Treatment of breast cysts
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Treatment of the breast cyst can be done with the help of both traditional (official) medicine and alternative medicine.
When treating breast cysts, its dimensions are taken into account:
- With multiple cysts of small sizes, conservative treatment with the appointment of anti-inflammatory, resorptive, as well as drugs that contribute to the normalization of the hormonal background of women. Small cysts are considered small, which, as a rule, are not palpable and are determined during ultrasound examination of the mammary gland or mammography.
- The mammary gland cyst that is well palpated when examined by a doctor and measures 15 millimeters or more is subject to puncture. With the help of a puncture needle, the contents of the cyst are sucked away, and special substances (air or ozone) are introduced into its cavity, promoting gluing of its walls, which prevents its recurrence.
- In cases of relapse cysts, suspicions of tumor formation inside the cyst (about 1%), with the ineffectiveness of conservative therapy (especially with multi-chamber cysts), the question of surgical removal is being solved.
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Alternative treatment of breast cysts
Alternative treatment of breast cysts is used after consultation of a mammalian doctor and a confirmed diagnosis after ultrasound examination of the breast or mammography. Most often, alternative methods are used for cysts of small size, not complicated and requiring no surgical intervention.
For the treatment of cysts of the breast, the following alternative medicine is used.
- Tincture from the root of burdock. To make it, you need 10 grams of burdock root (pre-chopped), pour boiling water (one glass - 200 ml), close tightly and insist for three hours. Use tincture one tablespoon three times a day before eating until the cyst disappears.
- Tincture of St. John's wort. Prepared the following way - twenty grams of dried herb St. John's wort is poured with boiling water (200 ml), cooled and in a warm form is imposed on the projection area of the cyst in the mammary gland.
- Lotion of grated beets. You need to rub two hundred grams of red beet on a small grater and warm it in a water bath, after adding a few tablespoons of table vinegar (9%). The lotion is placed before bedtime in the projection area of the cysts for ten days.
- The cabbage leaf is smeared with butter and applied before going to bed on the mammary gland, from above it is necessary to put on a bra made of natural fabric.
- Ointment from celandine and melted butter. To make it, mix the celandine and ghee in equal parts, after which the mammary gland is lubricated for four hours and washed off.
- Sunflower oil and garlic is ingested one teaspoon before meals during the month.
- Grated fresh carrots are superimposed on the mammary gland in the form of lotion, which is changed a couple of times a day.
- The use of mushroom chaga. Fresh mushroom must be grated and poured with warm water in a ratio of one to five. They insist for two days and drink three glasses a day.
Often, alternative drugs successfully complement the treatment of breast cysts, which is prescribed by traditional medicine. If the alternative treatment of the breast cyst does not show any positive results and there is a worsening of the condition (the cyst does not resolve, increases in size, inflames, pain appears), it is necessary to stop self-treatment and seek the help of a specialist.
Preparations for the treatment of breast cysts
As conservative therapy, the following drugs are used to treat breast cysts, either individually or in combination:
- Homeopathic preparations.
- Mastodinone is a complex homeopathic preparation containing vegetable components: a colorful motif (iris), a European cyclamen (alpine violet), chilibuha ignation, a stalker with a fossil head, a tiger lily and a vitex sacred (prutnyak). Form release - tablets and drops. Its action is based on a decrease in increased production of the hormone prolactin, resulting in a decrease in the pathological proliferation of cellular elements in the mammary gland and, as a consequence, the prevention of fibrocystic mastopathy. Take Mastodinone in the morning and evening before eating one tablet or 30 drops for three months.
- Mastiol Edas - 927 (granules) and Mastiol Edas - 127 (drops) - homeopathic remedies containing in their composition such components as calcium fluoride, potassium iodate, creosote, silicea, conium, thuya. Take one dose 2-3 times a day (for granules) and five drops (one dose) 3 times a day, regardless of food intake. The course of therapy is three months.
- Mastopol is a homeopathic remedy often used in multiple or diffuse fibrocystic mastopathies. Take under the tongue of one tablet three times daily before meals, for two months.
- Biologically active additives (phytopreparations).
- Indinol (Indinol-3-carbinol) - contains extract from plants of the cruciferous family (cauliflower, broccoli). Promotes the normalization of the balance of estrogen hormones in the body of a woman and suppresses, thus, the pathological proliferation of breast cells. Also selectively promotes the death of altered cells with increased proliferative activity. Produced in capsules, use one - two capsules with meals one to two times a day for three to six months.
- Klamin - a complex of active substances derived from seaweed (laminar). It has antioxidant, anticarcinogenic, immunocorrecting action. Reduces the proliferative activity of tissues, especially the breast. Take one tablet or two capsules three times a day during meals during the month.
- Phytolone is an alcohol solution based on extracts obtained from their fir needles and brown algae. It has antioxidant, immunomodulating, anti-inflammatory action. Promotes resorption of cysts. Take 1 to 2 tablets or 25-30 drops three times a day for one to six months.
- After laboratory and clinical examination, iodine preparations (iodomarine, clamine) are often needed. These drugs reduce the proliferative activity of tissues and normalize the functioning of the thyroid gland.
- Herbal preparations.
- Peppermint leaves, fennel seeds, valerian flowers and chamomile are mixed in equal parts and poured with boiling water, insist and take ½ cup three times a day.
- Sometimes hormone therapy is prescribed in small dosages, which reduces and prevents the formation of new cysts in the mammary glands, normalizes the hormonal background of the woman. Hormonal drugs should be prescribed strictly after determining the hormonal background of women using laboratory methods.
- Duphaston or Utrozestan - progesterone preparations - are prescribed inside during the second half of the menstrual cycle.
- Progestogen - progesterone in the form of a gel - is applied to the skin in the affected area several times a day by the duration that the doctor determines.
- Bromocriptine or Parloderl - inhibit the secretion of prolactin - are prescribed from the tenth to the twenty-fifth day of the menstrual cycle.
- Jeannine or Marvelon - contraceptives for oral administration.
- Tamoxifen or Fareston - anti-estrogen drugs, are less often prescribed and taken for a long time (within three months).
- Sometimes complex therapy uses enzyme preparations such as Wobenzym - a drug with a complex of plant and animal enzymes that have an anti-inflammatory, immunomodulating effect. It also has anti-edematous, analgesic and antiproliferative action, normalizes fat metabolism. It is accepted for a long time - up to six months. Dosages are selected by the doctor individually.
- Often prescribed vitamin therapy (vitamins B, A, P, E and C or complex vitamins - Multifort, Vitrum, etc.).
- Used sedatives, with the aim of correcting the psychoemotional state - Tenoten, tinctures of valerian, motherwort, etc.
- In the event of inflammation and / or pain in the mammary gland, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Dicloberl, diclofenac) are prescribed.
- A diet with reduction or exclusion of coffee, chocolate, salt and high fiber intake (vegetables, fruits) is mandatory.
Treatment of an atypical cyst of the breast
Treatment of an atypical breast cyst is to aspirate its contents, after which the patient is under clinical supervision. If there is a suspected malignancy of the atypical cyst, it is surgically removed with a part of the mammary gland (sectoral resection) followed by a histological examination. In most cases, an atypical cyst is best removed surgically immediately after it is detected, because intracavitary her proliferation can give a greater percentage of complications. After removing the cyst, the nutrition should be balanced and rational (vegetables, fruits, lean meats), it is necessary to monitor the psychoemotional state (taking soothing drugs, avoiding negative emotions), taking vitamin complexes (for example, vitrum, multifort etc.). ), and also the reception of hormonal preparations is possible, with the purpose of correction of a hormonal background of the woman.
Treatment of a solitary cyst of the breast
Treatment of a solitary (single, one-sided) cyst of the breast is not required if it is small in size. It is only necessary to regularly observe the doctor's diet and keep a diet high in fiber and restrict coffee, dark chocolate, and normalize the psycho-emotional background (avoid stress, negative emotions, take sedatives - Tenoten, tincture of valerian, motherwort, etc.), use homeopathic drugs (Mastodinon) and / or alternative therapies (herbal preparations, compresses). If a large solitary cyst, it is usually punctured, aspirate the contents with the introduction into the cavity of the sclerosing walls of the media (ozone, air, alcohol). After that, it is also necessary to follow the diet, avoid the influence of negative factors, take vitamins (C, B, E, P) and be observed regularly with a mammalian or gynecologist, with periodic ultrasound examination of the mammary glands.
Treatment of inflammation of the cyst of the breast
Treatment of inflammation of the cyst of the breast consists in the appointment of painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs - nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (nimesil, nurofen, diclofenac), it is possible to use compresses with dimexidum or applying cabbage leaf to the affected breast. The inflammatory process in the cyst can be purulent and then an abscess occurs. In the case of an abscess, it must be opened, emptied and drained. At the same time antibacterial drugs (cephalosporins - ceftriaxone, cefepime, etc.), painkillers (NSAIDs - nimesil or analgin), vitamin therapy (multifruit, vitrum), immunomodulators (echinacea, immunal), sedatives (tenotene, valerian), diet with high content vegetables, fruits and proteins.
Self-medicated cyst, especially complicated by inflammation, is not worth it, you need to seek help from a mammalogy oncologist to avoid undesirable consequences.
Treatment of multiple cysts of the breast
Treatment of multiple cysts of the breast is most often conservative, especially if they are small. Often, multiple cysts are treated by a mammologist together with an endocrinologist. Often appointed:
- hormonal therapy,
- weight correction (sports and low-calorie diet with high content of fruits and vegetables, with restriction of salt, sweet, especially chocolate and coffee),
- reception of homeopathic remedies (Mastodinon, Mastopol),
- sedatives (for the purpose of correcting the emotional state - preparations of valerian, motherwort, Tenoten),
- vitamins (complex or separately - B, C, A, E, P),
- it is possible to use alternative medicine (lotions, herbs).
According to the indications (depending on the size of the cyst and the parameters of the ultrasound), puncture or surgical removal of the mammary gland cysts can be prescribed with subsequent histological examination.
Surgical treatment of breast cysts
Operative treatment of the breast cyst is carried out in the following cases:
- if the size of the cyst is 15 millimeters or more (sometimes one centimeter cysts are removed),
- its recurrence,
- with ineffectiveness of conservative therapy and complication of cysts,
- at suspicion on malignancy of a cyst.
Operative treatment of the cyst of the breast:
- It is in the sectoral resection, in which the cyst is removed along with a number of located healthy tissues (as a rule, they capture a healthy tissue about one to three centimeters from the cyst). Sectoral resection is performed under general anesthesia, make a minimal incision and superimpose a cosmetic suture.
- It is possible to apply the technique of enucleation (vyluschivaniya) cyst, which is used in case of a negative result on the malignancy of the cyst after its puncture. After vyluschivaniya, a cosmetic defect is usually not or it is minimal.
Surgical removal of the cyst does not affect the functional activity of the mammary gland and does not interfere with breastfeeding in the future.
More information of the treatment