

List Diseases – T

Increasing interest in the treatment of acute pain in cancer, which also include postoperative pain syndrome, is noted every year. This is due to new fundamental research in the field of physiology and pharmacology.
The sooner the treatment of the tooth cyst is prescribed, the more likely the patient will retain the tooth. The tooth cyst is an inflammatory formation consisting of a capsule with semi-liquid contents. Pathology is formed as a result of traumatic or infectious lesions of the gum.
Tooth extraction is a very unpleasant procedure, but sometimes inevitable. And after an outpatient operation for tooth extraction from the dental alveoli is performed, quite often people face different problems. Then it is necessary to treat complications after tooth extraction.
Traveler's diarrhea is gastroenteritis, which is usually caused by bacteria characteristic of local water bodies. Symptoms of traveler's diarrhea include vomiting and diarrhea. The diagnosis is established mainly clinically. Treatment of traveler's diarrhea includes ciprofloxacin, loperamide and transfusion of fluids.
Traumatic spondylolisthesis II of the cervical vertebra, or the so-called "fracture of the executioner" - a kind of fracture of the axis, at which a fracture of the roots of its arch, a rupture of the intervertebral disk located between the II-III cervical vertebrae, and slipping of the axis body with all the structures above it anteriorly .
Inflammation of periodontal disease, or traumatic periodontitis can be triggered by a traumatic factor. The most common trauma is seemingly familiar, unconscious actions

In recent decades, the problem of injuries and their consequences is regarded in the concept, the name of which is traumatic disease. The importance of this theory is in an interdisciplinary approach to consideration of the functioning of all the body systems from the moment of injury until recovery or death of the victim, when all the processes (fracture, injury, shock, etc.) are considered in the unity of the cause-effect relationships.

Serious eye injuries in children in developed countries occur with a frequency of 12 cases per 100 000 population annually.
Trachea can be damaged, deflected or squashed in the cervical and thoracic areas. As damaging factors can serve as firearms (bullets, fragments, etc.), piercing and cutting weapons, blows with blunt objects, compression, bruises when falling from a height, etc.

Treatment of victims with a spinal cord injury is an extremely topical problem of modern medicine. Every year in Ukraine, spinal cord injuries are received by about 2000 people, mostly young people of working age who become disabled I (80%) and II groups. In the United States, 8,000-10,000 cases of this type of injury are recorded each year. Trauma of the spinal cord is not only medical, but also social.

Traumatic injuries of the paranasal sinuses are much more rare than injuries and injuries to the nose pyramid, but if they occur, it proceeds clinically much more severely.

Trauma of the chest in peacetime is about 10% of all injuries. It often leads to very serious complications from the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

Transient psychotic disorder manifests itself as delusions, hallucinations or other psychotic symptoms lasting more than 1 day, but less than 1 month, with a possible return to normal premorbid functioning. Usually develops due to severe stress in susceptible people
Transient ischemic attack (TIA) - focal ischemia of the brain, manifested by sudden neurologic symptoms lasting less than 1 hour. Diagnosis is made on the basis of clinical symptoms.
Transient infant hypogammaglobulinemia (TMG) is defined as a significant decrease in the level of IgG with or without deficiency of other classes of immunoglobulins in a child over 6 months, provided that other immunodeficiency conditions are excluded.
Transient hypogammaglobulinemia of early age is a temporary decrease in serum IgG and sometimes IgA and other isotypes of Ig to a level below the age norms.

Transient global amnesia is a memory disorder caused by central vascular or ischemic lesions. The diagnosis is made on the basis of clinical symptoms, laboratory results, CT and MRI (for evaluation of cerebral circulation). Amnesia is usually resolved on its own, but can recur.

Grozer's transient acantholytic dermatosis was first described in 1970 by RW Grower. In the scientific literature it is called Grover's disease.
Trachoma is a specific, communicable, chronic, infectious, usually bilateral, inflammation of the connective shell of the eyes, expressed by diffuse infiltration of it with the formation of follicles (grains), their degeneration, decay and subsequent scarring.
Trachoma is an infectious eye disease caused by chlamydia. The defeat of the conjunctiva and the cornea has a chronic course with scarring of the conjunctiva and cartilage of the eyelids.


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