Treatment of basal cell carcinoma
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Treatment of basal cell carcinoma is selected in each specific case. Before the appointment of treatment, the size of the tumor, the location, the degree of germination in adjacent tissues are taken into account.
With the re-emergence of the tumor takes into account the previous treatment, concomitant diseases, age.
Basaloma or basal cell carcinoma is malignant skin formation. The disease has all the main signs of a malignant tumor - it grows into adjacent tissues, destroys their structure, but unlike other types of cancer, it practically does not metastasize. The growth of basal cell is slow enough (several years). Basalioma most often grows on the face, can be either multiple or single, but after removal or treatment there is no one hundred percent guarantee that the tumor will not appear again.
Surface basal cell is similar to a round or oval spot with a pinkish tinge.
Basaloma develops, as a rule, after forty years. A predisposing factor to the development of a tumor is frequent and prolonged exposure to the sun, therefore, southern residents are more likely to face this problem. It was also noted that basilioma develops in fair-skinned people more often than swarty people. In addition, contacting carcinogens and poisonous substances (arsenic, petroleum products, etc.), frequent injuries of the same skin area, burns, ionizing radiation, reduced immunity may provoke tumor development, but it is extremely rare to find a congenital form of basal cell.
In the overwhelming majority of cases, the tumor develops on the face or neck; on those sites that are most susceptible to the impact of the external environment. The first manifestations begin with a small pinkish nodule on the skin, very similar to an ordinary pimple. Over time, the nodule becomes larger and does not cause any inconvenience. Over time, a gray crust appears in the center of the growth, after removal of which remains a depression, and in time the crust forms again. For the basaloma, the appearance around the formation of a dense roller, which is clearly visible when stretching the skin. With the growth of the basal cell begins to form new nodules, which then merge with each other. Around the tumor, a vascular "star" may appear, in the center of the neoplasm may sometimes appear ulcer followed by scarring. The started process of the disease leads to the fact that the overgrown basaloma grows into the adjacent tissues, in particular bones, cartilages, which can cause severe painful sensations.
Methods of treatment of basal cell carcinoma
Treatment of basal cell carcinoma depends on the size and location of the tumor, the age of the patient, and the concomitant diseases.
Now there are several fairly effective methods for treating basal cell carcinoma:
- operative (tumor removal surgically). This method is used in the re-formation of a tumor after radiation therapy or in advanced processes;
- Radiation therapy - effective in primary skin cancer;
- drug therapy is used when the tumor is located in a place inaccessible to radiation therapy or surgery. Cytostatic drugs are used for treatment, but such treatment is not always effective;
- the combined method is one of the most effective methods of re-formation of basal cell, its principle is to pre-irradiate and then excise the tumor;
- cryodestruction is the main method of therapy for most neoplasms, which consists in cauterizing the tumor with liquid nitrogen;
- Laser therapy - effective for tumors of small size.
Treatment of face skin basal cell
Basaloma usually occurs on exposed parts of the body. About 80% of tumors develop on the face, mainly on the forehead, nose, eyes, temples, auricles.
Therapy of basal cell carcinoma depends, first of all, on the stage and its location.
With a small tumor size, the surgical removal of the tumor is most often used. Also, a rather positive therapeutic effect has x-ray irradiation, which is most often prescribed as the main treatment for small tumors, but can also be included in complex treatment.
A good therapeutic effect shows cryogenic destruction, when the tumor is exposed to low temperatures (freeze), most often liquid nitrogen is used. This method is painless and has practically no complications.
With the timely detection of basal cell carcinoma, treatment is effective in almost 100% of cases.
Treatment of Nasal Basiolioma
After the diagnosis is established, the treatment of basal cell carcinoma should be started immediately, since in the neglected cases the treatment process is difficult.
Modern medicine conducts therapy in several ways. However, the most effective is considered operative and cryogenic treatment.
Doctors consider cryogenic treatment to be the most delicate solution to the problem, since the process does not tear a person from the habitual way of life and after the treatment there is practically no scars on the skin.
Treatment of basiolioma with radiation therapy
Treatment of basal cell radiotherapy is usually well tolerated by patients. However, such therapy, like others, has a number of side effects, in particular, a local reaction of healthy tissue in the irradiation zone can occur. The emergence of radiation reactions to a greater extent can affect the general condition of the patient.
Usually, acute reactions of the skin are manifested by erythema, dry epidermitis, which do not require discontinuation of therapy and take place in most cases on their own or require local treatment.
Radiation therapy is often accompanied by a variety of complications (trophic ulcers, cataracts, conjunctivitis, headaches, etc.), which are observed in 18% of cases. If complications arise, symptomatic treatment, gemostimulating agents, etc. Are prescribed. Radiation therapy with sclerosing form of neoplasm, with cicatrices and fistula shows extremely low efficiency.
Laser treatment of basal cell carcinoma
Treatment of basiolioma with the laser method has a number of advantages, in comparison with other methods.
First of all, this is a painless procedure, sterility, contactlessness.
With this method, relapse is virtually eliminated. In addition, there are no visible traces on the skin.
Laser treatment is quite effective at the initial stages of development or at small tumor sizes. Also, the laser is the most optimal method of therapy when the tumor is located in a hard-to-reach place (behind the ear, in the corner of the eye, etc.).
However, this method has a number of contraindications, which are primarily associated with skin lesions.
Also, laser treatment is contraindicated in chronic diseases, in particular, oncology, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, acute infectious diseases, thyroid dysfunction. Do not use this method during pregnancy, with increased susceptibility to light.
Currently, laser therapy uses a special laser "Lanset", which allows you to remove the tumor in a healthy tissue in just one procedure.
Surgical treatment of basal cell carcinoma
The treatment of basiolioma is surgically performed, usually with a malignant neoplasm.
Also, surgery is indicated for a fairly large tumor size. Excision is carried out within the boundaries of healthy tissue, as a rule, from the edge of the basiolioma recede 1-2 cm after the surgery, a mandatory histological examination of the removed tumor and skin is made to make sure the tumor is completely removed. Also, surgical intervention is performed when the tumor metastasizes to other organs, but in this case, to achieve maximum effect, combine several methods of treatment.
Modern medicine allows you to remove the tumor and at the same time leave virtually no traces on the skin.
Treatment of basal cell with alternative means
Treating basaloma with the help of alternative medicine can significantly slow the growth of the tumor, in addition, it is an excellent addition to the surgical or medicament method.
Efficient ointment prepared on the basis of herbs: burdock and celandine (for ¼ cup) is effective.
Dry raw material is poured with pork fat (hot) and left to languish in the oven for two hours. After that, the mixture is filtered and left to stand for 2-3 days at room temperature, then the mixture can be used: the ointment is applied three times a day to the tumor.
A good healing effect is fresh celandine juice, which treats the tumor. You can also use a decoction of the plant (a glass of boiling water and 1 teaspoon of finely chopped fresh celandine leaves, insist 20-30 minutes and strain), which is taken three times a day for 1/3 cup. When taking decoction, you should strictly follow the dosage, as the celandine has a toxic effect. During the day the broth loses all its useful properties, so every day it is necessary to make a new portion.
Widely known in the alternative medicine plant, the golden mustache effectively helps to cope with neoplasms on the skin. For treatment, a tampon soaked in plant juice for a day is applied to the affected area of the skin.
Photodynamic therapy of basal cell carcinoma
Photodynamic treatment of basal cell is prescribed in formations of various sizes, multiple or single lesions, primary or repeated processes, ulcerative forms, and when other therapies have proved ineffective. With the help of this method, basal cells are cured in 92% of cases. Contraindication to photodynamic therapy is increased individual sensitivity to light.
One of the important advantages of this method is the conduct of point treatment with the help of local photosensitizers, so that the patient may not comply with the light regime.
Photodynamic therapy is based on the ability of photosensitive drugs (alasens, phthalon, etc.) to increase the susceptibility of the skin to sunlight or artificial ultraviolet rays. Photosensitizing substances (photosensitive) accumulate in the tumor and have a toxic effect on the cells of the neoplasm after exposure to light. In addition, this method of treatment damages the blood vessels that feed the tumor. Tumors absorb well and hold various photosensitizers, and when exposed to light, the healthy tissues surrounding the tumor are slightly damaged.
Cryogenic treatment of basal cell carcinoma
At present, the most effective and safe method of therapy for basal cell carcinoma is considered to be cryogenic. The principle of therapy is to freeze the tumor and then destroy it under local anesthesia.
Cryogenic treatment of basal cell carcinoma does not detract from normal lifestyle, and recovery period after treatment does not take much time and effort.
Since the tumor begins to develop from the open parts of the body (usually affects the face), it is cryogenic treatment that allows you to achieve the maximum cosmetic effect (after the procedure on the skin are barely noticeable scars).
Treatment of basal cell carcinoma in Israel
Oncological Israeli clinics accept residents of many countries, since in Israel, even patients who are considered hopeless, get a chance for a successful cure. Israeli medicine in the field of cancer treatment is one of the first positions in the world.
The first medical center in Tel Aviv diagnoses and conducts subsequent treatment of basal cells.
First of all, specialists take suspicious skin areas for histological examination, if a need arises, additional types of examinations are appointed that will help to determine the process of metastasis.
Currently, experts acknowledge that the treatment of basaloma by operational methods is most effective. In the first medical center of Tel Aviv, in addition to classical excision of the tumor, cryodestruction (freezing followed by removal), electrocoagulation (cauterization with high-frequency electric current), as well as treatment with combined therapy.
Radiation therapy can be used in addition to basic treatment.
Optimum treatment of malignant formation on the skin will be selected by specialists depending on the location and size of the tumor, the stage of the process, the condition of the adjacent skin.
The Izmed Coordination Center uses cryogenic therapy, surgical, laser tumor removal, radiotherapy, cytotoxic drugs. Surgical method is recommended to start when the size of the tumor is still not large enough and is located on the body or on the limbs. Operative intervention is performed under a local anesthetic, during which a layered removal of the tumor occurs.
With the repeated development of basal cell carcinoma, large tumor size, when the tumor is located on the face, surgical treatment by the Mos method is used, which allows an operation with minimal aesthetic defects and almost completely eliminates relapses. This technique shows a full recovery in 98% of cases.
The Institute of Oncology at Assuta Clinic conducts successful treatment of basal cell carcinoma.
Oncologists of the clinic in the treatment prefer photodynamic therapy, electrocoagulation, cryodestruction.
The method of electrocoagulation is used mainly as the final stage of curettage (tumor scraping) to prevent blood loss and destroy the finally pathogenic cells.
Treatment of basal cell carcinoma in Moscow
In the Clinic of Aesthetic Medicine, Klem Clinic, basilioma is treated with surgical methods at a fairly small tumor size, when there is enough tissue to cover the defect on the skin. At far gone processes, at strongly expanded basilioma the combined treatment is used: irradiation of a neoplasm with the subsequent removal.
Clinic of innovative medical technologies "Vector" offers laser treatment of basal cells.
The clinic uses a CO-2 laser, which has several advantages. First of all, a thin laser beam maximally affects the affected area. With this method of therapy, the probability of relapses is virtually eliminated. Laser removal is distinguished by the absence of bleeding during the operation, as well as the contactlessness of the device with the wound, allows to minimize the probability of infection.
After laser removal of the basal cell, the wound heals fairly quickly and leaves almost no traces on the skin.
Treatment of basal cell carcinoma in the multi-field medical holding "SM-Clinic" is carried out by surgical or cryogenic method. When choosing a method of therapy, the size and location of the tumor is taken into account. With large tumors, when not only the skin but also the muscle tissue is affected, aesthetic correction is performed by highly qualified plastic surgeons of the clinic.
Treatment of basal cell carcinoma in St. Petersburg
In the St. Petersburg Clinical Hospital, the treatment of basal cells is mainly laser. Unlike other types of surgical interventions, laser therapy can significantly reduce the rehabilitation period. During the procedure, the removed material is necessarily sent to the laboratory for histological examination.
The clinic of aesthetic medicine "Tavricheskaya" also offers a modern and safe and most reliable laser method for treating basal cells, which has virtually no contraindications.
In the St. Petersburg Medical Center, Eva is diagnosed and the optimal method of therapy of basal cell carcinoma is selected. In the clinic, surgical or laser removal of the tumor is practiced. The surgical method is used mainly for large neoplasm and very neglected processes.
Treatment of basal cell carcinoma should be started immediately after being diagnosed. The prognosis for the disease is favorable in most cases, however, the chances of a complete cure are greater in the early stages of the oncological process.