



A gastrectomy is a surgical procedure in which some or all of the stomach tissue is removed.


A nephrostomy is a surgically created hole or catheter that connects the kidney to the outside of the body through the abdominal wall.

Laser vision correction

Laser vision correction is a surgical procedure that uses laser irradiation to reshape the cornea (the clear front surface of the eye) to improve vision

What is phalloplasty?

Phalloplasty is the correction and/or reconstruction of the male penis through surgery. The need for this plastic surgery may arise for various reasons.

Wart removal with Surgitron

Surgitron device is successfully used in many branches of medicine. Most specialists speak about it as an effective, fast and almost painless method of correction of various defects and removal of neoplasms on the body.

Removal of warts by electrocoagulation

Warts are quite a serious problem for many people, especially when they are located on exposed parts of the body. Unpleasant looking growths worsen the appearance, become a cause of insecurity, so most of their owners seek, by all means, to get rid of unaesthetic nodules.

Testicular appendage removal

At certain factors (trauma, inflammatory and tumor processes) may raise the question of removal of the testicular appendage: it is a rare operation, which is prescribed in case of ineffectiveness of prolonged conservative treatment.

Testicular cyst removal surgery

Testicular cyst removal is one of the common surgeries performed mostly on men aged 45 years and older. A cyst is a malignant hollow neoplasm. As a rule, the cyst is filled with liquid exudate.


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