
Information about doctor

The world famous and highly skilled oncosurgeon. She has extensive experience in the surgical treatment of lesions and breast cancer. Dafna Barsuk She graduated from the Medical Faculty of the Technion University of Technology in Haifa, Israel. After studying for many years she studied at hospitals and clinics in Israel. She improved her skills in the largest medical centers of Italy, England, USA, Canada.

Due to the rich clinical practice, the doctor perfectly performs the following procedures:

  • Laparoscopy.
  • Mastectomy.
  • Surgery to remove the reproductive organs.
  • Removal of axillary lymph nodes.
  • Breast plastics and mastopexy.

In his practice, he Dafna Barsuk applies the latest technologies and innovative therapeutic techniques. In combination, this relieves the patient of the side effects that appear during a long course of radiation therapy. Most of the doctor's patients are Barsuk exempt from radiation after the operation for a month.

Today he Dafna Barsuk is a recognized and sought-after surgeon, an expert in the field of oncological surgery. He teaches at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York, the University of Toronto and Tel Aviv. Also, the doctor Barsuk is a member of the Israeli Medical Association for Medical Assistance in the course of the conflict with Palestine.

Education and work experience

  • Technion University of Technology, Faculty of Medicine, Haifa, Israel.
  • Residency in surgical oncology at the Sheba Hospital, Israel.
  • European Institute of Oncology, internship in breast surgery, Milan, Italy.
  • Internship in clinical and research oncological breast surgery, Toronto, Canada.
  • Advanced training in TARGIT Academy on intraoperative radiotherapy, London, UK.

Membership in international organizations

  • Israel Surgeons Association
  • Association of Surgeons and Oncologists of Israel
  • Israeli Breast Treatment Society
  • European Breast Treatment Society
  • American Cancer Surgery Association
  • Charity organization BRACHA (organization to help families with the BRCA gene mutation)
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