Treatment of boils at home
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Treatment of a boil at home is real and affordable for everyone. You can treat with ointments, compresses, tinctures and even rubs. We offer you the most popular methods for treating boils. All the remedies of alternative medicine are based on plant components that are safe for the human body.
You can treat a boil in a variety of ways. Here, people are usually divided into 2 types: one immediately go to see a specialist, while others are looking for ways to treat a boil at home.
- Before proceeding to treatment, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the first stage of furuncle ripening. An experienced professional can determine it without much difficulty. For example, at the stage of infiltration, doctors propose to undergo ultraviolet irradiation. This is not dangerous enough if applied in moderate doses.
- If the pus and accompanying it, the necrotic masses are ripe, then it is possible to go through antibiotics in the circumference of the infiltrate. This procedure - blockade can be repeated every day in order to completely stop the development of necrotic masses. Usually, help with treatment comes immediately.
- The cavity of the furuncle that has just opened recently must be washed without fail. To do this you will need a solution of hydrogen peroxide. Then you need to put a dry bandage or gauze moistened with sodium chloride solution in advance to completely clean the remnants of the disease.
- With carbuncles or abscess, experts advise to turn to an operative intervention. In this case, a local incision is made under local anesthesia. The recovery period after surgery is not a difficult time for the patient to recover. It goes the same way as with conventional medication.
- Sometimes, with neglected cases, you can get rid of the boil only with the help of surgical intervention. To treat the severe form of boils is possible only at the hospital.
If you do not heal the boil, then this can lead to various complications.
What can not be done with a boil?
To treatment of a furuncle in house conditions it is possible to carry a complex of measures on removal of the reasons of occurrence and its fast healing.
- In the beginning, as soon as the boil appears and ripens, it is necessary to impose a pure ichthyol, before this it is necessary to clean the sore spot with alcohol. The hair must be cut and a thin layer of cotton wool should be placed on top of the ichthyol.
- In no case is it allowed to squeeze out pus at home on its own, so that not only microbes can enter the blood and serious complications occur that even lead to sepsis, to the most terrible and dangerous infection of blood. Also, patients should not take hot baths. Healthy skin around the affected areas should be rubbed 3-4 times a day with camphor alcohol 30-40%. You need to do this, starting from a healthy site to the stricken one.
- Only some of the boils that do not need additional medical help can be cured at home. Even a small boil in the face is dangerous. Infection through the venous bloodstream can penetrate the brain and cause further inflammation. In this case, a visit to the doctor is simply necessary.
- It is strictly forbidden, as we have already said, to extrude or pierce the furuncle on its own. This can lead to serious consequences. Home remedies can usually be used to relieve pain.
Methods of treating boils at home
Furuncle is not just a pimple, as it may seem at first glance. Unpleasant consequences resulting from improper care can be most unpredictable. Worst of all, if boils spread to other parts of the body, then blood will become infected. And the worst thing is that such a small, and sometimes, at first glance, unsightly boil can even lead to death. This is the case if you choose the wrong remedy for boils. So the security measures in self-treatment should be at the highest level.
To avoid getting the infection into the blood, the idea of squeezing or piercing such a "pimple" should not come to your mind. Doing this is strictly prohibited.
When deciding on how to cure a boil at home, first of all, one should not forget about hygiene. It is necessary to wash hands with antibacterial or household soap only, contacting the furuncle (both before and after the contact with it). On the sick zone it is allowed to apply antibacterial agent about 3-5 times a day. After the boil opens itself, you need to very carefully get rid of pus, and only after that, treat the reddened place with hydrogen peroxide. Further it is important to impose a dry bandage. Thus, it is necessary to do daily, not skipping, until the boil disappears altogether, there will be no trace left of it.
At the moment when you are engaged in treating a boil at home, it is best to give up some unhealthy food. It is better not to eat spicy, sweet, salty foods. But, as for beer yeast and multivitamins, they are just in this period in your diet is simply necessary.
Wet heat
To get rid of the pain, you can use a moist warm compress, which must be applied to the affected area of the skin. For this method, a heated cloth moistened with water is suitable. Able to replace it with a hot-water bottle. In a humid or hot environment, pain can not be reduced. On the other hand, such an atmosphere will help improve blood circulation in the weakened area. This will lead to an increase in the number of white blood cells, which will begin to strengthen the fight against infection. If a boil appeared in the area of the upper or lower extremities, which can easily be dropped into the water, adding previously it to the English or sea salt, in order to increase the effectiveness of treatment.
Ayurvedic medicine advises patients who welcome non-traditional medicine that it is turmeric that can cure a boil. It helps fight inflammation, supports the optimal functioning of the digestive system and easily affects the body. Turmeric is taken inwards. There is such a method for this. 3 times a day you need to drink 1 tsp. Turmeric, which before that should be diluted with water. After this, you need to drink this mixture of 0.5 liters. Ordinary water. The procedure should be repeated for several days in a row.
If you take anticoagulants that are able to thin the blood, then it is not recommended to take it. The same prohibition applies to those people who have blocked the bile ducts. Curcuma is the cause of other undesirable symptoms. Dehydration and constipation are a negative example. Therefore, if possible, drink as much liquid as possible and eat foods rich in fiber. Pasta made from turmeric and water, you can also impose on the chickens to speed up the treatment, and hence the speedy recovery.
Along the roads and in the fields you can find a very inconspicuous, but useful grass called a pharmacy fume. The leaves are small, and the stem is very fragile and thin. But their power is simply great, majestic! The grass helps to cope with the boil, which are the cause of disturbances in the body of metabolic processes, cleanses the blood and liver, has a soft effect on the work of the intestine and gallbladder.
To do this, take 1 tbsp. L. Chopped herb hamster, pour it with a glass of boiling water and insist half an hour. To use infusion from a smokehouse several times a day, 1/3 cup.
Pine bath
To begin with, let us recall that in fact, it represents the needles. It contains elements rich in vitamin C, essential oils. Therefore, if you put cones or branches in a bath, then it can pamper you with its toning effect and will give an excellent opportunity to reduce painful sensations from furuncles themselves or from their maturation. Coniferous oil is sold in an ordinary pharmacy. But it is worth noting that the quality of the products you receive there will be significantly lower than if you prepared it yourself.
Kirkason will help with dry skin, since it contains all the same properties and necessary useful substances as needles.
One grandmother, who told that in the war years the boil was very common among other diseases, recommended taking sulfur. But she procured it on her own. How exactly, no one saw. To this method, many are cautious, some advise, others do not recommend. But the real cases say the opposite. Happened with one woman, when it started to torment furuncles, one case. All the doctors spoke with one voice only to receive blood transfusions. But this method proved to be ineffective in treatment, just as antibiotics did not have a positive effect either . And then she decided to try the same grandmother's advice. Having learned from the experts the exact recipe, she went to the pharmacy, where she bought 20 sulfuric powders. She took 2 powder a day, pouring it on bread products. She had enough and 10 to completely recover from her illness, which was soon within 5 days.
Garlic compresses
To be good, to heal boils on the body, it is necessary, before this, to understand how and for what reason they appear.
- First with the appearance of a furuncle, you can see a condensation on the skin and reddening of this place.
- Second, at the moment when the furuncle ripens, you can feel certain painful phenomena. Therefore, if you want to achieve an early effect, it is necessary in the very first few days, when it ripens, to apply compresses, which include garlic. The healing begins rather quickly and without the characteristic signs of pain. In the first 2-3 days can, just everything will end.
Here is another folk method for treating a boil with garlic. The first thing you do is clean the surface of the skin, first degreasing it. If there is a scalp, then he needs to get rid of it. To make such a garlic compress you need to cut the head of garlic into thin slices, as you cut the sausage. And here such a thin piece of it should be applied to a sore point and fixed. To quickly grow ripe, from the same plate prepare a gruel, which should be stored after that in a special small bowl to later fit into a sore spot. The same mixture can also be poured onto a cloth, which the patient will then apply to the area that bothers him and fixes it with a plaster.
I hope you are convinced that it is not so difficult to treat a furuncle with home methods, but on the contrary, it is very convenient. The pain passes quickly enough. Yes, and remove it easily in any place, wherever it appeared, even if you are away from home, but, for example, in campaigns.
To get the healing dough, mix 1 yolk with 1 tbsp. L. Butter, then pour in the flour. The dough should not be too thick. Attach it to the boil can be, for example, an elementary bandage. Keep it best in the fridge. If you need a dough again, you need to get it out of the refrigeration equipment to repeat the procedure. Treatment of this nature will not take you too long. You should wait very little. And soon, after a few days, the effect of the treatment of a boil at home will follow to you immediately.
The household soap costs to be rubbed through a grater into an orphaned bowl and added to it 350 grams of liquid. Then it must be cooked on fire. When it cools down, it is recommended to use it. But first it is moved to the bandage, and then, like any other liquid, is applied to the boil.
Beetroot juice
Beet juice is another useful tool that can help not only with problem areas of the skin, but generally helps to improve the general condition of the body. Do it with a juicer, even without peeling. After receipt, it is drunk half an hour before a meal, but no more than 4 times a day.
A few alternative recipes for the treatment of boils
- In order to boil the "boil" matured, you can use a honey cake, which is usually made from 1 tbsp. L. Natural honey and flour. Consistency should end up as a wet clay. After that, the prepared solution should be applied to the boil and do not remove it until it comes out.
- Bake a small head onion. Cut it and tie it to the sore spot with the cut side. Change this bandage every 4 hours.
- An auxiliary method that cures chiri is a real plantain. With the help of fresh leaves you can have an antimicrobial effect on the boil. Leaves for this need to be washed and put in 3-5 layers on the weakened area, fixing with a bandage. It needs to be changed periodically. From 3 to 4 times in 1 - 1, 5 hours.
- Cut the aloe leaf and place the cut side on the boil. To change it it is necessary often, as here the fresh juice is especially appreciated. Keep it until the boiling water is ripe and out.
- Silver water, which looks like a warm lotion is also quite effective.
- Cut off the rye bread, sprinkle it with salt and chop it well. Such bread should be put in place, which bothers you, and bandage it. Recipe, although not all familiar, but useful, as in the good old days.
- Yeast is a good proven remedy for prevention, which helps get rid of boils and boils. To do this, you need to drink dry brewer's yeast for 1 tsp. 3 times a day.
- Another method of preventing furunculosis is fresh squeezed nettle juice (1 tablespoon 1 time per day).
To make the boil become softer and the hardening resolve as quickly as possible, try the following remedies at home:
- Chew the raw buckwheat groats, and then put it on gauze and pribintuyte to an abscess. Change the bandage every 4 hours.
- 2 times during the day, eat 5 dry inflorescences of tansy. In a month you can say goodbye to this disease altogether.
- Mix 2 parts of the crust of a fragile buckthorn and the same number of fennel fruits, 2 parts of leaves of a warty birch and the same number of flowers of black elderberry. Add 1 part of the roots of naked licorice and 1 part of the grass of a three-colored violet. Then 1 tbsp. L. Mixture pour a glass of water and boil for 15 minutes in a water bath. The agent cools after that and is filtered. Drink half a cup should be 3 times a day.
It copes well with the purification of blood and provides effective help with all kinds of abscesses, furuncles, eczemas, nettle, deaf or clear. To 1 tbsp. L. Nettle need to add 200 ml. Boiling water. Close it with a lid, wrap it around well, let it brew for one hour and strain. You need to drink this infusion 3-4 times a day, half a glass.
Do not forget about if the treatment does not bring a positive result and the disease does not pass at home for 2 to 3 days, then it is worthwhile to think about and visit the doctors, however much you like it.
If furuncles are frequent companions in your life, then it's time to think about a complete blood transfusion, thereby purifying it.
You can treat chirium with herbs, but it's more about infection, the cause of which is precisely the bacterium. If furuncles appear for a different reason, then for their treatment you can use essential oils.
To do this, dilute a 2 percent solution of lavender essential oil in warm boiled water, then rub the sore spot with a cotton swab.
Pus squeezes help, including hot compresses, if you add previously bergamot, chamomile and lavender oils. They not only play the role of antiseptics, they help to relieve inflammation, but also speed up the process of tightening the wounds.
After that, you safely remove the boil, in this place, in any case there will be a new "fossa". If you do not think about his treatment at the time, at best you will have unpleasant feelings that you had to endure. In the worst case, the rest of your life you will walk with a scar or a deep scar on your face. Therefore, immediately after its appearance, it is worth processing the "deepening" in the skin, the composition that must be prepared according to this recipe:
- take 1 tablet of mummy, allow it to dissolve in a small amount of liquid. The composition is used, applying it to a sore spot 2 times a day, until the traces of the boil have disappeared forever.
Alternative methods of treatment of boils
- Take a spoonful of turmeric powder, a spoonful of honey, salt and ginger. Mix the ingredients and apply to the boil. Compress on top with a warm cloth. This tool is recommended to do at night, to get the maximum result from the remedy.
- The use of household soap is another folk method for treating a boil that can be used at home. To use this method, you will need newsprint, and a piece of laundry soap. Thoroughly soap the paper and attach it to the boil. On top of the compress can be secured with a bandage or bandage. Soap softens the skin and quickly pulls out the boil to the outside, which significantly speeds up the healing and healing process.
- Onions perfectly helps in the treatment of boils of any size and at any stage of development. For this remedy you will need one small bulb and a tablespoon of dry celandine. Bulb grind until mushy and mix with dry celandine. You will get a grayish gruel, but with an unpleasant odor. Apply the mixture in a thick layer on the boil, top with a plastic wrap and bandage. Such a compress dissolves small furuncles and well draws pus from large abscesses.
- Honey is a natural source of vitamins and trace elements. Honey perfectly helps to fight against colds, but it is no less effective in fighting boils. For this remedy, you will need a spoonful of flour (preferably rye) and a spoonful of honey (flower or buckwheat fits best). Mix the ingredients until a doughy mass is obtained. Apply a layer of medium-thick layer on the boil and cover with a bandage. After five hours, the compress should be removed. Skin with a boil should be wiped with soapy water or a warm infusion of chamomile.
- Take one red beet. Grind the vegetable and apply to the boil. Beets can be placed on a gauze bandage and pribintovat to boil. Compress to change after 3-4 hours.
- If the abscess is in the ripening stage, then it is necessary to accelerate the removal of purulent contents. Take a fresh pumpkin, and cut it with thin plates. Attach the plate to the boil, and wrap it around with a warm bandage. The compress should be worn all day, before going to sleep, remove and change the pumpkin plate to fresh. After two days of using this remedy, the furuncle will burst.
- To make the tincture, you need to take the leaves of aloe, alcohol or vodka. Leave the plant well and cut into pieces of 5-10 mm. Pieces need to be put in a glass jar and pour alcohol or vodka. Keep the tincture for about two weeks, so as to be well insisted. Take spoon before eating, but not longer than 15 days.
- Prepare a decoction of grass grass and its root. Broth drink a glass before each meal for a month. An ointment is prepared from the root of the herb. Grind the root and add to it an equal amount of propolis ointment. Ointment is best used at night, under a warm bandage on the boil.
- A piece of rye bread thoroughly salt and chew. The chewed mixture put on a furuncle and bandage. This compress is 3-4 hours, then changed to a new one. The product perfectly draws pus in large boils and dissolves small ones.
- Ointment from animal fat is good for pus in furuncles. Mix a couple of tablespoons of fat (chicken, goose) with the same amount of beeswax and birch tar. The resulting mixture must be heated on low heat until a uniform consistency is obtained. After the ointment has cooled, it should be poured into a glass jar and stored in a dark cool place (preferably in the refrigerator). Apply the ointment to the boil every 5-7 hours for 10-12 days. This will cure the boil.
- You can treat the abscess with buckwheat. Take one hundred grams of raw buckwheat and chop it in a blender. To the buckwheat obtained, add a couple of drops of fir oil, mix well and put on a boil. The compress should be changed every 4-5 hours.
- Another effective method of treating a boil at home is a combination of vegetable oil and garlic. To prepare a compress you will need small strips of linen fabric. Wipe the cloth in the oil and top with chopped garlic. The compress is applied to the boil and wrapped well with a warm cloth. The dressing should be changed twice a day. Thanks to such a compress, the furuncle will dissolve, and pus will come out.
- Healing vegetable broth will help cure the boil. The broth is prepared from dry violets, marigolds, nettles and walnut leaves. The broth is infused for two days. Take recommended before eating half the glass.
- Another medicinal decoction is prepared from the leaves and roots of burdock. Vegetable components are poured with steep boiling water for 20 minutes and filtered. From the broth you need to make lotions and apply to the boil. In addition, every time before eating, you need to drink a spoonful of broth, at least 4 times a day.
- This recipe will help cure the boil on any part of the body. You need a couple of spoons of fresh crushed potatoes, lemon juice, vegetable oil and egg. Ingredients must be mixed and added to them copper sulphate at the tip of the knife. The resulting mixture is applied to the boil for 20-25 minutes and rinsed. The product cleans the sebaceous glands and helps well with boils on the face.
Ointments for the treatment of boils
Ointment in the treatment of boils is a comfortable method of treatment. Therapeutic ointment can be purchased, or you can prepare yourself. Ointments effectively treat purulent skin diseases.
- An ointment for the treatment of a boil is prepared from the leaves of aloe, spruce gum, butter and tar. All ingredients must be taken in equal proportions and melt in a water bath. You should get a monotonous creamy mass. It is recommended to apply ointment on a boil for the night.
- Another ointment from boils is prepared from lamp oil, wood oil, sugar and wax. All ingredients are mixed in a water bath until creamy. Ointment should be stored in a glass jar and applied to the boil for 3-5 hours. Ointment can be stored throughout the year.
- Mix one spoonful of dried ground psyllium leaves with a spoonful of olive oil or any vegetable oil. Mix the mixture on the boil for 5-6 hours for 5-6 days and the abscess will come down.
If you do not want to make ointments, then the medicine can be bought. High efficiency in the treatment of boils shows ichthyol ointment and levomecol. Ointments quickly resolve abscesses and accelerate healing. But the ointment Vishnevsky and Pantoderm used to treat not only furuncles, but also any abscesses on the skin.
Medicinal ointments with furuncle
Extracting ointment has an effect due to which the head of the furuncle is formed - pustule, after which it is soon opened, and pus comes out of it. Do not somehow put pressure on this place, trying to squeeze out the boil. So you can cause an infection that will later spread throughout the body. To help yourself, get a pulling ointment in the pharmacy. For example, Ointment Vishnevsky, Levomekol or Ihtiolova, which also have an anesthetic effect. Also you can make it yourself.
- In order to prepare such an ointment, connects 1 tsp. Curcuma in powder with a half-teaspoon ground ginger, 1 tablespoon is added. Honey and a little salt. Put the resulting composition on a piece of gauze, and then apply it to a sore spot. To keep the pack warm, it is best to cover the gauze bandage with plastic food wrap or put a few more layers of gauze.
- Prepare another ointment can be almost all of the ingredients that you always have on hand. So you can quickly help not only yourself, if there is unpleasant condensation and redness, but also to people close to you who will be infinitely grateful to you.
- Here is another recipe for an ointment that can draw pus. To do this, melt the high-quality butter and add a thinly sliced beeswax (4: 1). All this liquid needs to be heated up to full dissolution of wax. At the same time, there is no need to boil it. If the consistency is hard, then a few drops of oil can be added. To get rid of skin abscesses, you can use shavings made from dark household soap. Apply ointment is important in a warm form, in the form of a compress, without using a film. Keep is not less than two days, without changing. And be sure, dear readers, always wash your hands before touching the boil and after touching it.
- Ointment from the plant is useful for external treatment of wounds. Mix 1 tbsp. L. Dry herb lentils with 50 grams of Vaseline. This ointment is also coping with the treatment of eczema and acne.
- Abscesses, bedsores, scratches and boils can easily cure a simple ointment, as we said earlier, made by own hands. Below the presented ointment can help also with purulent wounds, burns, frostbite, abscesses.
Treatment of a furuncle at home requires effort and patience. The result of home treatment does not always justify expectations, therefore, before using any medications, it is recommended to undergo a diagnosis by a doctor (endocrinologist or surgeon).