Treatment of depression
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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As a small preface, I would like to say that the treatment of depression depends on the desire to overcome this condition. It's clear that life's troubles can make you lose your temper and suppress the desire to live in any person, but remember Baron Munchausen, who himself got out of the swamp, pulling his hair out! And no matter how bad it was, the question: "How are you?", You need to answer: "You will not wait!"
In the form of auxiliary tools you can use all sorts of techniques, which we will talk about below, and, of course, the support of friends and family - this is always important.
To contraindication should be attributed alcohol and other artificial stimulants. Otherwise, another diagnosis is threatened - alcoholism or dependence on another drug.
So, closer to the point, how to overcome depression, and in the shortest possible time?
For example, the founding father of all medical sciences, Hippocrates treated patients with opiates, and to clear not only the mind, but also the body persistently recommended cleansing enemas. One of the more or less effective ways, offered by Hippocrates, were sunbathing and walking in the open air, which today are a reliable addition, fixing the achievements of therapy of depressive disorders. The expulsion of demons by various medieval methods is completely unacceptable in our time, although in the Renaissance the fire of the sacred fire was considered almost the only method that presupposes the treatment of depression. A little later, the fire was subjected to works that could be a breakthrough in the study of depressive states, the author of them was a Dutch doctor, a member of the city court Vier, cautiously hinting that not all melancholic people are possessed by devilish forces. Following the scientific observations Vier followed in the fire of the Inquisition and the book of R. Scott, who studied depression from the point of view of medicine, and not in the religious aspect. Paradoxically, after only a century depression became a fashionable disease, which could only be hurt by very sensitive, and therefore talented, aristocratic people.
How to examine?
Who to contact?
Treatment of depression, historical facts
It should be noted that for quite a long time, depressive patients were treated with extremely severe methods, ranging from dousing with ice water and ending with bleeding and vomiting. Three centuries ago, German doctors treated patients with rotations on special devices, believing that centrifugal force would save patients from painful sensations. Moreover, the English ruler who ruled at the end of the 17th century, George III, suffering from attacks of depressive disorders, was mercilessly beaten with iron chains with his voluntary consent, apparently in order to switch the spiritual pain to a purely physical one. Russian physicians of the XIX century also did not differ in charity, as they treated their patients exclusively with mercury, leeches attached to the anus and even cauterization. A little later, the "fashionable" disease began to be treated with drugs, also quite popular in that century. In psychiatry, cannabis enjoyed wide popularity, which was regaled not only by depressive patients, but literally all in a row. Of course, a short burst of energy, euphoria was soon replaced by a complete decline in mood and a real drug addiction. Few people know that the famous Freud wrote a special work dedicated to cocaine, where he sang ode to the pharmacological properties of coca, naturally, tested on himself. Actually, Sigmund Freud did not get rid of cocaine addiction for the rest of his life, which really cured him of the initial depressive disorders, but led to a condition that later became known as "cocaine grief".
First, treatment of depression through self-examination and self-control
Like this? First of all, it is necessary to understand the cause of the unbearable state. More often, the factors that provoke depression include a monotonous life: the house is work, the work is a house, sometimes even just a house. What to do in this case, if nothing can be changed? You can add "gym" between "work" and "house" in the mornings. In addition, there is a triple advantage:
- useful for the body,
- physical stress relieves stress,
- a new social circle.
Hiking in a cafe or in a movie. Even if there is nobody to go with, it is useful to spend a little time alone, at least for thought. Walking in the fresh air is also able to rehabilitate the state of mind.
The next reason, which is often the key to depression is separation from a loved one. It's clear that "parting is a small death" (Zh. Aguzarova), but it needs to be overcome, that would continue to live on. In this situation, in no case can you shut yourself in. But, nevertheless, we should not rush to tie new relations.
In fact, there are many reasons for depression in a person's life, and all of them can not be listed. The main thing is to choose the right course of treatment for yourself. And for this you need to know the exact diagnosis.
Second, treatment of depression at a professional level
If you can not overcome depression yourself, then you can ask for help from such specialists: -
To a psychologist. A psychologist is an expert in the field of mental state, but he is not a doctor. Accordingly, he has no right to recommend antidepressants or other drugs. But it helps to understand yourself, and overcome many complexes and fears that suppress the consciousness of a person. The complexes and fears that are provocateurs of depression include: an inferiority complex (I am ugly, I am fat, I am lonely, etc.), a feeling of dissatisfaction or envy (this can happen only with me! Others have, but I do not!) and stuff,
- - to the psychoanalyst. A psychoanalyst is a specialist in psychoanalysis, that is, resolves problems with mental disorders, including mild depression. He is referred to one of the types of psychotherapist. -
- to the therapist. First of all, it's a person with a medical background. Due to the fact that the therapist is a doctor, the patient can receive medication for depression if necessary,
- to a psychiatrist. The psychiatrist is also a doctor. It should be addressed at the time of a serious mental disorder, -
- to the psychoneurologist. The combined notion of psychiatrist and neurologist specialists. The reason for visits to this doctor can serve as a mental illness, accompanied by a neurosis. Depression can sometimes provoke neurosis, -
- to a psychophysiologist. Specialist in the field of psychophysiology - analysis of the physiological response to psychological phenomena. In more simple terms, the psychophysiologist investigates the patient's emotional state by studying the body's response (changes in heart rate, pupil size, electrical resistance of the skin) to certain psychological perceptions. An excellent option for those who are experiencing alcoholic depression -
- to the neuropsychologist. A neuropsychologist is a doctor who understands neuroscience and clinical psychology. In addition, he is perfectly oriented in physiology, age and clinical anatomy, psychophysiology, neuropharmacology, psychiatry, psychotherapy and many other related disciplines -
- to the hypnotherapist. Hypnotherapist is a doctor who helps a person to self-heal, immersing a patient into a trance state through hypnosis. This method works perfectly when a person does not see a goal in life and does not know how to live on, which leads to depression.
Some resort to help for "grandmothers" and healers, and it helps them. Nobody disputes the possibility of healing with the help of alternative medicine, but due to the prevailing economic situation in the country, among these healers there are many charlatans who are engaged in deception for the purpose of profit.
Third, treatment of depression: tablets or vitamins?
Before answering this question, I would like to say that if you are asking about medications for depression, this is already a clear sign that you can not postpone your visit to a doctor the way any medication has certain properties that not everyone will be able to use.
Let's consider some preparations in more details:
- Antidepressants. Their main purpose is to change the emotional state, or rather, its normalization. They act according to the method of reformation in the brain for the presence of mediators, which are, in their own way, intermediaries between thoughts and emotions.
Many believe that antidepressants can be addictive. But this is out of the question. Dependence can instill such tranquilizers as: Relanium, Fazepam, Tizepam, Elenium and the like.
Antidepressants, which, since the 50's of the last century, have been significantly improved in terms of effectiveness and safety. Clearly pronounced therapeutic effect, almost complete absence of side effects allow psychiatrists to prescribe except tranquilizers and tricyclic drugs, new generation drugs. All antidepressants are aimed at normalizing the oppressed state of patients with depression. In addition, drugs for the treatment of depression are often prescribed to neutralize irritation of the intestinal tract, with erosive processes in the intestine, in the therapeutic complex for the treatment of asthma, anorexia, children's hyperkinesia, bulimia.
The first drugs for the management of depression were created in the middle of the last century, it is interesting that initially they were developed for the treatment of tuberculosis and their properties to neutralize the symptoms of depression were discovered almost by accident. Treatment for depression was previously conducted with antidepressant drugs of the first generation, including tricyclic drugs, such as the well-known amitriptyline, imipramine, anafranil. Tricyclics or TCAs, these drugs are called because of a specific chemical structure that is based on the triple ring of carbons. These drugs can enhance the cognitive properties of the brain, since important neurotransmitters - serotonin and the stimulating hormone of the adrenal glands - norepinephrine activate. By the way the body acts on the drugs, tricyclics differ, so amitriptyline acts as a soothing agent, and imipramine, on the contrary, quickly activates and stimulates the brain. These drugs, in addition to pronounced therapeutic effect, sometimes give complications, such as excessive drowsiness, indigestion (constipation), nausea and general weakness. To the first generation of TCAs, drugs for the treatment of depression also include agents called MAOI inhibitors (substances inhibiting the process) of monoamine oxidase. These drugs are prescribed in cases where depression demonstrates atypical symptoms and traditional treatment with tricyclics does not give a lasting result. These drugs include nialamide, phenyuzine, and espril, which also have undesirable side effects, such as metabolic disorders, sleep disorders, swelling, dizziness, decreased erectile function. In addition, MAOI preparations are absolutely not combined with some types of products that contain amines - tyrosine or tyramine, since such combination can provoke a strong hypertensive crisis.
Treatment of depression with second-generation drugs is more effective and is accompanied by much fewer side effects. These drugs are called selective, since their action more accurately and quickly reaches the target "pathological" target. The second generation also includes TCAs, but they are more advanced in chemical structure, they are ludiomil, lerivon (mianserin). In addition to tricyclics, the second category includes MAO inhibitors, already reversible, supervised action, such as pyrazidol, befol, moclobemide, and insane. These drugs are slightly slower to act, but they are much less toxic and not addictive.
The third category of antidepressants, more precisely third generation drugs, is the most effective group that is willingly appointed by psychiatrists, since the therapeutic effect of these drugs is long enough, and there are practically no contraindications. It should be noted that the drugs that are part of the group of antidepressants of the third generation are somewhat weaker by the therapeutic effect than the classical TCAs from the first group, but they are more effective than second-generation drugs, and their appointment implies the possibility of outpatient treatment, much safer than their older "brethren". Selective inhibitor drugs possessing the property of serotonin reuptake are called SSRIs, they include cipramil, citrate, fluoxetine, reksetin, zoloft.
Treatment of depression sometimes involves the appointment of drugs that are part of the fourth generation of antidepressants. These drugs are even more selective and more accurate in the way they are influenced, so they are close to first generation tricyclics for therapeutic effectiveness, but relative safety and good tolerance to SSRIs - a third generation group. Among this category, you can note such drugs as ixel, remeron, velaxin. Antidepressants of the new generation are able to restore and normalize the balance of neurotransmitters and transmitters, eliminating the biochemical cause of depression.
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What kinds of antidepressants exist?
Tricyclic antidepressants. This type of antidepressant is more popular than others in the fight against depression. Their history begins with the 50-ies. And they are characterized as stimulants of good mood. Unfortunately, it is not possible to raise the state of mind in such a way as in case of misuse or overdose, even a fatal outcome is possible. In addition, depression with a suicidal predisposition is part of contraindications. People with somatic diseases, bipolar depression are also included here. Tricyclic antidepressants include:
- "Azafen" acts as a sedative on the central nervous system. It is prescribed for patients who have such a diagnosis: asthenic and anxious depression, depressive degree of manic-depressive psychosis, involuntary melancholia, depression of organic genesis, somatogenically defined depression, reactive depression.
The course of treatment against depression with this drug occurs in this way: take after a meal of 25 to 50 mg. Dosage after the expiration of 3 to 4 receptions is gradually increasing by 25-50 mg per day. As a rule, doctors recommend to raise the dose to 150 - 200 mg per day. But the variant of the daily norm up to 400 mg is not excluded. When the maximum is reached, the drug should not be taken abruptly, but gradually, the portion is reduced to a minimum: 25-50 mg per day. The general period of admission is 1 - 1.5 months.
"Azafen" has no significant side effects. Probable, but in isolated cases, some side effects: nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and then in the process of lowering the dose, they quickly pass.
Contraindications: can not be taken with MAO inhibitors. If, nevertheless, these medications were taken, then you should wait 2 weeks before resorting to "Azafen".
- "Amitriptyline" - eliminates the depressed mood, therefore, exactly what is needed to treat depression. Ideal for eliminating the anxiety-depressive state, as it reduces anxiety and any manifestations of depression. In the process of treatment, there are no unpleasant symptoms, like delirium or hallucinations, which are peculiar to some types of antidepressants ("Impiramin" and others).
How to take such a remedy? There are 2 ways of treatment: injection - intramuscular or intravenous and oral - to drink. Usually the doses are as follows: take after meals 50 to 75 mg per day, adding daily 25 to 50 mg to 150 to 200 mg per day for 3 to 4 doses. The most important thing is to take the medicine throughout the day and at bedtime. Just as in the previous version, the dosage gradually decreases, reaching a minimum. In special cases, the maximum daily allowance is 300 mg.
If we talk about injections, then this method of treatment is mainly used in a hospital, where a course of treatment is prescribed.
- "Ftorazicin" is an antidepressant with sedative action, that is, a sedative for the central nervous system. Its purpose: anxiety-depressive state, manic-depressive psychosis, schizophrenia, reactive and neurotic state, which is accompanied by depression, depression caused by the use of neuroleptic drugs. Its peculiarity is that it can be combined with other types of antidepressants, including tricyclic ones.
Method of use, both intramuscular and oral.
Oral: after meals, start: from 50 to 70 mg per day for 2 to 3 days. Then the dose increases 100-200 mg, but not more than 300 mg per day.
Intramuscular: 2 ml of a 1.25% solution 1-2 times a day. Step by step the dose increases, and when the desired result is achieved, injections are replaced with pills.
In the process of treatment with this remedy some side effects are likely: low blood pressure, fatigue, nausea, dry mouth, difficulty urinating, pain in the extremities, disorientation of visual perception.
"Fluocarcinase" can not be taken in people with a disability of the liver and kidneys, stomach ulcer, hypertrophy, glaucoma, atony of the bladder. Also, simultaneous administration of MAO inhibitors is contraindicated.
- MAO inhibitors (monoamine oxidase).
Some honey. Experts give greater preference to this group of antidepressants than the previous one. Taking these medications you have to follow a diet that eliminates the maintenance of aged cheeses, sour cream, cheese-smoked sausage and meat products, corned beef, soy sauce and cottage cheese, salted and smoked fish, fish eggs, snails, sauerkraut and canned cabbage, beans, avocados and dried fig. Plus, antidepressants, especially, this kind is not compatible with alcohol. If we talk about soft drinks, then coffee, tea and chocolate are deleted from the diet.
The result of drugs belonging to this category of antidepressants can not be seen immediately, but only a couple of weeks after taking.
Consider this group of antidepressants in more detail:
- "Niar" (tablets in shells). It is used against Parkinson's disease, symptomatic parkinsonism.
Contraindications: hypersensitivity, zakratougolnaya glaucoma, arterial hypertension, diffuse thyrotoxic goiter, pheochromocytoma, prostate adenoma, dementia, psychosis, severe angina, arrhythmia and tachycardia.
It is not desirable to take during pregnancy and lactation.
In the case of an overdose, such phenomena are real: headache. If the daily norm is more than 60 mg combined with tyramine-containing foods (mentioned above: sauerkraut and canned cabbage, snails, etc.), then a hypertensive crisis is possible.
Take "Nyar" follows the doctor's prescription.
Similar, but not identical, preparations can be classified as Segan, Selgin, Selegin, Selegin Knoll, Selegin-STS, Selegos, Sepatrem 10, Selegilin, Eldepril, Yumeks.
- Other types of antidepressants:
- "Bupropion" is intended for the treatment of depressive conditions. Its plus is that unlike other antidepressants, it does not contribute so much: a set of body weight and sexual disorders.
Side effects include: anxiety, increased activity, insomnia, nausea, light tremor. In case of an overdose, epileptic seizures, fever, high blood pressure, asthenia, tachycardia, seizures, hallucinations, bronchospasm, headache and dizziness, hypersensitivity and other symptoms depending on the individual characteristics of the patient's organism are likely.
Contraindications: psychogenic bulimia and anorexia, convulsive fits in the anamnesis, hypersensitivity to the drug. Do not take with other MAO inhibitors.
Dosages: the course of treatment is carried out in stages, starting with a dose of 150 mg per day for individuals from 18 years of age. After a few weeks, as a rule, a positive result is already visible. If necessary, the daily dose is increased to 300 mg. But it should be noted that the maximum single dose is 150 mg. If the daily dose is above 150 mg, then it should be divided into 2 stages with an interval of not less than 8 hours.
- Trazodone is a treatment for depression of various types: endogenous, psychotic, neurotic and so on.
Side effect: deterioration of digestion, nausea, low blood pressure. Because the drug promotes a change in the heartbeat, people with heart diseases are not prescribed trazodone. In addition, men experience an extremely painful erection.
Contraindications: individual sensitivity to the drug, myocardial infarction, tachycardia, extrasystole, ventricular arrhythmia, renal or hepatic insufficiency, children under 6 years.
It should be thoughtful before taking medication: people under 18 years of age, patients with hypertension, priapism in history, pregnant and lactating mothers.
The course of treatment should be discussed with the doctor.
- "Venlafaxine hydrochloride" - in tablets or in capsules is designed to treat depression. Contraindications include: hypersensitivity, pregnancy, breast-feeding and simultaneous administration of MAO inhibitors. As for the periods of pregnancy and lactation, the option of using this antidepressant is possible, but in extreme cases and under the strict supervision of a doctor. Side effects of the drug: drowsiness, fatigue, headache and dizziness, low blood pressure. The course of treatment and dosage should be discussed with a doctor, without self-activity.
- "Nefazodone hydrochloride" - is intended to eliminate the depressive state. Just as in the previous version, the daily proportions and the period of intake should be discussed with a specialist. Side effects: problems with vision - a violation of accommodation, fatigue, drowsiness, low blood pressure.
- Mirtazapine is available in powder form. Has the properties of eliminating depression. Contraindications: hypersensitivity, simultaneous reception with other drugs of the same group. Limitations in application: organic brain damage, including epilepsy; heart diseases; arterial hypotension; drug dependence and its propensity; mania and hypomania; trouble urinating; diabetes; high intraocular pressure; renal, hepatic insufficiency; underage persons. As for pregnant and breast-feeding mothers, no tests have been conducted in this area.
Neuroleptic drugs
These drugs are much stronger in the way they are used than antidepressants, neuroleptics are prescribed in cases of aggravation of depressive disorder for rapid relief of symptoms, such as psychosis, elimination of fears, irritation and arousal. Neuroleptic drugs are classified as psychotropic, so they have a lot of undesirable effects - tremor of limbs, stiffness (stiffness) of the muscles of the body. Together with neuroleptics, psychiatrists try to prescribe means that reduce side effects, for example, cyclodol, PK-Merz. One of the first neuroleptic drugs was aminazine, which has a strong antipsychotic effect, successfully and quickly neutralizes the conditions associated with delirium, which are often found in the diagnosed major depression in the acute stage. Neuroleptics are also divided into groups:
Atypical neuroleptic drugs - these drugs do not have a pronounced toxicity, so they treat all apathetic conditions and neurotic symptoms, manifested somatically (in the body). Atypics include salt, azaleptin, rispolept (stops phobic seizures).
Piperidine neuroleptics are advanced versions of the aminazine group, which do not cause persistent drowsiness, tremor, inherent in preparations of the initial, first generation. The drug neuleptil more accurately fights with anxiety symptoms, well neutralizes the increased excitability.
The piperazine group of neuroleptics is much more potent than the aminazine group, in the sense of arresting acute conditions, both psychotic and depressive. These are such drugs as moden, etaperazine, mazheptil.
Neuroleptics, which are developed on the basis of butyrofenone (haloperidol, trisedil) do not presume treatment of depression. These drugs are designed for the therapy of purely psychiatric diseases.
Fourth, treatment of depression by alternative means
Romashko-mint tea. Dried flowers of chamomile medicinal - 1 tablespoon plus mint leaves (you can, both fresh and dry) 3-4 tablespoons pour 1 cup of boiling water. This drink is the ideal tonic, which relieves emotional tension.
Lemonade with mint. 1 liter of lemon and 1/3 cup of mint leaves. Lemon is cut into mugs, it is better not to crush mint leaves. Lemon and mint pour boiling water. Use should be cold. So, we got a tonic with an invigorating effect.
Honey with warm milk is better to drink at night, as its essence lies in providing a person with a healthy sleep. Sleep, by the way, plays a huge role in mental health. Often, the cause of depression and irritability is lack of sleep.
Soothing valerian decoction. Usually the dosage is indicated on the package. Valerian is known for all her relaxation properties, which normalize the heartbeat and relieve tension.
Fifth, treatment of depression with aromatherapy!
A very effective way of treating depression especially in the cold season is aromatherapy. Why, in the cold season? In botany, this is called photosynthesis, which is impossible in the absence of sunlight. It turns out that not only plants miss the sun, but also a person. The smell of the sea, which can be created artificially (aromatic suppositories or essential oils, for example), can positively affect the state of mind. Floral smells like a clearing, conifers - a forest. You can resort to a more exotic option: the fragrance of lotus, sandalwood, almonds, orange and so on.
What is the best flavor to use as a stimulant of good mood? Of course, one that I would like to feel at the moment. And if you enjoy the incense, accompanied by pleasant relaxation music, the effect will be stunning!
Treatment of depression: what determines the choice of method of treatment?
Having gone through a rather difficult and tortuous let, modern psychiatry has long abandoned the "barbarous" methods that presupposed the treatment of depression in earlier times. Today, the gold standard in therapy is drug treatment and long-term psychotherapy. The use of monotherapy with antidepressants does not give a stable result, and complex treatment of depression with proper differential diagnosis gives a positive therapeutic effect.
Depression, unlike many other diseases, does not concern any one organ or system, it captures literally the whole organism, therefore, its treatment must be comprehensive, extensive. It is extremely important to correctly diagnose, because depressive states have many varieties and "masks".
ICD-10 (international classification of diseases) divides depressive states into categories and forms, based on the causes, the nature of the course of the disease and severity. So, depression can be neurotic, that is, associated with internal contradictions, reactive, provoking psychotrauma, endogenous, associated with the violation of neurochemical processes in the body. Also, depression can be "disguised," hidden and classical, manifested. The large or small form depends on the period of the disease and the etiologic base. The most difficult is diagnosed somatized, latent depression, which hides behind any bodily disease.
Here is a list of the most characteristic, somatized "masks":
- Painful sensations in the epigastric region are abdominal symptoms. It can be constipation or diarrhea, a feeling of heaviness or coldness in the abdomen, cramping, sharp pains, nausea. The patient is persistently treated by a gastroenterologist, unsuccessfully trying to alleviate his suffering, but the classical methods of treating the digestive system do not work.
- The head hurts, with the sensation of a compressing hoop or bursting, as a rule the pain intensifies towards the night, remains until the morning, starting from the second half of the day, passes, and again returns in the evening. Analgesics or antispasmodics do not give the desired effect. The diagnosis often sounds like the notorious "vegetative-vascular dystonia", and the patient suffers for years.
- Depression is often masked by inflammation of the trigeminal nerve, toothache that does not have real inflammatory prerequisites. Treatment of a neurologist gives a short-term relief, a dentist - is fraught with the loss of relatively healthy teeth and their prosthetics.
- Heart pain, arrhythmia, burning in the heart with a relatively good cardiogram. All preparations of the cardiological series temporarily relieve spasm, but do not give a lasting result.
- A typical "mask" is pain in the joints, muscles, which has no real etiological reasons. Depressive arthralgia, as a rule, differentiated with the help of characteristic discrepancies in the radiograph and the patient's pains, that is, the localization of pain does not coincide absolutely with the place of actual infringement of the nerve or the patient's joint.
- Insomnia is the main "companion" of depressive disorders. Often, sleep disturbances are the main indicator of the onset of the depressive process.
- Phobias, fears, panic attacks, which are clearly manifested at night and subsiding in the afternoon.
- Sexual, sexual dysfunctions that do not have a physical cause. Any sexual disturbance can become a sign of a depressed, latent condition.
All kinds of addictions, from alcoholic to gambling, are an independent disease. However, either the cause of them, or the consequence, inevitably is depression.
The diagnosis of depression is made only by a doctor, independent diagnosis is not only inappropriate, but can provoke unnecessary, groundless anxiety and really lead to a depressed state. No wonder there is a proverb "a person can imagine any disease, if he really wants." Also, do not stoically endure a prolonged bad mood and consider it an insignificant deviation, which will pass by itself. To form a persistent depressive disorder, it takes two weeks, then it either develops rapidly, or begins to "hide" behind somatic diseases. Untimely initiation of medication and psychotherapeutic therapy does not just aggravate the course of the disease, but can lead to unfortunate consequences, up to suicide. False shame, lack of habit to consult a doctor with mental problems, fear of psychotropic medication treatment is all the lack of awareness that we are trying to fill with this article.
Is it possible to treat depression solely with vitamins?
It is possible if the cause of depression is avitaminosis. In fact, the treatment of depression is a comprehensive care for themselves. If the depressive state has a slight degree of severity, then a person is able to self-cure or achieve complete recovery through a psychologist and vitamins. In more serious situations, one should resort to psychotherapy or psychoneurology.
So, what vitamins help in the period of depressive state?
Vitamin complexes, nootropic drugs (Fezam, bilobil) help renew the energy balance in the brain, improve and activate cognitive functions, increase overall performance.
Thiamin or vitamin B1, activates memory, improves the rate of reactions, gives the body energy. Contained in cereal grains, soy, in sea fish.
Niacin or vitamin B3, slows the decay of an important substance - L-tryptophan, which is involved in the production of serotonin. Contained in nuts, meat, sea fish, eggs.
Pantothenic acid or vitamin B5. Helps synthesize transmitter substances (acetylcholine) to activate memory, as well as concentration of attention. Contained in sea fish, dairy products, liver.
Pyridoxine hydrochloride or vitamin B6. In combination with other vitamins of group B and magnesium, it significantly accelerates the neutralization of homocysteine, an amino acid that has a neurotoxic property and reduces the production of serotonin. Contained in legumes, nuts, cereals, eggs and liver.
Folate or folic acid (vitamin B9). Helps neutralize and eliminate homocysteine, which provokes cardiac pathologies and depressive conditions.
Cyanocobalamin or vitamin B12. This vitamin enters the body from the outside, the body can not synthesize it independently. Constant replenishment of vitamin B12 resources allows to significantly improve and activate the general condition of the body, eliminates weakness, increases appetite, neutralizes irritability. Contained in meat, liver, milk, eggs.
Biotin or vitamin B7 (vitamin H). Helps to activate the enzymatic functions of the whole body, improves nerve conduction, in combination with B vitamins helps restore cognitive (mental) functions of the brain. Contained in eggs, in less quantity in nuts and seeds.
Vitamin D
Lack of this vitamin in the body can cause an exhausted emotional state. Some studies have shown that after taking vitamin D, the patient leaves the state of depression within 2 to 3 months. What foods contain the content of this vitamin?
- herring,
- salmon canned,
- mackerel,
- sour cream,
- liver (beef, pork, poultry),
- butter,
- milk,
- egg yolks.
Vitamin C
The problem of fatigue, which is often the cause of depression, is due to a deficiency in the body of vitamin C (vitamin preparation "Natura Vigor" with natural vitamin C). The high content of this vitamin in cabbage and citrus. Orange orange in the morning - a reliable tool to lift the mood and increase activity. If a cup of coffee and a sandwich is replaced with a glass of orange juice and a vegetable salad with cabbage, the person will be charged with energy for the whole day. 3.
Vitamin B 12
As a rule, it is administered intramuscularly - not a pleasant sensation. But in pharmacies you can buy an alternative to injections, ordinary vitamins, in which vitamin B 12 (Vitogepat, Sirepar, Gepavit, etc.). Foods that are saturated with vitamin B 12: pork, beef, eggs, nuts, dairy and fish products, peas, beans. Vitamin B 12 affects the work of the brain. A deficiency in the body of this vitamin can adversely affect not only the mood, but also the memory.
Vitamins in the complex ("Stress Formula") can not only improve emotional well-being, but also strengthen health in general.
Psychotherapeutic treatment of depression
Treatment of depression is carried out in many ways, but the most effective, proven time to date are:
Cognitive-behavioral method, which is good in its relative shortness, in contrast to psychoanalytic methods. This method allows you to create an independent skill to manage your own state, organize not only your day to get rid of depressive thoughts, but often living space, including family, career and personal development. Restructuring the depressed state with the help of cognitive-behavioral methods leads to the formation of a new way of thinking and a new assessment of the situation. The patient re-learns to analyze the state of the state and objective, surrounding events, checks how dangerous or safe his thoughts and beliefs are. Thus, not only a new, more positive way of thinking is gradually formed, but also behavioral habits. Sessions should be held at least twice a week for at least two months.
Hypnosis, suggestive techniques
They are carried out only by a qualified doctor who has certificates and relevant permits. Hypnotics are good for removing fears, acute attacks of panic attacks. With the help of suggestive hypnotic techniques, the doctor gets access to unconscious mechanisms that "anchor" negative situations and provoke their usual reaction to them. With the help of special techniques the doctor interrupts the pathological mechanism of triggering depressive reactions and introduces a new, positive setting. In addition to directive hypnotic techniques, the treatment of depression involves the use of metaphorical Eriksonian hypnosis, in which the patient does not fall asleep, but is in a trans state. Thus, together with the doctor, the patient gets access to her hidden internal reserves and learns to manage her condition. Modern hypnotic techniques are absolutely safe and environment-friendly for the patient, moreover, it is statistically proved that in the process of hypnosis, the development of hormones of joy - serotonin and various endorphins - is activated in man.
The psychodynamic method
Psychodynamic method that allows you to resolve hidden internal contradictions, conflicts, thereby freeing up the energy of dissonance, enclosed in the body. This method was developed in the last century by psychiatrist Bellak. Psychodynamics is conducted in a short course (6-8 sessions) and is aimed at treating depression, which is not accompanied by schizoaffective psychosis. The method assumes the patient's study of his internal psychic reactions and manifestations - self-esteem, self-indulgence, dependence and the need to be loved, cared for, feelings of discontent and disappointment around the world, claims to it, level of narcissism, selfishness and repressed anger. Realizing and acknowledging everything that happens in the soul, the patient stops focusing on these processes and learns to release feelings and emotions more spontaneously, vividly. Also psychodynamics helps to reduce the level of autoaggression, often leading to suicidal attempts.
Treatment of depression also involves a set of physiotherapy procedures, acupuncture at the stage of recovery, adherence to a special diet and moderate physical activity. Interestingly, for more than ten years, acupuncture (acupuncture) is considered an officially recognized method, which greatly accelerates the treatment of depression. WHO (World Health Organization) included acupuncture in the list of recommended methods for controlling depressive disorders. Accupuncture with the help of small, thinnest needles affects the energy flows - meridians, biologically active, energy points of the body. All these points and zones are responsible for the work of a particular organ or system, since it is in the reflexogenic points that the nerve endings that transmit signals through the entire nervous system, up to the brain, are located. Depression disrupts the normal transmission process, blocking it, with the help of acupuncture manipulation specialist removes the blocks. Scientific evidence of the reality of energy flows exists, but they are negligible for official recognition. However, tremendous results in the treatment of depression, acupuncture really gives, obviously, improving the overall nervous conduction and tone of the nervous tissues of the body.
Despite the prevalence, depression is treated, and quite successfully, most importantly, in time to recognize the signs of a depressive disorder and begin to fight them.