Alternative treatment of breast cysts
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Alternative treatment of the breast cyst, like any alternative treatment, involves the use of natural products and plants, in particular, medicinal herbs.
It is known that the main cause of the formation of cysts in the tissues - dense and painful to the touch of fixed formations of a rounded shape - is a violation of the balance of hormones in the body. In the treatment of cystic mastopathy, as a rule, hormonal pharmaceutical agents are used. However, there is an alternative treatment of the breast cyst.
Alternative treatment of breast cysts: external means
Of the alternative means used externally, it is most often recommended to compress from raw table beet. Such alternative treatment of breast cyst is practiced in China. The raw beetroot is well washed and, together with the peel, is rubbed on the grater, the formed juice is drained and the pulp is put on the diseased mammary gland - at night. Such compresses are done every other day.
Domestic physicians suggest adding a couple of tablespoons of vinegar or a spoonful of natural honey to the beetroot, and advised to cover the mass applied to the skin with a sheet of white cabbage. You need to be patient, since such treatment lasts more than one month.
As all this acts on a biochemical level, it is difficult to explain, although the beet is a truly remarkable root crop, rich in micro- and macroelements. And its use for its intended purpose - in food - with a breast cyst will be very welcome, since vitamin B6, which is abundant in beet, helps to neutralize the excessive effect on the breast of the hormone pituitary gland prolactin. Its overabundance (hyperprolactinemia) refers to the factors involved in the development of the cyst or adenoma of the mammary glands. And cobalt, which is also rich in beets, has an immunostimulating effect on the body.
So you will not be mistaken if you include enough tasty and useful beets in your diet.
Alternative treatment of breast cysts: internal funds
The rest is alternative treatment of the breast cyst - chaga and shell of walnuts and pine nuts - for internal use.
In medicine, a ternary of the family of hymenochets - chaga or birch fungus - has been used for a long time. Even there is a general tonic and analgesic drug based on this fungus-parasite - Beefungin.
Among all substances contained in chaga, the most antitumor and anti-inflammatory effects are pterin (2-amino-4-hydroxypteridine) and polyporonic acid (plant sterol). The use of aqueous infusions or alcohol tincture of chaga helps to reduce the intensity of cellular mitosis (cell division). However, with an overdose of chaga, division of healthy cells may also be slowed down.
For the preparation of water infusion, about 200 g of dried birch mushroom will be required, which is ground, poured with a liter of boiled water and insisted for 6-8 hours. Then the infusion is drained through a sieve, the soaked mushroom is again thoroughly crushed and sent to infusion. This mixture should be heated to about 70 ° C (but not to allow boiling!), To soak for half an hour, and then cover with a lid and properly wrap (as an option - pour into a thermos). And two more days to insist. After this, the infusion remains only to strain and can be taken: 30 minutes before each meal (but no more than three times a day) to drink 100 ml.
And here's how the spirit tincture with chaga is prepared - a means of alternative treatment for the breast cyst. As small as possible crumble dry chaga (100 g) and pour vodka (1 liter); insist in a dark place for 15-20 days, then strain. Recommended dosage: three times a day on a dessert spoon (20-25 minutes before meals). The course of treatment is 1-2 months. It should be borne in mind that the reception of chaga will require certain restrictions in nutrition: it is necessary to temporarily dispense with animal fats and meat broths, smoked products and spices, and also not drink strong tea and coffee.
Has found its application in the treatment of mammary gland cysts by alternative methods and walnut shells, which contains phenolic carboxylic acids, coumarins, glucosides and steroids. To prepare medicinal tincture, it is necessary to crush the shell of 15 walnuts and pour 0.5 liters of vodka, to insist for two weeks in a dark place. Then strain and take one tablespoon three times a day (before meals) for 1-2 months.
In the same way, alcoholic tincture of pine nut shells is also used, which requires 1.5 cups of shell and half a liter of vodka.
Treatment of breast cysts with herbs: phytotherapy
And now we will stop on phytotherapy, that is on how it is possible to treat cysts of the breast with herbs.
Among the variety of herbs in the fight against pathological formations in the mammary glands are St. John's wort, burdock large (burdock), gentian big-leaved and sweet potato. Let's start in order.
St. John's wort perforated from the cyst of the breast
St. John's wort has long been used in alternative medicine as a powerful antiseptic. Official medicine also uses it, for example, the drug Novoimanin (1% alcohol extract from leaves and flowers of the plant) is used for external treatment of abscesses, phlegmon and purulent wounds.
In St. John's wort contains many biologically active substances, including flavonoids saponins, quinones, beta-sitosterol, etc. For the treatment of breast cysts, compresses with infusion of St. John's wort are recommended. Prepare the infusion uncomplicated: a tablespoon of dry grass is poured a glass of steep boiling water, the container is tightly closed with a lid and infused for at least half an hour. The cotton napkin is moistened with a warm infusion and placed on the chest area where a cystic formation is found. Compresses need to be kept for 15-20 minutes and do them daily for a month.
Burdock root is large with a mammary gland cyst
Burdock is big - perennial of the family of astrovs, in its root there are glycosides, alkaloids, essential oil, tannins, bitterness and resins. In medicine, the burdock root is applied externally for boils and acne, eczema, trophic ulcers and burns. And reception of broth inside physicians appoint for treatment of a gastritis and a cystitis, arthritises and a gout, and also for dissolution and deducing of stones from a cholic bubble and kidneys.
The most recommended alternative treatment for breast cysts is the burdock root - take the water infusion inside. A tablespoon of the dry crushed root is poured in 200 ml of boiling water and put on a water bath for a quarter of an hour. Then the infusion is poured into the thermos bottle and infused for 7-8 hours. Take it in a warm form - a few drinks a day (before eating).
Gentian large-leaf from the cyst of the breast
Gentian large-leaf (or cruciform) from the gentian family of Tibetans for centuries used for dyspepsia, stomach diseases, colds (from hoarseness and pain in the throat) and externally for the treatment of wounds. A root extract is also used to treat oncological pathologies.
The roots of this plant contain alkaloid gentianin, bitter glycosides, phenolcarbonic acids and xanthines. Extract of gentian roots can cause headache, nausea and vomiting.
Alternative treatment of the breast cyst with the help of broth gentian large-leaved uses again compresses. Infusion is prepared in the usual way in proportion - a tablespoon of vegetable raw materials per 200 ml of water. Roots give their substances in infusion worse than leaves and flowers, so it's best to hold the infusion on a water bath (as described above - in the case of burdock root). Actually, the way of using nothing from the above is not different.
You can also use the flowers and leaves of this plant (25 grams per cup of boiling water). This infusion is taken orally - 50-60 ml three times a day (after a meal). Internally, the use of gentian is contraindicated in gastric ulcer and high blood pressure.
The medicinal hermit in the mammary gland
The medicinal herb - a two-year herbaceous plant of the legume family - contains in its composition coumarinic acid, melilotin, melilot acid and glycoside melilotozide. As a local irritant, the decoction of this plant is used in the form of lotions to accelerate the maturation of furuncles and chiri, and inside take - as an expectorant and diuretic.
But alcoholic tincture of sweet clover, according to phyto-therapeutists, helps with hormonal disorders, since sweet clover refers to legumes, and all the plants of this numerous family contain phytosterols that act as a female hormone estrogen.
For alcohol tincture 100 g of dry herbs pour 500 ml of vodka, two weeks insist in a dark place, filter and take 15 drops three times a day before meals.
Homeopathy with a mammary gland cyst
Homeopathy with a breast cyst is used for many years, but you do not have to guess about it ...
For example, for the treatment of fibromatosis of the mammary glands and other nodal formations in the chest, most doctors prescribe the drug Mastodinone in the form of a drop. This homeopathic remedy is an alcohol extract from plants such as cyclamen, iris, tiger lily and chibibuha. Mastodinone take 30 drops twice a day, the course of treatment lasts three months.
Another homeopathic remedy prescribed for a breast cyst is a pill under the tongue of Mastopol, which is recommended for two months (one tablet three times a day). In the composition of this drug there are spotted hemlock, thuja and yellow-root Canadian. The chemical composition of the Canadian yellowcorn from the family of buttercup ensures its strong toning, immunostimulating and anti-inflammatory effect.
Boligols from the family of umbelliferous, among other things, contains a poisonous alkaloid of horseflesh (therefore, in the old days the juice of the hemlock was executed by death sentences). And biologically active substances of thuja (cypress family) are capable of causing the death of benign neoplasm cells.
Any mastalgia, especially in the form of formations in the mammary glands, requires proper diagnosis, so it is dangerous to engage in self-treatment without a mammalian doctor: it is necessary to exclude the presence of a malignant tumor. Modern medical therapy of these diseases gives a positive effect, and taking prescribed medicines will help them cure.
By the way, in the preparation Bromocriptine (Parlodel), which is prescribed for pathologies of the mammary glands, a parasitizing rye of ergot is used - the fungus-ascomycete of the family Clavicipitaceae. The derivative of ergot alkaloid ergocryptin has a stimulating effect on the dopamine receptor D2 of the hypothalamus, resulting in a decrease in the synthesis of hormones of prolactin and somatropin by the pituitary gland.
So, to the doctor it is necessary to go, dear ladies! An attempt to independently use alternative treatment of the breast cyst is an erroneous way.