

Wart removal with Surgitron

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 07.06.2024

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Surgitron device is successfully used in many branches of medicine. Most specialists describe it as an effective, fast and almost painless method of correction of various defects and removal of neoplasms on the body. It is also convenient that the removal of warts Surgitron can be easily performed in an outpatient clinic: there is no need for long-term hospital observation, and the patient almost immediately after the procedure goes about his business. [1]

Indications for the procedure

Surgitron is a modern radiosurgical device manufactured by the American corporation Ellman International. It is actively used in practice not only by surgeons, but also by gynecologists, dermatologists, cosmetologists, urologists, proctologists and even traumatologists. The functional principle of the Surgitron is the electrode transmission of a radio signal capable of vaporizing intracellular fluid. The high-frequency flux is absorbed by the fluid, so adjacent organs and tissues are not damaged.

Removal of warts Surgitron - not the only purpose of the device. It is also used to remove:

  • papillomas;
  • birthmarks (nevi);
  • acute condylomas;
  • keratomas, fibromas;
  • hyperplasia of adipose tissue;
  • molluscum contagiosum.

In addition, if necessary, Surgitron is used for radiofrequency biopsy, for treatment of fissures of the anus, for plasty of the nail bed in case of ingrown nail problems. In gynecology, Surgitron is used to treat cervical erosion, hypertrophic processes and dysplasia, scarring.


The procedure of wart removal by Surgitron does not require any preliminary preparation: the patient can come and go independently, regular supervision of the surgeon is not required. Diet and daily regimen are normal.

Technique of the surgitron wart removal

The Surgitron wart removal procedure does not take long and lasts from a few minutes to half an hour, depending on the number and size of the growths. The complete removal process can be viewed step by step:

  • the skin is treated with an antiseptic solution;
  • local anesthesia is carried out according to a pre-prepared scheme;
  • After a couple of minutes, when the anesthetic has taken effect, the doctor will proceed directly to the removal;
  • holding the tip of the Surgitron device, he starts the device and uses the circular waveguide to remove the wart from the skin;
  • If further histological examination is necessary, the growth is removed whole under the root, and if histology is not expected, the neoplasm can be vaporized layer by layer;
  • The doctor can then trim the wound surface using a special balloon waveguide;
  • complete the removal of warts Surgitron treatment of the wound and nearby tissues with antiseptic solution.

Surgitron wart removal for children

The Surgitron device is successfully used to remove warts in pediatric practice. The most common cause of wart growths in children is HPV - papillomavirus. It can get into the child's body at a very early age, and it manifests itself only after several years. Less common causes are:

  • fungal infection;
  • wearing tight, unventilated shoes;
  • increased sweating;
  • meager, monotonous meals;
  • frequent infectious skin lesions.

Removal of warts Surgitron in children is possible only when the child will understand the essence of the procedure and can calmly wait for its completion. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the presence of contraindications to the use of the device.

Contraindications to the procedure

Surgitron wart removal should not be planned if the patient has the following contraindications:

  • prolonged high blood pressure, decompensated conditions;
  • diabetes;
  • acute cardiac or cerebral circulatory disorders;
  • epilepsy;
  • infectious and inflammatory diseases;
  • viral infections (including herpes);
  • a cold with an elevated body temperature;
  • allergic processes;
  • skin diseases in the area of the procedure.

Surgitron should not be used if the patient has a pacemaker or other electrical sensors and devices.

Consequences after the procedure

After completing the removal of the wart with Surgitron, the doctor gives the patient recommendations for further care of the wound surface. If you follow all the advice of the doctor, negative consequences are almost completely excluded. The crust on the site of the former wart falls off on its own on about 5-10 days, exposing a small light spot, which will become almost invisible in a few weeks or months.

You can't:

  • trying to tear or pick at the crust;
  • to wet the wound;
  • sunbathing or bathing until the crust falls off and the wound heals.

The essence of the procedure is a radio wave non-contact operation with excision and coagulation of tissue, which explains its safety. The skin in the area of removal tightens quickly, leaving no visible scars and traces "in memory".

Complications after the procedure

After removal of warts completely excludes the development of such "classic" complications, such as infection, inflammation, the formation of a rough scar or scar. However, if you violate the rules of the rehabilitation period, some troubles are still possible.

For example, if you peel off the crust from the Surgitron site beforehand, you will expose a wound that has not yet healed. This is where infection can enter, which will later make itself known by swelling, redness, and discharge. If you accidentally peeled off the crust, see a doctor: most likely, it will have to be treated regularly with special antiseptic solutions to prevent the development of complications. In addition to the inflammatory process, after the violent tearing off of the scab, there is an increased risk of scar formation on the skin.

Care after the procedure

After removing warts with Surgitron, the body needs to recover as after any other surgical procedure. The only difference is that the rehabilitation period is short, easy and, as a rule, without complications. If, however, within 1-2 weeks after the intervention begins to bother any unpleasant signs, you need to contact the specialist who performed the removal.

Standard tips after removing warts with Surgitron will help prevent the appearance of negative consequences and accelerate recovery:

  • For 1-2 weeks, make sure that the crust from the place of the former wart did not come off prematurely, so minimize traumatization of the damaged area, wear comfortable clothes and shoes that will not rub.
  • After removing a wart with Surgitron, do not take a bath, do not visit a swimming pool, sauna or sauna, do not swim in open water. Take a shower, having previously sealed the site of the damage with a moisture-resistant bactericidal plaster. These restrictions apply until the wound is completely healed.
  • Until the time of healing, do not tan, do not visit a tanning salon to avoid the appearance of a pigmented spot in the area of wart removal.
  • During the rehabilitation period, refrain from massage procedures, cosmetic wraps if they affect the area of the injury.
  • Do not use scrubs on the area of the former wart, do not exfoliate until the wound has completely healed.
  • For the first three or five days, rub the crust with chlorhexidine, or wash with a solution of furacilin or potassium permanganate.
  • To accelerate the recovery of the skin, you can apply therapeutic creams Bepanthen or D-Panthenol.

Surgitron wart removal reviews

Most patients are satisfied with the result after removing warts with Surgitron and note the numerous advantages of this method:

  • removal is relatively painless, with only slight discomfort present;
  • the wound at the site of the removed wart quickly heals;
  • there are no burns after Surgitron removal;
  • the action of the device does not affect the neighboring healthy tissues;
  • biological material (wart or its fragments) obtained during the operation can be sent for histological analysis;
  • the intervention takes place with minimal risk of infection and no blood loss;
  • After using the Surgitron, there is no need for a long recovery period or hospital stay.

Among other things, wart removal with Surgitron is affordable. However, when choosing a clinic for the procedure, it is necessary to focus not only on reviews, but also on the experience and qualifications of specialists, on the availability of modern equipment, on the infectious safety of patients (all aseptic and antiseptic rules should be carefully observed, single-use consumables should be used).

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