Treatment of joints
Last reviewed: 19.11.2021
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Treatment of joints and numerous diseases associated with them - one of the most difficult issues of modern medicine. Despite significant achievements and research of new techniques of medical scientists, diseases such as arthritis, rheumatism and arthrosis can hardly be completely cured. Doctors believe that the treatment of joints is complex and prolonged due to slowed blood circulation, because of which the receipt of medicines falls into the damaged areas not immediately.
Statistics show that every fourth adult suffers from joint diseases, the causes of which can be related to either genetic predisposition or metabolism, nutrition or lifestyle. The health of articular surfaces is influenced by the lifestyle of modern man: minimal physical activity contributes to weight gain, weakening of the musculoskeletal system and, accordingly, increase the burden on these formations. The constant employment of people leads to protracted illnesses due to the fact that almost no one seeks a doctor right after the problem has arisen. In no case should you underestimate even the minimal pain in the joints, as they can lead to serious complications or even disabilities.
Treatment of joints, which is required by the patient, depends on the nature of the disease. Among the "joint" diseases are diseases that are caused by inflammatory processes and metabolic-dystrophic diseases associated with deformation of the bone surface.
In modern medicine, there are several basic methods of treating diseases of the musculoskeletal system. After conducting a detailed diagnosis, determining the nature and cause of the disease, the doctor can prescribe the most appropriate and effective treatment of joints.
Medication of joints
If physicians have determined that pain is associated with inflammatory processes, causing swelling and painful sensations, then medication is usually treated with joints. Preparations that are used during the treatment of diseases such as arthritis and rheumatism are aimed at reducing the inflammatory process and removing acute pain, but they do not guarantee the elimination of the cause of the disease. Typically, in such cases, prescribe analgesics, muscle relaxants, paracetamol-based drugs. A more effective method of treatment is the blockade method. It is also based on the use of anti-inflammatory drugs with the difference that the medicine is injected into the source where the inflammatory reaction occurs. With the help of injections, the drug is also injected into the sites of the nerve plexuses and into the "trigger points".
Physiotherapeutic treatment of joints
Treatment of joints is possible not only medication, but also with the help of physiotherapy methods and therapeutic exercises and gymnastics. In the framework of physiotherapy, such procedures as electrophoresis, magnetic therapy, heating of affected areas, and ultrasonic wave treatment are usually used. It often happens that the malaise associated with joint pain arises from the lack of physical activity. Excess weight, lack of free time, chronic diseases lead to people rejecting sports, which leads to weakening of the muscles and additional strain on the legs. In such cases, the doctor will help you choose a suitable program of exercise therapy, a set of simple exercises that will help develop the mobility and elasticity of the joints.
Recently, the treatment of joints is carried out with the help of manual therapy. Experts believe that this is the most sparing and harmless method that is known in our time. Manual therapy has no harmful side effects and contraindications, uses special reflex techniques to relieve pain. To develop the mobility of joints, usually treatment begins with a course of therapeutic massage.
Surgical treatment of joints
In critical cases, when inflammatory processes are hopelessly started, effective joint treatment may require surgical intervention. In order to avoid such methods, experts recommend not to delay with the survey, in time to contact the medical staff to determine the disease as soon as the slightest indisposition arises.