itching more often. With normal glucose values so may manifest generalized allergic reactions or cancer. But again, with redness and rashes should not exclude autoimmune processes (psoriasis, eczema) and fungal diseases, which can equally affect both hands and feet.
In urinary and biliary disorders, rashes and itching may appear not only on the legs, but also on other parts of the body.
Various types of rashes on the legs without itching are most likely manifestations of infectious lesions (in particular, intestinal infections) or metabolic disorders, although the same allergies are not always accompanied by itching. Rash can appear in infectious and viral damage to the body (as a consequence of intoxication), and itching is not always noted. The elements of the rash are often painful when touched.
As you can see, without a full medical examination, you can only suspect possible pathologies, but you can not make an accurate diagnosis just because you have itchy feet.
Itchy feet in pregnancy
Expectant mothers are usually very responsible for their health, sensitively monitor their well-being and simply can not miss such a symptom as itching on the legs, especially since in pregnancy it bothers many. It so happens that cause itching can cause the very processes that occur in the body of a woman who is ready to become a mother. Hormonal changes make her more sensitive to all sorts of irritating factors, so stressful situations can occur at every turn and provoke itching.
Not only that, the hormonal restructuring itself is a serious stress for the body, affecting the metabolic processes taking place in it. The mother's body insists primarily on the life support of the baby. Maternal blood, enriched with oxygen and nutrients, is sent to the fetus, the body of the young mom can experience oxygen and vitamin and mineral starvation. This affects the condition of the skin, which becomes dry. It starts to peel and itch.
During pregnancy there is an increased load on all internal organs, particularly the heart, kidneys and GI tract. As the fetus grows and the pregnant woman's weight increases, it becomes harder for the heart to pump blood, peripheral circulation disorders occur, which are aggravated by kidney problems. Experiencing an increased load of excretion of substances used by both mother and child, the kidneys are worse able to cope with their work, there is swelling of the legs, accompanied by itching, especially on the feet.
Some women with a genetic tendency have high blood sugar levels during pregnancy. Gestational diabetes may disappear on its own after childbirth, but before that it can cause a woman a lot of trouble, including itchy feet.
In most cases, itching in the lower extremities during pregnancy occurs as a consequence of increased fluid accumulation (edema) and an increase in body volume. The latter is associated with the appearance of stretch marks on the abdomen and thighs, which signal their appearance by the same symptom - itchy skin.
It would seem, why raise the question, if itching on the legs in pregnancy appears for natural reasons and does not harm neither the mother nor the child. Except that it brings a lot of unpleasant minutes, increasing irritability. In fact, everything is not so simple. In a pregnant woman, as in any other person, can be found and serious diseases in which itching is only one of many symptoms.
Hormonal and metabolic changes are a serious blow to the immune system, making the expectant mother more susceptible to infections and increasing the risk of allergic reactions. A woman may become allergic to synthetics, although she may have previously worn capron tights regularly and not thought about their composition. Allergies can occur to food, household chemicals, and external irritants (dust, pollen, etc.).
Pregnancy can increase the activity of sweat glands, which against the background of reduced immunity is a predisposing factor for the development of fungal infections. The processes occurring in the body of a pregnant woman can also provoke skin diseases, based on a predisposition to allergic reactions (eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis with its mysterious etiology).
In expectant mothers more often than in other people, liver disorders and congestion in the gallbladder occur. They are provoked by physiological processes, but this does not make it any easier, especially if you consider that these disorders are accompanied by itchy feet.
Be that as it may, but itching on the legs in pregnancy does not occur for nothing. This is a signal of various disorders, but whether they are physiological or have a pathological basis, only a specialist can say.
Itchy feet in a child
A child's development depends not only on good nutrition, physical activity and special classes. A big role in the normal functioning of the child's body is assigned to a full night (and for babies and daytime) sleep. But the child's sleep is just and broken in the first place at the appearance of itching on the legs, no matter what cause it was caused. And this is already a reason for parents to pay very close attention to such an ambiguous symptom.
The most common cause of itching in children is dermatitis, and in particular atopic dermatitis, which is associated with impaired barrier function of the skin. In children predisposed to this pathology, the first symptoms (dry skin and itching) occur in infancy. When scratching the skin is not it appears and rashes. Itching increases with increased air dryness, sweating of the child, under the influence of allergens, skin irritating detergents, due to infection.
Itching of the skin in a child and the appearance of red blisters on it (urticaria) is associated with an allergic reaction, which can be caused by food, taking certain medications. Allergic reaction in children can occur and as a response to insect bites. Children have delicate, thin skin, attracting all sorts of bloodsuckers, which in turn, when stung in addition to saliva release specific analgesics and peripheral vasodilators, which cause a violent allergic reaction in the baby. The nervous and immune system of the child is in the formation stage, so the reactions may be inadequate to the strength of irritation, i.e. Excessive.
Unsuitable detergents and hygiene products, the application of unsuitable cosmetics and medicines to the baby's skin, contact with certain plants and metals are the causes of contact dermatitis, which is based on a local allergic reaction. If the skin of the feet has come into contact with an allergen, itching on the feet and the appearance of a rash on them can be expected, intensifying the first symptom.
Itching on the legs, especially in infants in the crease area, may be a symptom of sweating caused by excessive sweating, overheating of the child or poor hygiene.
In children, not less often, and even more often than in adults, the cause of itchy feet are bacterial, viral and fungal infections, skin diseases. In some cases, itching on the legs (especially close to the buttocks) is a nonspecific symptom indicating infection with helminths.
Some children have so-called aquagenic itching, a disorder of unknown etiology, which is manifested by severe itching of the skin after contact with water. The duration of the symptom can vary greatly and can last up to 2 hours. No external changes are noted on the child's skin.
Despite their young age, children can also have problems with the kidneys, gallbladder, liver, and endocrine organs. They are also diagnosed with various blood diseases, including oncology. And all these disorders can be accompanied by itchy feet.
Since the child due to insufficient independence is defenseless against many negative environmental factors, it is especially hard to bear various psychotraumatic situations. In this case, psychogenic itching may be one of the easiest manifestations of stress, much worse when children shut themselves in, stop talking, start thinking about suicide.
Itchy skin can indicate not only the experience of a severe psychotraumatic situation, but also about possible mental abnormalities: the development of depression against the background of constant nervous tension, anxiety disorders as one of the symptoms of childhood neuroses, obsessive-compulsive disorder, various phobias.
Self-identify the cause of itching in a child is very difficult, because it is not always possible to achieve even a clear explanation of the sensations. In addition, often children themselves strengthen the symptom, unable to restrain their impulses to scratch the itchy place. So it is impossible to do without a doctor's examination, especially if the symptom does not go away for several days.
Diagnostics of the itchy feet
Since itching on the legs can be caused by various conditions and causes, and the symptom itself in many diseases is not specific, ie, does not immediately suggest the most likely diagnosis, the diagnosis of this phenomenon requires a comprehensive approach to its implementation. With such a problem it is best to consult a dermatologist, especially if the skin in addition appear focal redness, rashes, swelling, cracking, peeling, because most often itching appears in skin diseases. Dermatologist examines the patient and makes conclusions about the need for consultation with other specialists: neurologist, allergist, therapist, urologist, phlebologist, endocrinologist and so on.
First, the doctor gets acquainted with the patient's medical history, because this is often where the true cause of the disease can be found, which is hidden in the predisposition to certain pathologies, transmitted from parents. In addition, the diseases suffered in early childhood can also about the propensity to certain diseases and reactions.
During the physical examination of the affected area, the doctor asks the patient about what preceded the appearance of itching or rash, how and when the itching appears, what is its intensity, whether it increases at night, whether there are other suspicious symptoms that appeared during this period.
All of these activities provide the physician with a guideline of which direction to take the diagnosis and which physicians should do it.
The following tests may be administered to the patient due to itchy feet and its most likely causes:
- Clinical blood tests and biochemistry to assess the likelihood and strength of the infectious process. They also allow you to suspect (but not confirm!) anemia or certain cancers.
- General urinalysis (helps to assess the condition of the urinary system, and in particular the kidneys). Together with blood tests, it helps to assess the degree of intoxication of the body.
- Stool analysis. It will show the presence of certain types of helminths and assess the condition of the biliary tract and liver (even the color of the feces changes in case of diseases).
- If there are rashes on the skin, wetting, cracking, you can suspect a fungal infection and other non-infectious skin diseases. To understand the nature of the disease helps to scrape from the diseased area. Analyzing the biomaterial with a positive result will help to determine the type of infection. With psoriasis, scraping allows you to differentiate the disease from others with similar manifestations (there will be pinpoint hemorrhages under the plaque).
- If an allergy is suspected, an allergist will order special tests to identify the allergen.
- Since the cause of itchy feet can be diabetes mellitus, a blood sugar test is necessary to rule out or confirm the diagnosis.
- In pregnancy and suspected hormonal cause of abnormalities, a sex hormone test and sometimes thyroid hormone testing may be ordered.
In addition to a variety of tests in different combinations, the patient is prescribed other studies. Instrumental diagnosis of itching in the legs can be prescribed by other specialists in case of suspected diseases of internal organs and vessels: X-ray and ultrasound examination, computer and magnetic resonance imaging, endoscopic examination of diseased organs, etc.
Differential diagnosis
Differential diagnosis is carried out between allergic reactions, infectious diseases and skin diseases of non-infectious nature. By the nature of the rash and other symptoms are judged about possible pathologies of internal organs, the condition of the skin - metabolic disorders and digestive disorders. Sometimes to determine the true cause of itching, it is necessary to take into account the opinion of different doctors who have carefully studied the results of laboratory and instrumental examinations, anamnestic data and existing symptoms.
Complications and consequences
Itching on the feet, although noticeably impairing the quality of life, is still a relatively safe symptom. If it were not for the discomfort it causes, it could be ignored for a long time. But perhaps it is good that the symptom does not go unnoticed, because behind it can hide and dangerous diseases.
Itching is a reaction of our body to negative influences from outside or disturbances within it. In either case, there is something to think about. For example, allergic itching is a reason to identify the cause of allergies and avoid them in the future. If this is not done, the symptoms will worsen. Complications of allergies can be considered as the accession of infection at the site of combing itchy foci, as well as the development of anaphylactic reactions, Quincke's edema, the emergence of a reaction to new allergens, the development of bronchial asthma.
No less dangerous is considered to ignore diseases of the liver, kidneys, gallbladder, which become inflamed, worse perform their functions, and this in turn leads to disorders of digestion and urination, causes disorders in the composition of the blood, intoxication of the body. In severe situations, a person may not even be saved.
Itching can be a signal of high blood glucose, which a person may not be aware of. If nothing is done, diabetes mellitus rapidly progresses, causing deterioration of vision and development of severe eye diseases, development of cardiovascular diseases, kidney disorders, damage to the nervous system, impaired blood circulation in the legs and related diseases, the appearance of long non-healing (trophic) ulcers, disorders of genitourinary function, etc.
Itching on the legs with blood and vascular diseases is a reason to seriously think about further life and possible treatment. Oncological diseases are very difficult to stop, especially in the late stages, so the earlier they are detected, the more chances a person has for recovery. If it is not oncology, it makes sense to take therapeutic measures that will improve the quality of life in the chronic course or lead to recovery in the acute. Ignoring the itching, you can bring the disease to the state from which there is no return to a full life.
It is especially important to pay attention to such a symptom in young children, because the child's body is not yet able to clearly coordinate all its functions, so many immune reactions turn out to be excessive, and often life-threatening.
Since itching has no definite cause, avoiding which you can be sure that the symptom will never appear, it makes sense to talk about a whole set of preventive measures. Adhering to the recommendations, you can reduce the likelihood of the appearance of a distressing symptom:
- In order to avoid drying out of the skin and the appearance of itching on this ground it is necessary to maintain an optimal water balance. Doctors and nutritionists believe that the average person needs to drink an average of 2-2.5 liters of fluid per day. During hot days and physical activity, this amount may be more, because water evaporates as part of sweat. A humidifier can be used indoors to keep the skin optimally moisturized.
- Proper foot skin care with moisturizing creams and milks on hot days helps to keep the skin optimally hydrated.
- Water hygiene procedures are good for the body, but frequent washing of the skin with tap water and soap only worsens its condition. Hot water also has a bad effect on the skin, removing the protective oily film, which actually helps to retain fluid. It is enough to take a shower or bath 1-2 times a day, after which it is necessary to lubricate the skin with a moisturizer.
- When choosing care cosmetics, pay attention to their composition. The less aromatic additives, alcohol, dyes and substances that can cause allergies, the better. Cosmetics containing omega-3 fatty acids reduce unpleasant manifestations of eczema.
- The same can be said for body washes. The less chemicals in them, the better. But this does not mean that you should wash yourself strictly with laundry soap (which, by the way, is very drying to the skin). Choosing natural products should be careful that their composition was not components that cause you allergies. Children's products (soaps, lotions, oils) can be considered ideal in this regard.
- The skin is constantly undergoing renewal processes that are invisible to us. We notice them in the form of exfoliation of the upper layer of the epidermis. Exfoliation is often accompanied by itching, and to get rid of it is enough to carry out a gentle pilling with the help of special means. But combing the skin, rubbing with hard washcloths, etc. Only aggravates the situation, so you should refrain from it.
- When washing clothes, use detergents with a minimum of fragrances and other harmful substances that can cause skin irritation and allergic reactions. Even if you rinse your clothes thoroughly, they can remain in the fabric. This is especially dangerous if the fabric comes into contact with wet or sweaty skin.
- It is very important to choose the right clothing, especially if you have sensitive skin and are prone to allergies. Synthetic fabrics, creating a greenhouse effect, do not contribute in any way to skin health. And synthetics in socks is one of the risk factors for the development of foot and toe fungus.
- Footwear as footwear should also be natural wherever possible to prevent your feet from sweating. But even all-natural shoes will not prevent sweaty feet if worn out of season. By choosing the right shoe size, you can avoid squeezing the foot and disturbing the blood circulation in it, which can be accompanied by itching.
- It is also worth paying attention to your diet. Alcohol, spicy and sweet dishes increase the risk of itchy skin and even intensify this already unpleasant symptom.
Vitamins C, E and A should be present in the diet in sufficient quantities. And B vitamins will be beneficial not only for the skin, but also for the health of the nervous system, which will reduce the likelihood of nervous itching.
Omega-3 acids in foods (nuts, fatty fish, herbs) are an important element to ensure optimal skin hydration (without weight gain) and help prevent inflammation in the skin.
If for some reason the food on your table can not provide the needs of the skin, it is worth taking multivitamin and vitamin-mineral complexes.
- Stresses can provoke and intensify itchy feet, so they should be avoided by any means possible. People with a labile nervous system should be interested in psychological and psychotherapeutic practices that will teach to cope with irritation, depression, aggression, keep calm read in any situation.
- Prevention of itching on the legs due to insect bites will be the use of protective creams, sprays, insect repellents. It is especially important to apply such protection during walks and outdoor recreation, which are simply necessary for health.
- People who have food allergies should try to make their diet so that there are no allergens in it, even if they really want to.
- Unpleasant sensations on the skin of the feet can cause both frequent water procedures and a long absence of them. Hygienic procedures should be carried out regularly, because the cause of itching on the skin can be dirt and germs.
- An important part of preventing itchy feet and toes is to wear only your own shoes. This reduces the chance of getting foot fungus or passing it on to others.
Since itching is a symptom of many diseases, if it appears, it is not unreasonable to consult a doctor. If unpleasant sensations pass within 1-2 days, there is nothing to worry about. But itching for several days, especially if it is accompanied by redness, rashes, swelling of the skin - it is already an alarming symptom that should be reported to a doctor.
In any case, itchy feet will not go unnoticed, and everything depends only on our reaction to it. Someone prefers to scratch and do nothing else, others run to the doctor for any reason. Do not go to extremes, but to ignore the alarm bell is also unwise.
Since itchy feet can be caused by various reasons and can be one of the symptoms of a disease, it is possible to make any prognosis only after a definitive diagnosis. The prognosis of treatment also depends on the cause of itching. In insect bites, homeopathic remedies or folk treatments are often enough to make the symptom go away irrevocably. When it comes to allergies, the simplicity of its treatment is relative, because in order to prevent the situation from repeating it will be necessary to carefully avoid repeated contact with the allergen.
The situation is the same with eczema, which recurs every time the skin comes into contact with an irritant. But the appearance of cracks and wounds on the skin can worsen the prognosis because of the risk of infection.
Some diseases are chronic, and itching will appear periodically even despite systematic treatment. Such diseases include diabetes mellitus, psoriasis, kidney and liver failure. In these cases, reducing the intensity of itching is just a way to slightly improve the quality of life of the patient.
The prognosis for the treatment of nervous itching depends entirely on the state of the nervous system. No medication will not help if a person is constantly exposed to stress, irritability, experiences strong emotional distress.
As for pregnancy, itching on the legs usually disappears after childbirth, when the hormonal background, metabolism and nervous system of the young mom normalizes.