

List Diseases – T

Since Soviet times, many people have the impression that a preventive examination is a formality that the doctor forces to perform. Alas...
Tuberculosis of the urinary tract in recent decades has increased dramatically, its incidence among extrapulmonary tuberculosis is 30-50%.
Tuberculosis of the respiratory tract is considered a complication of tuberculosis of the lungs or intrathoracic lymph nodes. Only in very rare cases, tuberculosis of the respiratory tract is an isolated lesion without clinically established tuberculosis of the respiratory system.
Tuberculosis of the spine, or tubercular spondylitis is an inflammatory disease of the spine, a characteristic feature of which is the primary destruction of the vertebral bodies with subsequent deformation of the spine.
Tuberculosis of the salivary glands (synonym: tuberculate) is an infectious disease caused by mycobacteria of tuberculosis and characterized by the formation of specific granulomas in various organs and tissues (more often in the lungs) and polymorphic clinical picture.
The infection of the pharynx with tuberculosis infection is a relatively rare phenomenon that occurs in most cases with a severe, far-reaching process in the lungs and larynx, accompanied by a sharp weakening of the general and local resistance of the organism.
The endocrine system implements the humoral regulation of the functions of all organs and systems, supporting the homeostasis in the body. With tuberculosis, as with other diseases, the internal environment changes, and each link of the endocrine system reacts in its own way to this "stimulus".
Tuberculosis of the nose is a class of extrapulmonary tuberculosis with skin and subcutaneous tissue damage of various locations. Lupus tuberculosis in the nose is more common in women (65%). Nose lesions are 63%, cheeks - 58%, ears and periocular surfaces - 14%, in 13% of cases the red border of the lips is affected.
Tuberculosis of the kidney is the 1 st place among extrapulmonary organ forms of tuberculosis, observed in 30-40% of cases of primary pulmonary lesions. Tuberculosis of the kidneys, urinary tract and genitals is called urogenital.
Tuberculosis of the intestine, peritoneum and mesenteric lymph nodes according to the classification of tuberculosis adopted in our country (1973) is referred to the group of tuberculosis of other organs and systems (in contrast to pulmonary tuberculosis).
Tuberculosis of the genitourinary system has always remained on "secondary roles". Periodically and very rarely, phthisiatricians published monographs that were devoted to particular cases of this nosological unit.  
The incidence of tubercular lesions among all eye diseases, according to different authors, ranges from 1.3 to 5%. The share of eye tuberculosis increases significantly in the group of inflammatory diseases of the choroid (uveitis), although the fluctuations are also significant: from 6.8 to 63%.
Tuberculosis of the esophagus is extremely rare, because the rapid passage of infected sputum does not promote fixation of the pathogen in the mucosa, in addition, the mucosa of the esophagus is poor in lymphatic vessels, which also does not contribute to infection of the latter.
Tuberculosis of the conjunctiva can develop during the primary infection of the conjunctiva (exogenous pathway), the transition of inflammation from the skin of the eyelids and the mucous membrane of the lacrimal sac, and hematogenous lymphogenous metastasis from other organs.
Tuberculosis of meninges mostly affects children under 5 years old. Most often the disease develops during the first years after infection with the Office. About 70% of children are sick before the age of 2. In the overwhelming majority of cases (90-95%), tubercular meningitis occurs in the patient with active pulmonary or extrapulmonary tuberculosis.
Tuberculosis of male genitalia occurs at a frequency of 11.1-79.3%. Tuberculosis of female genital organs can occur under the guise of cystic ovarian formations, appendicitis, ectopic pregnancy.
Tuberculous lesions of the skeleton in children and adolescents are characterized by extensive destruction of bones and joints, in the absence of adequate treatment leading to an early and steadily progressing disability. In most children under 7 years of age, anamnestic data indicate the appearance of the first signs of the disease in the first 3 years of life, but the diagnosis was established at this age in only half the cases.
The first place among the clinical forms of the primary period of tuberculosis in children and adolescents is currently occupied by tuberculosis of the intrathoracic lymph nodes - a specific lesion of the lymph nodes of the root of the lung and mediastinum. The leading role in the pathogenesis of primary tuberculosis is given to the pulmonary focus, bronchoadenitis is considered as the second component that developed after the formation of the pulmonary focus.
Tuberculosis of the eyelid skin can occur with exogenous and hematogenous infection. Tuberculosis of the eyelid skin is rare.
In the description of forms of extrapulmonary TB tuberculosis (TBL), in addition to ICD-10 and the Russian clinical classification of tuberculosis, the Clinical Classification of Tuberculosis of Extrapulmonary Locations was used.


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