Treatment of furunculosis
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Furunculosis - a disease in which multiple lesions occur with furuncles. The furuncle itself is an inflammation of the hair follicle caused by bacteria, most often golden staphylococcus. Localized and common furunculosis is distinguished by localization. With localized furunculosis, furuncles are located on one part of the body, for example, the face. With general furunculosis, furuncles occur throughout the body. By the time of localization, acute and chronic furunculosis are distinguished. When acute, a large number of boils occurs in a short time or at the same time. With chronic furunculosis, furuncles occur with a certain long periodicity, for example, once a month. What are the methods of treatment of furunculosis? We will describe this below.
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Methods of treatment of furunculosis
The method of treatment of furunculosis depends on the site of localization and the complexity of the disease. In acute furunculosis methods of control are aimed at accelerating the process of maturation and self-breakthrough furuncles. At the stage of maturation furuncles use bandages with levomecol and / or ichthyol ointment. After breaking the boils, the affected areas of the skin should be treated with aseptic solutions (iodine, betadine, brilliant green, 70% alcohol). To accelerate the isolation of pyogenic content, ointments "sucking out" pus (Vishnevsky ointment, biopin, dimexide) are used. After a complete withdrawal of the rod, the wound is granulated independently, forming a scar. The surface of the skin should again be treated with antiseptic solutions. If the general condition of the patient worsens or the number of boils is too high, then conservative treatment is used, namely surgical intervention, antibiotic therapy and physiotherapy.
Surgical treatment of furunculosis
The surgical method is used in the absence of long-term breakthroughs of furuncles, a large number of boils, with a significant deterioration in the general condition or localization of inflammatory processes on the face. In this case, the surgeon performs an autopsy by local anesthesia by cutting the skin with a scalpel, removes the rod, rinses the wound, inserts tampons with ointment and applies an aseptic bandage. With this method, the inflammatory process goes away quickly, and the healing lasts relatively painlessly. The patient can only walk on the dressing.
Treatment of furunculosis with drugs
Medicamental treatment of furunculosis is performed by prescribing antibiotics. For this, the doctor must take the contents of the wound for bacteriological culture with a subsequent antibioticogram. This is done in order to determine the microorganism provoking furunculosis and the appointment of an optimal drug, sensitive to this type of microorganism. The most commonly used are erythromycin, oxacillin, cephalexin, metacycline, sumamed. Treatment with antibiotics is carried out with furunculosis localized on the face or in people with severely weakened immunity.
How to use: adults are prescribed to take an hour before meals at a dosage of 0.25 mg 4-6 times a day, but not more than 2 grams per day. Children under 14 years of age daily dosage is 20-40 mg / kg in four divided doses.
Side effects: nausea, upset stomach, jaundice, allergic reactions.
Contraindications: the drug is contraindicated for individual intolerance, impaired liver function, as well as polyvalent medical allergy.
Method of use: the drug can be used inside, as well as injected intramuscularly or intravenously. When administered orally, the dosage is 0.25-0.5 g 4-6 times a day, but not more than 3 g. The drug is prescribed an hour before meals, or 2-3 hours after meals. With intramuscular and intravenous administration, the dosage is selected by the attending physician.
Side effects: allergic reactions, nausea, vomiting, upset stomach, jaundice, dysbacteriosis, candidiasis, hematuria, thrombophlebitis, oppression hemopoiesis ..
Contraindications: the drug is contraindicated in cases of severe liver disease and individual intolerance to drugs.
Method of administration: the drug is prescribed to adults in a dosage of 1-4 g per day. Recommended frequency of use every 6 hours. Children dosage is selected individually depending on the age. Infants under 1 year are prescribed 2.5 ml of the drug 3 times a day, from 1 to 3 years - 5 ml, from 3 to 6 - 7.5 ml, from 6 to 14 - 10 ml as a suspension.
Side effects: indigestion, dizziness, oppression of hematopoiesis, allergic reactions.
Contraindications: the drug should not be used with intolerance to cephalosporins and penicillins.
Dosage for adults is 300 mg twice a day. Take the drug after eating or directly when it is taken. Children under 12 years are prescribed not more than 10 mg / kg of the body weight of the child, as well as sharing the reception twice.
Side effects: dizziness, headaches, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, pancreatitis, jaundice, diabetes insipidus, candidiasis, dysbiosis, pigmentation of tooth enamel, allergic reactions.
Contraindications: the drug can not be used in pregnancy and breast-feeding, as well as children under 8 years. Caution should be given to people with hepatic or renal insufficiency. Do not recommend taking with a medical polyvalent allergy.
Usage: the drug is consumed once a day for an hour before meals at a dosage of 500 mg for three to five days. For children, the dosage is 10 mg / kg body.
Side effects: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, bloating, allergic reactions.
Contraindications: cautiously apply to patients with impaired liver and kidney function, as well as people with hypersensitivity to macrolides.
As a physiotherapeutic treatment of furunculosis, local heat, UHF therapy and ultraviolet radiation are used. All these techniques are aimed at accelerating the ripening of the boil and, as a consequence, spontaneous breakthrough. So the methods of physiotherapy have an antiseptic effect.
When treating furunculosis at home, you need to remember the main and main rule. In no case can you squeeze the contents of the boil yourself. This can lead to trauma of venous vessels, through which pathogens fall into the flow of blood and can cause sepsis and even death of a person. In addition, the independent removal of the rod can lead to incomplete separation and as a consequence of the subsequent inflammatory process of tissues - phlegmon.
Treatment of furunculosis with alternative methods
The treatment of furunculosis with alternative methods is aimed at eliminating inflammation in the early stages or accelerating the ripening and breakthrough of the furuncle. For this purpose, ointments from:
- honey, salt, flour and eggs (for rapid ripening of boils). Change this cake 2 times a day before the breakthrough.
- black bread, water and salt (to reduce inflammation in the initial stage). You need to change this cake once every 3-4 hours.
- honey and flour (for rapid maturation). Change the bandage with a cake you need 2 times a day before self-tearing abscess.
- crushed leaves of calendula with vaseline (to reduce inflammation in the initial stage). This cake has an excellent antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. You need to change it every 3-4 hours.
- grated household soap and gruel of baked onion (for fast ripening). Such gruel should be applied to the inflamed place and changed every day until the moment of rupture.
Also, alternative medicine recommends purifying blood with the help of decoctions of some herbs, namely: daisy flowers, burdock seeds, dandelion leaves, nettles, string, cowberries and others. At the same time, you need to make a decoction and take it three times a day.
The most surprising and mysterious method of treatment of furunculosis alternative methods is the use of sulfur. There is a popular belief that even in the war years, in order to get rid of furunculosis, you must take sulfur powder with bread. We strongly recommend not to try this method.
Treatment of chronic furunculosis
Chronic furunculosis is characterized by the appearance of foci of inflammation after a certain period of time. Usually this process is associated with patients with hypothermia, a disease, a decrease in general immunity, severe stress and other causes. In such cases, there is the question of preventing outbreaks of furuncles. A huge role in this is strengthening immunity and a healthy lifestyle (sports, diet and diet). People suffering from this disease must deal with normalized physical loads, observe the regime of the day, sleep enough and eat right. Diet as a prophylaxis and treatment of furunculosis should include a sufficient amount of vitamins and trace elements. It is necessary to exclude the use of a large number of acute, fatty foods, smoked products, as well as alcohol. It is recommended to reduce the consumption of carbohydrates (sweets, sugar) and the introduction of yeast into the diet.
In rare cases, as a treatment for furunculosis, it is proposed to perform autohemotherapy - the introduction of their own blood into the muscle tissue or under the skin. In some sources, autohemotherapy is considered to be an outdated and ineffective technique for the treatment of furunculosis, but the less so, and still it is carried out.
Still there is a practice of treatment of furunculosis by the introduction of stimulant drugs intramuscularly. These include gamma globulins and injections of aloe vera extract.
Features of treatment of furunculosis
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Feature of treatment of furunculosis on the face
The most dangerous place of localization of furunculosis is the face. The reason for this is the nearby vessels leading to the brain. If the vessel is accidentally damaged, the venous blood stream enters the brain where it can cause inflammation of the membranes - meningitis. Therefore, when a boil on the face begins immediately antibiotic therapy and, if necessary, perform surgical intervention. Treatment of furunculosis on the face is most often performed in the hospital of a medical institution. On the face most often furunculosis occurs in nasolabial folds or the inner surface of the wings of the nose. This greatly complicates the therapy, so self-medication is highly discouraged.
The peculiarity of treatment of furunculosis on the head
Furuncles on the scalp are as dangerous as on the face. Therefore, the treatment is carried out according to the same scheme (that is, with the help of antibiotics). The only difference is that before the treatment, the hair covering is removed to conveniently treat the wound and prevent hair from entering the wound surface. Apply a bandage to the surface.
Feature of treatment of furunculosis in children
Furunculosis in children occurs, as well as in adults. The cause of purulent inflammation may be cuts, abrasions, trauma with subsequent infection in the wound. With extensive furunculosis, the child can get body temperature, a chill and general condition worsen. In this case, you need to see a doctor immediately (especially if the baby is small). Treatment of furunculosis in children is carried out in a conservative manner and with the help of prescription of antibiotics. It is desirable to use drugs only after determining the pathogen and the sensitivity of antibiotics to it. It must be remembered that some drugs are contraindicated for children. Categorically it is not recommended to squeeze out the abscess by itself, but also to remove the stem of the boil. In children, this action can lead to complications in the form of lymphadenitis, thrombophlebitis, phlegmon or even an abscess.
More information of the treatment