Treatment of various forms of depression
Last reviewed: 18.10.2021

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Treatment of depression is still the sphere of activity of doctors - neuropathologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists around the world, despite the diversity of antidepressants represented by the pharmacological industry and the abundance of psychotherapeutic methods and technologies. You can not consider depression a disease of the century, according to historical documents and statistics, it has always been sick, everywhere and about the same percentage. Simply before, depressive states were called completely differently in the range from melancholy to medieval stigma - obsession. Similarly, the methods of treatment differed, which directly depended on the degree of enlightenment of the time period.
Symptoms of depression:
- Mood swings, irritability.
- Aggression or indifference.
- Feeling of emptiness, depression, hopelessness. Apathy to life, "I do not need anyone", "I can not do this anymore"!
- Constant lack of sleep, fatigue (even lethargy).
- Deterioration of memory, working capacity. Laziness.
- Willingness to drink or get drunk.
- Disturbed sleep: insomnia or hibernation.
- Regrets, self-reliance. No desire to go out "into people".
- Reduced or increased appetite. Set or reduce weight.
- Change in sexual activity: increased or decreased.
In more difficult situations: suicidal thoughts, sometimes attempts. In this case, urgent consultation with a specialist is necessary, and, of course, treatment of depression.
These symptoms are often called signs of spoilage or evil eye. Often we hear this: "I'm not lucky! They've jinxed me! " In this case, a person should advise a trip to the doctor.
Types of Depression:
- Adynamic depression is characterized by such symptoms: indifference to the outside world, isolation, fatigue, impotence, lack of desire for anything. If we talk about the clinical form of the disease, then even its physical manifestations are noticeable: motor sluggishness, adynamia, stiffness in muscles. It is attributed to one of the options of apathic depression. Treatment of depression in this case (as with those types of depression in which there is fatigue, there is no desire for any action), is carried out with antidepressant stimulant and sedative effect; preparations containing magnesium. There are cases when the patient refuses to undergo treatment due to side effects of antidepressants.
- Agitated depression - derived from the word "agitation", which means motor activity. In this situation, signs are depression: a sad mood is accompanied by anxiety and increased motor activity. To notice a patient with agitated depression is not difficult, as he is constantly concerned that something bad must necessarily happen to him or his loved ones. Moreover, these fears are unfounded. The preparation of Novo-Passit can remove anxiety.
What can cause this depression?
Unjustified hopes and loss of faith, for example, failures of any kind, loss of money or social status, death of a loved one and so on.
Treatment of depression consists in the fact that it is based on antidepressant stimulants (Anafril, Melipramin, Cipramil, Paxil, Prozac, Pirazidol, Petilil and others) and sedative action (Amitriptyline , "Azafen", "Ludomil" and the like). These drugs help to quench feelings of anxiety, anxiety, irritability, moody mood.
With mild forms of depression apply "Hypericin" and St. John's wort.
If the degree of the disease is heavier, then in this situation, magnesium exchange disorders occur, therefore, magnesium is released through the kidneys. It is logical that in this situation it is necessary to take magnesium preparations. And if it is combined with calcium, it has the effect of a natural tranquilizer, which has the properties of eliminating mental stress.
Alcoholic depression. Euphoria created by alcohol, which has a systematic orientation, is often accompanied by addiction. The struggle with this dependence tends to provoke a depressive state. Feeling of depression, devastation, a feeling of "as something is missing", sometimes aggression and quick temper is a signal of alcoholic depression. In this case, in addition to emotional therapy, you should seek help from a narcologist. As treating doctors in relation to the depression, many people who have experienced a depressed state recommend a psychophysiologist, a hypnotherapist. In the process of treatment, the most important thing is to go to the end, that is, not to seek a solution to the problem in alcohol, and the option "100 grams will not harm" - only aggravate the situation.
An ankastastic depression - depression of the endogenous group is justified by an ankastastic and depressive symptoms. What does it mean? That is, in the mind of a person there is a mixed state due to anxiety and obsession.
Anesthetic depression or depression of alienation is one of those types of depression that is difficult to medicate. Accordingly, in this case, the treatment of depression should be conducted by an experienced specialist (psychiatrist, psychotherapist). The course of treatment should include antidepressants with a stimulating effect ("Melipramine"). Antidepressants of sedative action ("Amitriplin") here are almost not relevant. Anesthetic depression manifests itself as a "cold" attitude towards others. That is, the patient becomes indifferent to his loved ones, but at the same time he understands everything perfectly. The only thing that bothers the patient during this period is his illness.
Apathy depression - depression, accompanied by apathy, namely: a person overcomes the feeling of emptiness, laziness, lost interest in life. In clinical form, a variant of suicidal thoughts is not excluded.
Asthenic depression - manifests itself by such symptoms: fatigue irritability, laziness. If we talk about irritability, then "everything" hurts: everything, including the sounds of your favorite song; bright light and the like. Her physical manifestations: decreased appetite, a regular feeling of thirst, disturbed sleep, unsettled thoughts, poor concentration, weight loss, sluggishness, decreased libido. Treatment of depression of an asthenic nature consists of creating favorable conditions around the patient. It is also necessary to exclude irritating factors. From drugs, doctors recommend tranquilizers and antidepressant sedatives.
A grunting depression is a serious illness that can lead a person to its complete immobility! Initially manifests itself as symptoms: discontent with everything and everyone, sadness, aggression, anger, rage. At such diagnosis it is recommended to address to experts with medical education as the usual psychologist can not analyze a physical condition of the patient and appoint medicamental treatment of depression.
Vegetative depression is part of the group of somatized cyclothymic depression. The most difficult thing here is that the mental state provokes attacks of suffocation and tachycardia. In addition, there are a number of other symptoms: blood pressure disorders, headache and dizziness, pain in the chest, excessive sweating, lack of appetite, decreased sexual interest. Like the depression discussed above, it requires medical intervention.
Vital depression - affects the human psyche delusions obsessive ideas, thoughts (attempts) about suicide, mood swings. The physical condition of the patient is also under pressure: disturbed sleep, menstrual cycle, constipation and so on.
Hallucinatory-paranoid depression - as a rule, is peculiar to elderly people. Her symptoms are evidenced by the very name: hallucinations and paranoia. Special to this disease is a mania of persecution. A person lives in a world of illusions and is in a delirious state.
Depression without depression or masked (larvic) depression - in modern language is explained as follows: "mows" for physical diseases. Symptoms: "I feel bad," "I'm in pain," weight changes, impaired water exchange. Violations of the systems: digestive, reproductive, cardiac, nervous.
Dysthymic depression or Weitbrecht endoreactive dysthymia is a mood decline, an unreasonable anxiety, including elements of dysphoria and symptoms of hypochondria. Dysthymic depression usually occurs in young individuals, and can exist for many years. In the state of dysthymia, a person is not systematically, but periodically, there is some time he leads a habitual way of life, and then - sudden changes in mood, which can last for months.
Dysphoric depression - symptoms are a bit like dysthymic depression, but its essence is based on organic and schizophrenic principles, the signal of which is gloominess, dissatisfaction, unsteady vibrating emotional state, hatred of monotony, irritability. This circumstance induces a person to take active action, and he becomes overly intrusive, often even intrusive.
Frozen depression - embraces the human mind in such a way that it can "freeze" for a long time in one pose. Stopping communication, changing anxiety for indifference - these are clear signs of congealing depression.
Stalled depression - it absorbs positive emotions, generates feelings of depression. The reasons for its appearance can be various events: a heavy operation, complex births, lack of money, the absence of a loved one and much more. Basically, it overtakes people at a young age, who begin to be disappointed in themselves, in people, in life. The possibility of disease in childhood and in adulthood is not ruled out. The worst thing is that retarded depression sometimes affects brain cells by destructive action. The main thing is to start treatment of depression in time, and professional.
Involutional or presenilnaya depression - is typical of people aged forty years who are experiencing menopause. It manifests itself as an underestimated self-esteem, the cause of which can serve not only the absence of menstruation, but also the consciousness that "I am old" or "old," the withdrawal of children, divorce, "I'm useless to anyone", a sense of uselessness. In some cases, this type of depression is accompanied by nigglonic-hypochondriac delirium with a fantastic meaning. "Sonapaks", "Etaperazin" - antidepressants, ideal for eliminating delirium, which are used by physicians in the treatment of even its severe form.
Hypochondriacal depression - resembles masked depression in that a person complains of a possible disease, and firmly believes in the correctness of his far-fetched diagnosis. Most often, such a syndrome affects people of asthenic type or hypochondriac. In the presence of such a person, one can not talk about his illnesses or read the dictionary of medical terms as he will necessarily reveal numerous heard or read symptoms. The consequence of this suspicion may be vegetative phenomena: tachycardia, fatigue, sweating, anxiety.
Depression of exhaustion or overexertion - overload of nerves. The cause for this disease can serve too tight schedule: work without days off, study combined with work and so on. That is, in this situation, the nervous system is tired of "nerves at the limit" and she needs rest. Symptoms: irritability, short temper, headaches and dizziness, rapid heart rate.
Menopause Depression - appears during the menopause, the symptoms that depend on the complexity of the disease. Most often a person experiences devastation, is afraid of impending old age, lack of joy, depression. Sometimes in medicine it is treated as a psychoendocrine syndrome, that is, a decrease in physical and mental activity.
Depression of "devoid of roots" is characteristic of persons from places of deprivation of liberty and who are in captivity. The reason for its appearance is the feeling of "bonded bird", the pressure of the walls, the lack of freedom, life on schedule. In such people, activity and disability decrease, hypochondria appears.
Matte or mild depression - the danger lies in the fact that the degree of its severity is very weak, respectively, to determine its presence is quite difficult. Plus, a person with such a diagnosis is prone to suicide. Such people should not be left alone and imposed treatment of depression as the consciousness that "I'm a psycho" can only exacerbate the situation. In this situation, a person needs a gentle approach and, nevertheless, it is also not necessary to nurse. You do not have to force, but explain the importance of therapy.
Neurotic depression - a complex of mental disorders: phobias; anxiety; hypochondriacal and asthenodepressive syndrome, which are grouped with neurosis. The cause of this effect is the stress event of any plan. The difficulty of treating depression lies in the correctness of the established diagnosis, as it can be confused with masked depression. Treatment of depression can be carried out with the help of homeopathic medicines (for example, "Natrum Muriaticum" is taken in a disconsolate state, depression, despair, fear, panic will be helped by "Aurum Metallicum"). But again, consultation with a doctor (neuropsychologist, psychoneurologist) is mandatory!
Neuroleptic depression - has three forms:
- Persevering depression: anxiety-apathic symptoms, ideator and motor retardation, quiet monotonous speech;
- akinetic: lifelessness, weakness, hypothyroidism with the advantages of bradykinesia, aspontaneity;
- Neuroleptic dysphoria caused by neuroleptics. Her symptoms are: motor anxiety, anxiety, tension, anxiety. There is a possibility of autodestructive (deviation from norms) behavior.
Panophobic depression is a depression based on a number of phobias. The person in this case is panically afraid of something or someone.
Paralytic depression - appears in a state of progressive paralysis. At the initial stage of its development it is characterized as asthenic dysphoric depression, which smoothly flows into anxious agitated depression with nihilistic delirium.
Paranoid depression is a pronounced paranoia, which is explained by accusations, self-flagellation, and defectiveness.
Periodic or remitting depression is characteristic of patients with manic-depressive psychosis and cyclotomy. Clinical disease, which should be controlled by a specialist in psychiatry.
Depression of the soil is a combination of depression and fears.
Presenile malignant depression is a psychosis presented in the form of a constant anxiety state. Its other name melancholy is presenile malignant, which is characteristic of people in old age. Symptoms: incoherent speech, confusion, sometimes oyneroid dullness of consciousness, the appearance of cachexia.
The provoked depression - develops on the background of mental trauma (grief: death of a loved one), somatic disorder, intoxication. In this case, antidepressants are not effective, sometimes even on the contrary, can only exacerbate the situation. Under such circumstances, family support, counseling from a psychologist, walking outdoors will be effective as a treatment. A person must be distracted from the factor causing the depressed state. Over time, depression occurs if it does not mutate into another mental disorder.
Simple depression is a depressed state. Typical are such properties: fatigue, indifference, migraine, laziness, inactivity, "everything is boring", the surrounding world seems gray and bleak. Ways to fight it: changing the situation, vitamins, if necessary, antidepressants. Speaking specifically about antidepressants, then, as already mentioned above, they are prescribed only by a doctor.
Psychogenic or reactive depression - formed on the basis of psychological trauma, emotional shock. A person becomes anxious, depressed, suffers from insomnia, tearfulness. This type of depression has 3 types of reaction:
- truly depressed,
- anxious-depressive,
- depressive.
Basically, reactive depression goes by itself within 2 - 3 months. But the option of additional specialist help is not excluded.
Senile depression - is formed in people in old age, often it is called "senile depression". It manifests itself by such symptoms: inattention, absent-mindedness, low self-esteem, lack of confidence, feelings of guilt and despair, unwillingness to live, poor appetite, insomnia. A person really suffers from the fact that most of his life is already behind.
Symptomatic depression - the reason for its appearance are diseases of the internal organs, the brain. Against the background of these factors, a person falls into depression, the symptoms of which are standard: apathy, lack of joy, migraine, sleep disorders, changes in body weight, impaired appetite and so on.
Tearing depression - a dreary state, tears, weakness of character, impotence. Depression of mild form, as a rule, does not have serious consequences. It has to do with cerebrovascular pathology and hysterical disorders.
Depression "change of apartment" - is formed when moving to a new location. Usually such a depression affects people of age. It is hard for them to get out of the place where they have lived for a long period of time. A man's longing, nostalgia. To help in a new place help guests who are related to the previous housing, and getting to know new neighbors. After full adaptation in most cases, depression goes by itself. But in any case, the consultation with the psychologist will not be superfluous.
Somatogenic depression - factors and symptoms, as in symptomatic depression.
Vascular depression occurs on the background of a disease associated with blood vessels: cerebral atherosclerosis. A person from the understanding that he is sick and irritated. His worries are dreary.
Depression of fear - other names: anxiety depression, angstimopathy. The feeling of the future danger and fear of it.
Stuporous depression - has several symptoms:
- psycho-emotional state with an admixture of melancholy and psychomotor retardation to the stage of stupor;
- motor stupor on the background of an anxiety-depressive disorder.
Anxious depression is the essence and manifestations, like agitated depression.
Smiling depression is difficult to define with the naked eye. Often we meet people who laugh at problems, but in fact, they are going through, just do not show it in front of other people. This state is also called ironic depression, as a depressed person mocks the situation. Most often caused for two reasons: distrust of people or fear of appearing plaintive.
Depression background - to provocateurs include: disease, trauma, emotional stress. It refers to a number of dysphoric depression with a grouped genesis: psychogenic, somatogenic, endogenous. Its symptoms are polymorphic and unstable.
Cyclotymic depression - on a cyclothymic background is expressed by vital depression accompanied by a melancholic and pessimistic mood. In this case, the form of its manifestation is simple. But there is another version of her "depressive hyperstasy" - a serious mental disorder - in the foreign literature is justified as a manic-depressive psychosis.
Circular depression is characterized by a manic-depressive psychosis.
Existential depression - can be described as an anti-egoistic state, that is, a person lives in defiance of his principles, which oppresses and loses his "I" in a world of disorder and immorality. Treatment of depression should be based on self-training, exercises to increase self-esteem, talk with friends and family members.
Endogenous depression is another name for "melancholy." A special threat does not represent the way it was caused without cause, that is, there were no psychological traumas and stresses. More often than not, this is due to the fact that a person is simply bored, has become bored with the everyday way of life. Basically, when the situation changes, everything passes.
In addition to the above types of depression, there are types of depressed state that arise on the basis of hormonal changes: adolescence, pregnancy, childbirth (postpartum depression), menopause.
Before thinking about self-medication, you should initially be convinced of the presence of depression. Self-diagnostics, by reading information sources, is not a correct method of solving the problem. Treatment for depression should be done only under the supervision of an experienced specialist. And even more so do not take antidepressants without a doctor's recommendation! In addition, why immediately depression? Can a person lead an incorrect lifestyle? But, this is one of the reasons for possible depression!
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