


Nail plate burn

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 07.06.2024

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To date, nail plate burn is considered a fairly common problem, which is associated with mass manicure and pedicure procedures involving the use of chemicals and ultraviolet lamps. Improperly conducted procedure, the use of too aggressive preparations, excessive sensitivity of the body - this is not a complete list of possible causes of burn damage to the nails. In this article we will consider all the possible risks and find out how you can prevent the problem or treat an already formed nail burn. [1]

Causes of the nail plate burn

Even the use of seemingly high-quality and modern means and devices for manicure does not exclude the danger of burning nail plates. For example, ultraviolet light from the lamp can severely damage the nails. The problem is not only the appearance of pain, but also in the occurrence of various pathologies such as delamination or infection.

Tissue sensitivity is different for all people. There are people who never encounter allergies in their lives, and there are those who are hypersensitive to almost any irritant. Among such provoking factors - not only food, pollen and animal hair, but also chemicals and ultraviolet rays. Hypersensitivity makes itself known by reddening of the skin, its peeling, even with a short contact with the irritant.

In addition to hereditary predisposition, hypersensitivity can be "spurred" by the following factors:

  • Composition of gel varnish, quality and quantity of components for polymerization of the substance under UV exposure.
  • Taking some drugs with photosensitizing effect (some non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antihistamines, diuretics, antibiotics).
  • Consumption of alcoholic beverages the day before and before the manicure procedure.
  • Use of incompatible cosmetics, essential oils, creams, perfumes.
  • Consumption of certain foods such as chocolate, nuts, citrus fruits, coffee, foods with lots of synthetic additives.

The above risk factors can be supplemented by general diseases, infectious and inflammatory processes in the body, disorders of the endocrine system, pathologies of the liver and kidneys, hematopoietic system.

Symptoms of the nail plate burn

  • A nail plate burn from a nail drying lamp or from the nail polish used can occur either immediately after the procedure or a little later - for 1-2 hours. The picture of the lesion can be different, depending on whether it is a thermal or chemical burn. The most common symptoms are as follows:
  • burning sensation (from mild to severe, unbearable);
  • change in the color shade of the plate (redness, yellowing, darkening);
  • The appearance of swelling, bumps, blisters in the nail area;
  • redness of the periungual area, skin detachment and peeling;
  • pain under the nails, in the area of the pads of the fingers;
  • various types of rashes on the fingers.

Burn of the nail plate after gel polish begins with a sensation of heat under the nail, which gradually increases and turns into acute soreness, centered in the area of the lesion.

If we are talking about a burn of the nail plates on the toes, then a person begins to feel considerable discomfort when putting on shoes, walking, standing (including barefoot).

Chemical burn of the nail plate after shellac is usually accompanied by a change in the color of the affected nails, most often they turn yellow. Sometimes there are spots, lightening, or unnaturally dark areas on the plates. However, such changes can be seen only when applying a transparent coating or light base. In other cases, to notice these signs under the layers of gel-lacquer is not possible.

Thermal burn of the nail plate during a manicure is manifested by reddening of the subnail and peri-nail area, the appearance of a small papular rash that turns into blisters. In mild cases, there is only slight redness and peeling of the skin.

Complications and consequences

What are the consequences of a nail burn? In cases of complications, it can be purulent inflammation of subcutaneous fatty tissue, abscess, gangrene. Infectious processes (fungal, bacterial) at the local level develop in more than 20% of cases, which significantly slows tissue healing and worsens the prognosis.

In order to prevent the development of complications, it is necessary:

  • avoid any mechanical impact on the area of nail plates and fingers;
  • Wear protective mittens or gloves when cleaning or cooking;
  • do not use household cleaning products;
  • Do not allow alcohol and other aggressive solutions to come into contact with fingers.

It is important to see a doctor in time. This will reduce the risks of aggravation of the process and return the nails to a healthy state sooner.

Diagnostics of the nail plate burn

In the vast majority of cases, the diagnosis of nail plate burns can be made already at the stage of visual examination by a specialist. In the course of a complete clinical examination, the doctor assesses the condition of the nails, determines the degree of damage and the risks of unfavorable consequences. In rare cases, additional diagnostic measures may be required:

  • nail bed capillary study;
  • Osipov chromatography-mass spectrometry;
  • scraping and culture for fungal infection;
  • determination of microelemental composition of nails;
  • dermatoscopy.

As a rule, diagnosis is not difficult: an experienced doctor will suspect a burn on the basis of the clinical picture and anamnesis (a burn is necessarily preceded by manicure or pedicure procedures).

Who to contact?

Treatment of the nail plate burn

Since burning and unpleasant sensations in most cases occur while drying the nails under the lamp, the most common suspicion is a thermal burn of the nail plate. However, it is not always about thermal damage. Often the "culprits" are acidic components - primers, which are used to better connect the base with the nail plate. In this situation, a combination of high concentration of acids and ultraviolet irradiation leads to a burn. The use of cheap products with inexpensive but dangerous substances in their composition also adds risks.

The risk of getting burns is significantly increased with incorrect dosage of ultraviolet light, with excessively thin nail plates, exceeding the duration of drying.

What to do? A complex burn of the nail plate can be cured only with the help of doctors. Regeneration terms and prognosis depend on the degree of tissue damage, on the timeliness of seeking medical help.

The first action when a burn is suspected is to remove the covering of the nail plate, which is necessary to determine the extent of the lesion. A cold bath is used to lower the temperature of the damaged tissues and relieve pain.

The burned area must be treated with antiseptic (not alcohol) to prevent the attachment of fungal and other infections.

How to treat a nail plate burn? Specialists recommend adhering to the following recommendations:

  1. Treat fingers with an alcohol-free antiseptic (e.g., Chlorhexidine).
  2. Apply any wound-healing preparation (Solcoseryl) to the area of the nail plate and near it.
  3. Take an anti-allergy medicine (Suprastin, Eden, L-Cet, etc.).
  4. In case of large-scale tissue damage, antibiotic therapy may be used.

A podologist or dermatologist should treat the burn. In complex cases of extensive burn lesions, surgical intervention may be required.

At the stage of tissue repair, you can apply sea buckthorn oil to the nail plates to soften and accelerate healing. Baths with herbal infusions have a good effect. Most often recommended to use calendula, St. John's wort, sage, oak bark, chamomile.


To prevent getting burned nail plate, experts recommend:

  • only use certified ultraviolet drying devices;
  • avoid taking potentially photosensitizing medications before visiting a nail salon;
  • avoid alcohol consumption, as well as products - potential allergens that can aggravate the course of an allergic reaction.

Choosing a master of manicure, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the cost of the service. It is important to note a number of criteria:

  • proper disinfection of instruments;
  • use of quality working materials;
  • sufficient skill level;
  • availability of certificates.

You should not hesitate to ask the master any questions you may have. A qualified specialist usually has nothing to hide and will gladly give the necessary information and advice.


Nail plate burns can be mild, moderate or severe. In order for the doctor to adequately determine the extent and severity of tissue damage, you should come to the appointment with the nails in their natural state, without applied coatings and products.

As a rule, a burn wound heals completely within a few months, provided that all medical recommendations are followed. The most reliable treatment is complete nail renewal with concurrent conservative therapy. After successful wound healing, the initial application of simple reinforcing coatings that do not require UV drying is allowed. The use of nourishing oils, including essential oils, will also be beneficial.

To improve the prognosis, it is recommended to adjust the diet, add products with a high content of calcium, zinc, iron. Special attention should be paid to the consumption of dairy products, seafood, hard cheese, vegetables. If patiently and carefully follow all the recommendations of the attending physician, then the burn of the nail plate will eventually disappear without a trace.

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