How to improve your mood?
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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How to raise the mood is a question that has not once appeared in each of us. Consider ways to improve mood, fruits, vegetables and drinks for a good emotional state, as well as medication ways to improve mood.
A bad mood, general weakness and irritability are the symptoms that every person has. In order to get out of this state, you need to know how to improve your mood. There are many ways to manage the emotional state. Positive attitude is very important, so it is he who gives faith in himself and his strength, allows him to succeed. In order to get rid of a bad mood, you need to find the cause of a dull state. Very often we do not realize the cause of our sadness, but it always exists. If a bad mood persists for a long period of time, then it develops into depression, which is considered a mental disorder.
The main causes of a bad mood:
- Emotional state largely depends on the people around us. Strangely enough, it is always important for a person that his opinion coincides with the opinion of others. If this does not happen, then the mood changes.
- A calm atmosphere is another factor responsible for the normal mood. If you live in constant stress, conflicts and nerves are heated to the limit, it leads to violations of the emotional state, that is, to a bad mood.
- Financial problems are also the cause of a bad mood. Very often the financial situation speaks about the success of a person and his relevance. If the desires do not coincide with the possibilities, then this always leads to disappointment.
- Excitement, anticipation of troubles and stress - this is another reason for emotional distress.
- Bad sleep, unhealthy diet and monotonous work can provoke a bad mood, and even a depressed state.
As soon as fatigue, sadness and melancholy begins to roll, it is necessary to switch the mood into a positive channel.
- Try to relax, watch your favorite movie or a good comedy. Laughter will raise the mood, help distract from the problems.
- Good music is one of the most popular ways to improve your mood. Keep the player close at hand or download your favorite songs to your phone. A couple of minutes of musical relaxation and you are back to normal.
- A full meal allows you to always feel good. There are a number of products that affect the mood. Emotional state also depends on harmful habits, such as smoking, alcoholism and drug addiction. A healthy lifestyle, good sleep and sports is the perfect combination for a good mood.
Products that enhance mood
Products that enhance the mood should be in everyone's diet. This allows you to keep the emotional state under control and prevents the emergence of depressive disorders. Anxiety, bad mood, apathy are mental problems that arise from a chemical imbalance in the brain. Neurotransmitters consisting of serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine are responsible for overall well-being and regulate mood. There are certain products that stimulate the production of these substances, thereby increasing the mood.
Read also: How to increase the level of serotonin?
Consider the most effective products that enhance the mood:
- Bread - to increase the mood of a suitable grain bread containing amino acids, including tryptophan (an amino acid responsible for the emotional state), which is similar in principle to serotonin. A couple of slices of grain bread since morning is a pledge of good mood.
- Greens are rich in folic acid and very important for the body. So, according to studies, 30% of patients suffering from depression have a deficiency of folic acid. The substance is contained in spinach, green salad and cereal crops.
- Water - is vital for any living organism. To maintain good health and mood, you need to drink up to three liters of water a day. Very often nervousness, lethargy and bad mood are symptoms of dehydration of the body.
- Dried fruits are rich in magnesium, which helps reduce headaches and take control of stress. Dried apricots contain about 80% of sugar and works well on the nervous system. Figs restore strength and reduce irritation, raisin raises working capacity and strengthens the nervous system, and dates perfectly raise the mood.
- Citrus fruits - oranges and tangerines are rich in vitamin C, which is a strong energetic, stimulates the immune system, protects the cardiovascular and respiratory systems from various diseases. Orange contains folic acid, which is necessary for the body to maintain a normal emotional state.
- Dairy products contain tryptophan, which regulates the emotional state due to increased levels of serotonin. To maintain a good mood, a day to drink a glass of milk or kefir.
- Nuts - a source of selenium, a microelement responsible for energy and reducing anxiety. Nuts act as an excellent muscle relaxant and maintain an optimistic mood.
- Strawberry - the berry contains vitamin C, fiber and potassium, has nutritional and energy properties. Strawberry improves mood, relieves pain in the menstrual period, strengthens the body's defense.
- Bulgarian and red pepper increase the production of the pleasure hormone - endorphin. Favorably affect the functioning of the body.
- Peanuts, bananas and beans are the source of tryptophan, which helps fight irritability, and improve the emotional state. Similar properties are found in buckwheat, cereals, tomatoes and potatoes.
Neurons of the brain can independently produce endorphins, which reduce pain and affect the emotional state. Amino acid tryptophan - one of the components of a good mood is found in poultry meat and oatmeal. Folic acid synthesizes serotonin through metabolism of methionine. The substance enters the body with food, is contained in beet, yeast, parsley, leaf lettuce. If the body lacks selenium, then it leads to a deterioration in mood and irritability. The source of selenium are vitamins B12 and D, the lack of which causes sadness and despondency. Another component responsible for a good mood and a panacea for many diseases is Omega-3, the substance is contained in olive oil, almonds, and salmon.
Because the products affect the mood, some of them can negatively affect the emotional state. Consider the main enemies of a good mood:
- Alcohol and cigarettes - such drinks for a short time charge vivacity and energy, raise the mood. But in fact they raise the level of sugar in the blood and worsen the work of the adrenal glands. Smoking causes deficiency of vitamins and minerals necessary for normal functioning of the body, which negatively affects mood and well-being.
- Sweets - uncontrolled consumption leads to increased blood sugar and promotes the development of chronic fatigue syndrome.
- Coffee, tea - excessive use of these drinks leads to constant mood swings and insomnia.
- Diets and unbalanced diet - lead to a deficiency of nutrients in the body, provoke a breakdown, bad mood and well-being.
Chocolate for mood enhancement
Chocolate for mood enhancement is considered the most effective product. And this is not surprising, since it acts on the human body as a drug. Delicacy not only improves mood, but also helps to fight depression, and thanks to magnesium, increases the protective properties of the immune system and improves memory. But, despite a lot of useful properties, chocolate can not be abused, as this will only increase stress and irritation. Sweetness contains tryptophan, which contributes to the production of hormones of happiness - endorphins, lifting the mood.
Most scientists agree that the chocolate bar is an excellent antidepressant. In some cases, doctors can advise to include this product in the diet, as an analog of medicinal drugs. After eating chocolate, the human brain produces an increased level of neurotransmitters, which have a beneficial effect on vitality and mood. Chocolate is made from cocoa beans, which contain tryptophan and phenylethylamine. These substances improve the production of serotonin and endorphin, so called happy homonins.
- Serotonin protects the nervous system from the negative effects of external stimuli. Endorphins increase the pleasure from eating sweets and improve mood. The product contains theobromine (light psychostimulant), which has a tonic effect and increases stress resistance.
- Chocolate contains a lot of magnesium, which is perfectly absorbed by the body. The substance is responsible for the transmission of nerve impulses, neutralizes stress and has analgesic properties. This is one of the reasons why chocolate is so in demand among women during critical days. Magnesium reduces pain and discomfort.
But chocolate, like any other product, has its limitations. Abuse can cause insomnia and severe headaches. According to medical statistics, 40 grams of chocolate is the daily norm, which improves mood and overall well-being. The most useful is considered black chocolate, unlike dairy, it not only raises the mood, efficiency and tone of the body, but also contains many micronutrients necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system.
Sweet to improve mood
Sweet to improve the mood perfectly copes with its task and improves not only emotional, but also physical well-being. A hormone of happiness or serotonin is produced in the human brain, so if the body is limited in obtaining carbohydrates, this leads to mood swings.
According to the research, sweet cakes, cakes and other confectionery products increase the level of serotonin in the blood. Ice cream, which instantly raises the mood, has antidepressant properties. In the brain there are zones that are responsible for the appearance of a sense of joy. Ice cream affects such areas and improves mood. To raise the emotional state it is recommended to use chocolate, cottage cheese, sweet fruits, dried fruits and other, useful for the body of delicacies.
In order to enhance the mood of sweets do not necessarily overeat. A piece of dark chocolate improves the emotional state, reduces the risk of heart disease and prevents the occurrence of a heart attack. From cocoa beans make excellent drinks that tone the nervous system, increase vitality and eliminate sadness, sadness.
Drinks that enhance the mood
Drinks that enhance the mood perfectly tone up the body, increase efficiency and improve the general condition of the body. To raise the emotional state, it is not recommended to use alcoholic and energy drinks, as they only improve the mood for a while, but leave a lot of negative consequences for the body. It is necessary to increase the mood with useful drinks, which have a beneficial effect not only on the nervous system, but also on the body as a whole. Consider several recipes for raising your mood:
- A wonderful drink can be prepared from dried mint, lemon balm, basil, nutmeg and honey. A delicious spicy drink will give peace and tranquility, restore normal breathing and relieve stress. Overcome the bad mood and sadness will help field sage, a spoonful of grass for a glass of boiling water will help with nervous exhaustion, hypertension and chronic fatigue.
- Soothing and tonic properties have a honey drink. Honey stimulates the nervous system, adjusts to a positive mode, is the safest sleeping pills and has a pleasant sweet taste. But most importantly, honey is a natural product, and this is a guarantee that the body will be saturated only with useful minerals, vitamins and trace elements. A spoonful of honey on a glass of warm water is a drink that improves the mood, the work of the gastrointestinal tract and the cardiovascular system.
- Rid of sadness and despondency will help a ginger drink. Spice disperses and dilutes the blood, warms the body from within, raises the mood, increases immunity and promotes weight loss. For the preparation of the drink, both dried and fresh ginger root is suitable. Ginger must be cleaned, cut into thin plates or grated. Pour 500 ml of water, add a spoonful of honey, a little lemon juice and cinnamon, boil, cool and drink.
- Tonic and fortifying properties have carrot juice. Carrots contain daukosterol, which refers to endorphins. To prepare a carrot drink you need a kilogram of fresh carrots. Vegetables should be washed, peeled, grated and poured into 500 ml of boiling water. After the drink is infused for 1-2 hours, the carrots need to be squeezed well, add honey or sugar, lemon juice or cranberries. Such a useful drink will not hurt the figure and will improve the mood.
- Pumpkin juice is useful for the work of the nervous system, improves mood and well-being. The drink helps to fight against insomnia and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. To make a drink you can make pumpkin fresh. Cook the pieces of the peeled pumpkin for 5-10 minutes, grind in a blender, add the lemon juice, honey, raisins and chop again. Add the boiled water to the resulting mass until the desired consistency is obtained. The resulting drink can be drunk warm and chilled.
- Tea with rose hips is a storehouse of vitamins that give a good mood and tone up the body. To make a drink, take three spoons of rose hips, a spoonful of black tea, a couple of spoonfuls of honey and a liter of boiling water. Fold the berries in a thermos, add a couple of spoons of sugar, tea and honey, pour boiling water and let it brew during the night. Strain the drink and drink at the first sign of bad mood or weakness.
- Lemon juice is the most useful drink for the nervous and immune system. Lemon is rich in vitamin C and R, citrus supplies the body with antioxidants and electrolytes. Clean water with a couple of spoons of lemon juice - improve the emotional state and mental activity, increase the flow of blood to the brain.
- Cranberry juice is a natural drink and a natural antioxidant. To make a fragrant drink, you need to take 500 g of cranberries and grind it with sugar. The resulting gruel should be poured with boiling water and let it brew for 20-30 minutes. Drink improves mood and will be an excellent preventive tool for seasonal viral diseases.
- Coffee is the most popular drink that excites the nervous system. The composition of the drink includes caffeine, which in moderate doses acts as an antidepressant and increases the production of serotonin and norepinephrine in the brain. But it can not be abused, in the day it is recommended to drink no more than two cups and only in the morning.
Fruits that enhance the mood
Fruits that increase the mood should be in the daily diet of each person. Red, orange and yellow fruits contain caratenoids, pigments, beneficial to the body, nervous and muscular system. Bright fruits raise the mood not only by their taste, but also by their appearance. If you do not know how to improve your mood, eat apricots, bananas, cherries, strawberries, red apples. The secret of fruit in bioflavonoids, which improves blood circulation in the brain and normalizes the work of the heart, which leads to a natural improvement in mood.
Many scientists argue that the ideal fruit for a good mood is apricot. It is rich in useful vitamins, minerals and trace elements, which stimulate the work of the gastrointestinal tract and heart. The mood is also raised by cocoa beans, which are used for making chocolate. They are rich in phenylethylamine, which activates the production of hormones of joy and improves the emotional state.
Mood Enhancing Drugs
Mood enhancing drugs are used when other methods are powerless. Medicines prevent sudden mood swings that occur in any disorder. To date, there are two types of stabilizers that improve the emotional state. The most commonly used lithium, which reduces the severity of mood swings and with bipolar and manic disorders. Improve mood and have some stabilizing properties of some anticonvulsant drugs - sodium valitroate, lamotrigine and others.
Stabilizers of mood affect the development of regulatory substances in brain cells that prevent changes in mood and mood changes. The drugs help with many diseases of the central nervous system, causing pathologies in the emotional state. Most drugs are made from natural ingredients, and they are biologically active additives.
A natural drug that contains substances similar to serotonin, produced by the human body. One of the features of this remedy is that it does not violate the natural balance of neurotransmitters and does not cause side effects, like when taking antidepressants.
- The main indications for the use of the drug: asthenia and chronic fatigue, depressive states, loss of interest in work, rest, life, increased hostility and aggressiveness. Fain-100 helps reduce pain in premenstrual syndrome and reduces the harmful effects of nicotine, eliminates anxiety.
- Apply the drug on the advice of a doctor. Adult patients are prescribed 1 tablet at meal time, for 3-5 days. If the therapeutic effect does not occur, then the dosage is increased to 2-3 tablets per day. The optimal therapeutic effect is observed after three months of regular application. In this case, the improvement of the state comes in 2-3 weeks. If the tablets are used to improve mood, it is recommended to take ½ times a day.
- The drug is contraindicated for use with simultaneous reception with chemical antidepressants and intolerance of 5-hydroxytryptophan. Tablets are not prescribed for pregnant and lactating breast, for patients with glaucoma, prostatitis, high blood pressure and under the age of 12 years.
The composition of the product includes vitamins, amino acids, minerals and a number of plant components that are indispensable for the human body. Balansin is a multivitamin preparation of a combined type. The medicine replenishes the lack of useful substances in the body, it has a restorative effect, it helps to transfer psychoemotional loads more easily.
- The drug is used for physical, emotional and mental stress. The medicine is used to improve memory, intellectual abilities and resistance to stress. Balansin is included in programs for the treatment of mood swings and relief of withdrawal symptoms.
- Adults appoint 1 tablet 1-2 times a day during meals. To achieve the optimal therapeutic effect, the dosage can be increased to 3-4 tablets per day. The only contraindication to the use of the drug is hypersensitivity to its components.
The active substance of the preparation is phenylalanine, one of the essential amino acids for the human body. The drug takes part in the formation of proteins in the body, improves the production of endorphins. Unlike analgesics, the drug is not addictive, non-toxic, has an antidepressant effect and can be combined with other medicines.
- Endorphin is prescribed for patients suffering from mood swings, with reduced vitality, chronic fatigue and stress, memory impairment, severe headaches, increased appetite.
- For patients over 12 years, it is recommended to use one tablet for the first three days and gradually increase the dosage to three tablets per day. Optimal therapeutic effect occurs with continuous use of the drug for three or more months. If the pills are used to prevent an unstable emotional state, then one tablet is used throughout the treatment period.
- The drug is contraindicated to use with intolerance of the components of the drug, high blood pressure. Endorphin is prohibited for use in the initiation of psychotic levels and severe anxiety disorders.
A medicine used to improve mood, vitality, immunity and potency. The drug increases resistance to stressful situations, regulates metabolism, helps with sexual dysfunction. Biologically active substances and trace elements that make up the drug help with chronic fatigue and increased psychoemotional stresses and negative effects on the nervous system.
Antidepressants that increase mood
Antidepressants that increase mood are used to normalize the emotional state. They refer to psychotropic drugs used to treat depressive disorders. Medication improves mood, helps to overcome emotional tension, apathy, lethargy, melancholy. Drugs improve the quality and duration of sleep, normalize appetite. Apply medication only as directed by a doctor.
But antidepressants do not suit absolutely all people with emotional disorders. Psychiatrists assure that taking properly chosen medications with severe depression can save lives. The therapeutic effect is due to the stimulating effect on the central nervous system. Of course, without a prescription to buy strong antidepressants will not work, because they have a lot of side effects. Consider drugs of various groups that are in free sale and are available to everyone.
- Maprotiline
Antidepressant tetracyclic type, improves mood, eliminates anxiety and apathy. The drug is contraindicated to use in pregnancy, violations of puncture of the kidneys and liver.
- Prozac
Selective serotonin inhibitor, effectively eliminates panic conditions and increased anxiety. The drug helps with premenstrual disorders and eliminates obsessive thoughts. After treatment with this drug, a person becomes adequate and emotionally stable.
Anti-anxiety and antidepressant. The main indications for use: correction of the cardiovascular system, elimination of stress, phobias, depression and bad mood.
- Novo-Passit
Has a pronounced sedative effect, consists of natural components: lemon balm, hops, elderberry, St. John's wort. The drug relieves stress and anxiety, helps with premenstrual and climacteric syndrome, improves the emotional state.
- Persen
Plant antidepressant, which has pronounced soothing properties. Can be used in long-term therapy and prevention of emotional disorder.
In addition to the above medicines, there are real plant antidepressants that can be used without a doctor's prescription. These antidepressants include: peony tincture, motherwort tincture, tincture of ginseng, chamomile, dill, valerian, calendula, oregano, clover. Before taking any antidepressants, it is necessary to understand that without medical consultation and proper application, even herbal remedies can cause negative consequences for the body.
Vitamins that enhance mood
Vitamins that increase mood are used to strengthen the nervous system and improve the psychoemotional state. Vitamins of group B, A and E have antidepressant properties and improve mood.
- Vitamins of group B - are an excellent prophylaxis of fatigue, effective in complex application. Vitamin B1 influences the functioning of the nervous system, is responsible for the process of thinking, development of creative abilities and stops the aging of cells. Deficiency of vitamin B disturbs the general state of health, causes irritability, increased drowsiness and reduces the tone of the body.
- Thiamin is a vitamin of vivacity, is used for psychoemotional disorders, stimulates the work of the nervous and cardiovascular system. To prevent deficiency of this substance, it is recommended to consume legumes, chicken eggs, liver, cabbage, green buckwheat, bran.
- Vitamin H - helps the proteins to be better absorbed, thereby generating energy responsible for good health and normal emotional state.
- Biotin - is involved in the synthesis of glucokinase and stimulates the exchange of glucose, normalizing its level in the blood. Glucose is the main nutrient of cells of the brain and nerve cells. With a deficiency of glucose, a person experiences increased fatigue, loss of energy and a bad mood. To maintain normal glucose levels, it is recommended to use dairy products, beef liver, soy products and nuts.
- Ascorbic acid is a vitamin of energy and youth. Penetrates into nerve cells and stimulates the production of norepinephrine, a hormone that improves mood, increases tone and vivacity. For normal assimilation of ascorbic acid, the body must be saturated with magnesium and potassium.
There are a number of vitamin preparations that you need to take to strengthen the body, the immune system, improve your tone and keep a good mood throughout the day. Vitamins to improve mood and restore energy improve the endurance of the body and overall health.
- Duovit Energy
A complex of vitamins and minerals to restore strength, improve efficiency. Vitamins are indispensable for daily stress, mental and physical exertion. The drug protects the body from vitamin deficiency and maintains the level of energy at a high level.
- Vitrum Energy
Vitamin preparation of immunomodulating action. Increases the protective properties of the body, helps fight stress and prevents nervous exhaustion. Components included in the preparation improve the supply of cells with oxygen, which significantly increases their energy. Vitamins help fight fatigue and strengthen the nervous system.
- Vitus Energy
Vitamin complex of energy, tonic and balanced elements. Such a composition helps to fight with increased stresses on the nervous system and the body as a whole. The drug improves the protective properties of the immune system, and is recommended for people with increased emotional, physical and mental stress.
- Vitamins Alphabet Energy
These vitamins perfectly suited to protect the body from high loads, which negatively affect the mood and overall well-being. The drug stimulates mental activity, raises working capacity, relieves fatigue and keeps a good mood.
Music that improves mood
Music that improves mood is an ideal and affordable means to calm the nervous system. Scientists have long been concerned with the influence of music on the mental and emotional state of a person. For example, melodic and quiet music calms and relaxes, and loud and rhythmic excites. In the morning, to raise the mood, you need to listen to rhythmic music. This will help to quickly wake up and gladly enter the new day. Energetic and funny music makes you change your despondency and sadness for joy and optimism. Slow and relaxing music acts like a real sleeping pills, so you can listen to it before going to sleep with tormented insomnia.
Music that boosts the mood depends on musical tastes, but in any case, you must choose those melodies that caress the rumor and like you. The therapeutic properties of music is that it affects the psychoemotional state and is able to make a person happier. If we talk about musical styles and directions for raising the emotional state, everything at first sight is simple. A person should listen to their favorite music and that's it. But the scientists carried out research, the results of which show that different musical directions affect emotionally and even physically in different ways.
- Classical music
Such music works best on the body and psycho-emotional state. In this case, the healing compositions of Mozart are considered. One thing is for sure, classical music acts soothing, helps to concentrate on work and eliminates irritability.
- Pop music
Surely, each of us has a couple of tracks from this direction, which are settled in the head. But the most interesting is that such a musical style does not affect the emotional balance of a person. As a rule, such music is loved by people who treat life with ease and even recklessness. To improve the mood, it's better to reread a good book than to listen to meaningless lyrics of pop songs.
- Rap, hip-hop music
According to scientific research, these musical styles are most liked by a minor offender (70% of respondents confirmed that such music affects their feelings). Most often this music is listened to by teenagers, at their age aggressive music is a kind of a symbol of rebellion. But if you exclude aggressive and depressive songs from listening, then a positive rap can improve your mood, get rid of apathy and encourage you to take action.
- Metal, rock music
Opinions about heavy music are fundamentally different. Some scientists are considered that it negatively affects mental health and emotional state. Such music raises irritability, causes a tendency to violence and worsens memory. But other experts argue that heavy music has a particularly beneficial effect on people in their teens, as it helps fight pressure and tension. To improve the mood, these styles are most often chosen by ambitious people, with a rich inner world.
- Reggae, jazz, blues music
Musical compositions in such styles help to get rid of depression and allow the brain to relax. Most often, such music is chosen by sociable, creative, people loving social activity.
In spite of the disagreement of scientists about the influence of musical styles on the psychoemotional state of a person, they are all confident that music should be liked. This is one of the conditions that will help to improve mood and will have a positive effect on the body.
Mood boost tablets
Mood boosting tablets are antidepressants or psychotropic drugs that affect the central nervous system. Strong tablets can be purchased only on prescription, after a visit and examination from a neurologist. But there are a number of drugs with less pronounced therapeutic effect, which are dispensed without a prescription.
- Ludomil is an antidepressant that improves mood. The drug eliminates apathy, helps fight the inhibition caused by psychomotor dysfunction.
- Fluoxetine is an antidepressant for the treatment of emotional overload and anxiety.
- Adress - antidepressant, improves mood, is effective in the treatment of depressive disorders.
- Deprim - a drug based on St. John's wort. Improves the emotional state, increases efficiency, protects against stress and nervous stress.
In addition to tablets, in a pharmacy without a doctor's prescription, you can buy medicinal herbs and tinctures that improve mood and strengthen the body as a whole.
- Leuzea extract is effective for overwork and frequent stress. Stimulates, increases efficiency, improves mood.
- Zamanikha - increases efficiency, an effective stimulant in depressive disorders.
- Tincture of ginseng - increases the body's defenses in the fight against stress, treats diseases of the nervous system.
If a bad mood occurs for no apparent reason and is accompanied by anxiety, sadness and irritability, it is recommended to take antidepressants with sedative effect.
- Tincture of Chinese magnolia vine - is used to treat hysterical conditions and chronic bad mood.
- Novo-Passit - vegetable pills, relieve anxiety, headaches and emotional stress.
- Persen - a preparation from plant components, acts as a sedative.
Do not forget about the medicinal plants that are better than any tablets soothe the nervous system and improve mood. Such natural antidepressants are sold without a prescription and are available to everyone. Therapeutic properties are infusion of dill, lemon balm, motherwort, thyme, valerian. Herbs are absolutely harmless and are natural tranquilizers.
- Herbal collection from motherwort, honeysuckle, oregano and clover - favorably affects the psycho-emotional state, improves sleep, helps with frequent stresses and experiences.
- The herbal collection of mint, valerian and hops possesses soothing properties. You can drink herbs like tea. Such a natural remedy will save you from seasonal depression.
- Tincture of hawthorn, calendula and medicinal angelica - have a sedative effect, are considered natural relaxants. The drugs help with chronic fatigue and frequent stresses, which are the cause of a bad mood.
Note that an adequate therapeutic effect when taking tablets to increase the mood comes after several weeks of continuous reception. In addition to the use of medicines, it is recommended to lead an active lifestyle, include physical activity and occupational therapy in your schedule.
Pictures that enhance the mood
Pictures that enhance the mood act like music. The color scale of the image affects the psychoemotional state and mood. Dark pictures of rainy autumn or images of storm clouds cause apathy and act depressingly. But images with bright juicy colors - improve the mood, give fun and positive. Pictures for raising the mood - this is a safe and effective tool that will help protect the body from nervous exhaustion and stress.
The life of modern man is a cycle of work, life and responsibility. And most of the time is spent at the computer. Beautiful cheerful picture on the desktop not only improves the mood, but also helps to relax, relieve tension and relax. Scientists have proved that color affects not only the mood, but also the overall well-being. Choosing pictures that enhance the mood you need to have some elementary ideas about the effect of a particular color.
- For example, images that are dominated by red colors do not allow you to relax, but rather cause excitement and even aggression. So the black-red or juicy red picture will not improve the mood and will not contribute to good work.
- Green, blue, yellow, orange and pink are ideal colors to enhance the emotional state. Drawings in which such a color scheme predominates are pleasant for perception, and stimulate the nervous system.
Many experts recommend regularly changing pictures on the desktop. This will always maintain the mood at a high level, even in the most restless and stressful days.
Movies that enhance the mood
Films that enhance the mood act like real relaxants. A good good or funny movie allows you to escape from the cause of bad mood and plunge into the life of the main characters. For viewing it is recommended to choose time-tested, that is, classic comedies, pictures without aggression and malice, films with good endings and favorite actors. Most modern low-budget comedies are not recommended as a method to increase mood. Since dull jokes and bad actors play, can only worsen the mood.
For viewing it is not recommended to choose thrillers, horrors, insurgents and other work of cinema, which are filled with fights and blood. Refuse is also from crying melodramas, tragedy films and catastrophes, such pictures negatively affect the shaken psycho-emotional state. But adventure films, comedies and cartoons are an ideal choice for improving mood. Documentary, various shows and programs do not allow you to relax, so it's also better to refuse such a video.
Colors that enhance the mood
Colors that enhance the mood should be present in clothing, interior and even food. A certain color scheme can both calm and vice versa, cause aggression and an excited state. Consider the basic colors and their ability to improve mood.
- Red is a vigorous and rather troubled color. Can briefly uplift the mood, but causes irritation of the nervous system. Red reduces work capacity, causes rapid breathing, increases blood pressure.
- Orange - helps to increase energy, lifts mood, eliminates depressive state. Color is favorable for visual perception, in many it is associated with the charge of energy and positive emotions.
- Yellow - stimulates the nervous and visual systems, gives a slight feeling of freshness.
- Blue - maintains the emotional state at a normal level. If a person is surrounded by such tones, it contributes to an increase in working capacity and perfectly relaxes the body. The blue color is perfect for rooms in which hyperactive or over-annoying people work or live.
- Blue - perfectly relaxes, improves mood. Color symbolizes honesty, kindness and loyalty.
- Green - calms the body, great for everyday life and rest, lowers blood pressure. All shades of green can be used as a means of improving mood.
- Purple - helps to relax and makes you think. Color does not help to calm the nervous system, but rather causes rapid fatigue and easy apathy.
We examined the influence of the primary colors on the mood. But there are combinations of different shades that cause more complex reactions and a deep range of feelings. Leading designers and many doctors advise using sensibly chosen color combinations in the interior. Part of the living space must be in warm and soft colors. This will contribute to the proper functioning of the nervous system and the body as a whole.
Songs that enhance the mood
Songs that enhance the mood - it's special music, which is an excellent soothing for the nervous system. Every music lover knows that a good song can control both emotions and thoughts. According to scientific research, the mood improves not only cheerful and joyful, but also sad songs. Music has the effect of catharsis and perfectly controls mood. Songs create a peculiar combination of positive and negative emotions. Perceiving sadness and negative emotions through songs we do not feel them stronger.
Different songs cause different emotions. Happy, kind music gives a smile, raises self-esteem, improves the general condition of the body and the nervous system. Some songs cause a slight chill and goose bumps, which suggests that the music acts on the body at a psycho-emotional level. In order for the song to really lift the mood, it should be not only with pleasant music, but also with words that delight the rumor and even make you think.
Books that enhance the mood
Books that enhance the mood - this is a real source of joy and optimism. To improve the emotional state, any book can approach, regardless of genre or author. The main thing is to find in it the answer to the question of interest, the character to which there is sympathy or a thought consonant with one's own. Like music or a movie, the mood book is chosen individually.
Books that enhance the mood are works whose readings on the soul become easy and fun, the mood improves, worries and anxieties fall into the background. The list of books for the mood for everyone should be different. Preferences in the choice of literature are virtually independent of the genre of the work or the idea laid down by the author. Many people prefer to read classics, other modern fiction or adventure novels to improve the emotional state, and the third is quite simple humorous prose.
Poetry, boosting the mood
Poetry that increase mood depends on individual preferences in literature and even on the character of a person. There are many authors who write poems about everything and about everyone. A special place in the world of rhyme is occupied by humorous verses and quatrains. As they contribute to the improvement of mood, relieve sadness and sadness. Typically, such works make fun of everyday situations in which the reader can recognize himself or narrate about various events in a cheerful, cheerful form.
Poems give energy, tune in a positive way and even help to relax. For example, a small poem by A.S. Pushkin, after reading, which in his soul becomes calmer, and the mood improves:
If life deceives you, Do not grieve, do not be angry! On the day of despondency be reconciled: Day of mirth, believe, come.
The heart lives in the future; The present is sad: Everything is instantaneous, everything will pass away; What will pass, it will be nice.
How to improve the mood of a girl?
How to raise the mood of a girl, a question that arises both in the representatives of the male and in the girls themselves. A bad mood in girls can be associated with hormonal imbalance in the body. As a rule, the emotional level decreases before and during menstruation. But there are days when everything falls from the hands and it spoils the mood. Many scientists believe that a bad mood is the source of future ills. A pessimistic person like a magnet draws trouble and problems to himself.
One of the features of a bad mood is that it spoils relations with surrounding people and negatively affects health. From a bad mood you need to get rid of, as it can develop into depression or apathy. We offer some tips that will help to improve the mood not only for a girl, but for any person:
- Take care of your favorite thing - it will distract from the cause of bad mood, help to relax and calm down. Paint, play computer games, go for a run or just sleep.
- Watch your favorite movie, listen to music or read a book. By the way, according to scientific researches, reading and music are the best moods.
- Be engaged in sports - at performance of physical exercises the organism allocates hormones of happiness - endorphins that promotes mood improvement.
- Organize a meeting with friends - very often loneliness is the cause of a bad mood. Invite your loved ones and loved ones, go to the cinema or cafe.
- Devote time to relaxation - prepare a relaxing bath, listen to your favorite music or buy yourself some kind of thing. If possible, go to fresh air, which will saturate the body with oxygen, improve blood circulation and contribute to the improvement of mood.
A bad mood, like other disorders can be prevented, for this it is enough to observe a few simple rules. Regular exercise, good sleep and healthy food are a pledge not only of good mood, but also of good health. Avoid stress and conflict, read more and walk in the fresh air. Very often, observing the regime of the day helps to get rid of bad mood and chronic fatigue.
The question of how to improve the mood of a girl often occurs in boys. We offer you some small tips that will help raise the mood of your beloved and distract her from bad thoughts.
- If you do not want to quarrel and worsen her condition even more, do not complain about her bad mood. This will only aggravate an already negative attitude. Do not forget that she is also a person and has every right to pokapriznichat or be in no mood.
- Do not inquire about the causes of bad mood, learn to listen and hear. Sometimes girls do not talk about the causes of emotional distress, as this can upset you, or vice versa will make it even more locked up, or burst into tears.
- Do not talk about your troubles or problems. This tactic will not improve her mood, and even more puzzling. Just support and explain that everyone has grief.
- Never say that the reason for her bad mood is PMS. Knowing the peculiarities of the female character, men write off all the nervous disorders, moods and bad mood on the PMS.
- Give her more attention, kiss - it will allow you to feel your care and love. This kind of emotional support will quickly improve your mood and strengthen your relationship.
How to improve your mood at work?
How to improve the mood at work and how to make the workflow more fruitful? This question is asked by both office staff and freelancers. At work a person spends a lot of time, and the same type of work and an unchanging atmosphere negatively affect the emotional state. To improve the mood will help a vase of flowers, bright office supplies, a cheerful screensaver on the desktop, some plant. In addition, there must always be something delicious in the table, for example, chocolate or dried fruits. A light snack will eliminate the irritability that can arise from a feeling of hunger.
A bad mood leads to a decrease in staff performance, increases the number of dismissals from work and general discontent of workers. A good mood is one of the essential components of prosperity and success. We offer several tips for improving the psychoemotional state in the work team.
- Create a small corner of laughter. This can be done on the bulletin board or on the corporate website of the company, where all the employees come. A couple of good jokes in the morning, funny stories, funny photos and anecdotes, will not only raise my spirits, but also increase working capacity, as they will give the person a charge of positive energy from the very morning.
- A flexible work schedule is another condition for a good mood. Develop a schedule that will not be detrimental to the company or the work process, but it will help to reduce the stress level of the employee.
- Meetings outside the office allow you to diversify the working environment. A cozy cafe in the park will greatly improve the productivity of labor, in contrast to the gray conference room. People become more susceptible to unusual working conditions and pleasant surroundings.
- Organize competitions and encourage your employees - this is an excellent incentive to maintain a good mood throughout the whole working day, and even a month. Remember, improving your mood at work should not be a difficult or costly task.
How to raise the mood of a pregnant woman?
How to raise the mood of a pregnant woman and alleviate an already difficult period for a woman? First of all, it is necessary to understand what caused the emotional disorder. If a bad mood persists for a long period of time, then it can turn into prenatal depression. Of course, the extra pounds on the scales or clothing is not the size because of the appeared abdomen will not cause depression, but the mood can spoil.
- Most of all, a positive attitude is spoiled by a bad dream. In addition to physical inconveniences that arise from a large belly, numbness of limbs or wiggling of a baby, the pregnant one is very sensitive even to the smallest details. Eliminate everything that prevents you from normal rest: bedding, light, noise and more. A good dream is a pledge of a good mood in the morning.
- Another important point that can spoil the mood is food. During pregnancy, a woman should adhere to a special diet that promotes the full development of the baby. But it is the restrictions in eating that can cause nervous breakdowns. Occasionally please yourself in small portions of the forbidden, but do not abuse. In your diet should be healthy, nutritious foods that help the body cope with increased stress.
- Regular walks in the fresh air raise not only the mood, but also support the body. The lack of fresh air can lead to oxygen starvation, which will negatively affect the woman's health and development of the fetus.
- Good mood lifts a hobby or a favorite thing. So, some women during pregnancy discover in themselves the talent of sewing, embroidering or drawing, receiving from it the sea of pleasure and positive emotions.
There are many ways that you can help overcome the bad mood during pregnancy and need to use them. If a bad emotional state arises from day to day, it will lead to depression. Severe cases of prenatal depression require medical care and medication. Antidepressants have many side effects and can adversely affect the full development of the fetus. In order to protect yourself from a bad mood during pregnancy, you need to communicate more with your loved ones and more expensive people, often go out into the open air, do not pay attention to minor troubles and problems, eat right, do your favorite thing and relax.
How to improve your mood and protect yourself from emotional disorders? First of all, everything must be done to ensure that it does not deteriorate. Do not take everything to heart, avoid stress and conflict situations. Try to smile more often, even a tense smile gives the body strength and vivacity. Pay special attention to your health, as it is difficult to be cheerful and cheerful if something hurts. And finally, we offer you some rules of good mood, observing which, sadness and sorrow will not disturb you.
- Communicate more and walk in the fresh air. Communicating with other people helps to get distracted from their own problems and troubles, gives more positive and vital energy. Rest or a walk in the fresh air saturate the body with oxygen, which speeds up the production of serotonin, responsible for mood.
- Surround yourself with bright things. Do not forget that colors affect the emotional state. Buy a bright mug, place a vase of flowers on the desktop or change the screensaver on the phone. The more bright, warm colors in your life, the better for the mood and overall well being.
- An obligatory component of good mood and excellent state of health is a healthy diet. Add to your diet longer fruit, vegetables and rich in vitamins and minerals useful for the body. Do not forget to pamper yourself sometimes. A piece of dark chocolate or a small cake - will quickly increase your spirits.
- Listen to your favorite music, read books, watch movies. Your life should be diverse, do not focus on problems, work and life.
- Find a hobby for yourself, an activity that can inspire you and improve your mood. Try drawing, sewing, embroidering, writing poetry, singing or doing some kind of crafts. Find yourself an outlet, which at any moment can give a smile.
Now you know how to improve the mood in any situation and what to do, so that it does not deteriorate. Take care of your health and nervous system, enjoy every little thing, and do not pay attention to minor problems, because they make life more interesting.