

List Diseases – T

Tropical spastic paraparesis is a slowly progressing viral immuno-mediated spinal cord injury caused by human T-lymphocyte virus type 1 (HTLV-1).
Mycotic skin lesions are a very significant practical problem, both because of their extreme prevalence and their known contagiousness. Even more it concerns tropical dermatomycosis, which, like, however, the whole tropical pathology, can be divided into tropical feces proper
Trophoblastic (gestational) disease is a general term for the spectrum of pregnancy-related proliferative anomalies derived from trophoblast.
Trophic ulcers have characteristic symptoms. They are manifested by the appearance on the skin of a non-healing wound. Symptoms depend on the etiology of the disease, against which a trophic ulcer originated.
Trophic ulcers in osteomyelitis - a variant of posttraumatic ulcers. They represent a deep defect in the skin and soft tissues, etiologically associated with a focus of purulent bone destruction. In the anamnesis, such patients usually have data on bone fractures, operations on the bones. In a number of patients, ulcers occur against a background of chronic hematogenous osteomyelitis.
Menkes' trichopolydystrophy (curly hair, OMIM 309400) was first described by JH Menkes in 1962. The incidence is 1: 114 000-1: 250 000 newborns. It is inherited recessively linked to the X chromosome. D

A congenital anomaly in the form of a deformity of the skull, in which the head of babies has an irregular shape, and the skull looks triangular, is defined as trigonocephaly.

Tricuspid regurgitation is a failure of the tricuspid valve, leading to a flow of blood from the right ventricle to the right atrium during systole.

Most often plucked hair on the head, eyebrows, eyelashes, limbs, pubis. Some patients eat their hair (trichotilophagy). Spotted areas, devoid of hair, can become noticeable around - it forces you to wear a wig or resort to intense camouflage measures. After plucking, patients do not feel satisfaction, but rather are concerned about the appearance defect or are dissatisfied because of the inability to control their actions.

Trichostrongyloidosis is zoonosis-geogelmintosis. Man is an optional host. Adult helminths are localized in the small intestine of a person.
Trichophytosis is a fungal skin disease caused by fungi of the genus Trichophyton. According to the ecological sign of causative agents, anthropophilous (affects only humans), zooanthroponous (strikes human, agricultural and wild animals) and geophytic (strikes human and animals sporadically) trichophytosis.
Trichophiliculoma is rare, it is not clinically recognized, and is usually a histological finding. The age of patients varies from 11 to 77 years (an average of 47 years), several women predominate.
Trichomoniasis is an infectious disease caused by urogenital Trichomonas (Trichomonas vaginalis), which parasitizes the organs of the genitourinary system of a person. In the structure of vector-borne diseases it is 10-30%. The incubation period lasts from a few days to two months. The following classification of trichomoniasis is currently used:
Trichomoniasis is one of the most common diseases of the genito-urinary tract and occupies one of the first places among STDs.

Trichomonas urethritis is the most common venereal disease. Trichomonas disease is caused and manifested by itching of the genital organs and the presence of discharge from the urethra.

Tricholemoma clinically resembles basal cell or seborrheic keratosis and, as a rule, is a histological finding. The tumor is usually solitary, small in size with predominant localization in the face, somewhat more common in men than in women, the average age of the patients is 59 years.
Trichoepithelioma (synonyms: adenocystic epithelioma of Brooke, trichoepithelioma nevus, etc.) represents a developmental disorder of the hair follicle and sweat glands.

Trichocephalosis (Trichyureas trichurosis Latin trichocephaliasis, trichuriasis) is anthroponous geogelmintosis, characterized by a chronic course with predominant gastrointestinal disturbances.

Trichocephalosis is a chronic helminthiasis caused by a round worm - a withered head, with a primary lesion of the gastrointestinal tract, anemia and asthenia. Trichocephalosis is widespread in all climatic zones of the globe, excluding deserts and permafrost zones. The severity of the population of humid tropics and subtropics is especially high, where invasion is detected in 40-50% of cases.


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