
Information about doctor

Yeguda Kolander is a global expert in the field of orthopedics, oncological surgery and oncological orthopedics. She occupies the post of chief doctor of the oncological surgery department at the medical center.

The basic activity of the doctor is the treatment of oncopathologies of the musculoskeletal system, bone tumors (initial lesions and their metastases). He Yeguda Kolander devoted this direction to more than 37 years, healing diseases in adults and in children. Classical surgery is not the only way that the doctor uses in his practice. Often he has to use cryodestruction, the cyber-knife method and other new techniques.

The main goal of treatment, which the professor adheres to Kolander, is the successful and complete elimination of the tumor process simultaneously with the preservation of the limb and its efficiency.

Kolander - a highly educated specialist, combining therapeutic, surgical and research activities. He collaborates with world orthopedic organizations, American and European scientific research centers. His lectures can be heard at major international congresses and orthopedic forums.

He Yeguda Kolander publishes his scientific works in popular medical journals: more than nine dozen such works have already been published. The doctor is a professor in the orthopedic department of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Tel Aviv.

Education and work experience

  • Faculty of Medicine Tel Aviv University, Israel
  • Specialization in orthopedic surgery at the Medical Center "Soroka", Beersheba, Israel
  • Service in the Israel Defense Forces, doctor of the landing regiment
  • Internship in oncological surgery at the National Cancer Center at the University of Columbia, Washington, USA
  • Internship in orthopedics and oncopathology at the Armed Forces Research Institute (AFIP), Maryland, USA

Membership in international organizations

  • Israeli Medical Association
  • Israeli orthopedic association
  • Israeli Association of Pediatric Hematology
  • European Association of Musculoskeletal Oncology
  • European Association of Oncologists
  • International Soft Tissue Oncology Association
  • International Association for the Rehabilitation of Limbs
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