
Information about doctor

Yosi Alkalay He is an advanced Israeli dermatologist recognized by a global specialist in the treatment of dermatovenereological pathologies. Renowned medical expert who for the first time in Israel applied micrographic surgery for oncodermatological disease. People from all over the world turn to the doctor for help. During his many years of practice, the professor has Alkalay completely cured thousands of patients suffering from dermatitis, psoriasis, hereditary and allergic dermathopathologies, autoimmune and viral skin diseases, precancerous and cancerous diseases of the skin. At the moment, the clinical experience of a doctor exceeds thirty years.

The doctor Alkalay uses micrographic operations in his practice that require a super professional approach. Such operations belong to the category of minimally invasive, with their help they remove various malignant skin lesions with the maximum possible preservation of healthy tissue and a comfortable recovery period. This type of surgical treatment with the participation of the professor has already received a lot of positive feedback, which directly indicates professionalism Yosi Alkalay.

The doctor received a diploma with honors from the Sackler Medical School at the University of Tel Aviv, specialized in the I. Rabin Hospital, and trained at the M. Anderson Cancer Center at the University of Texas. Professor has mastered the method of micrographic operations while studying at Baylor Medical College (Houston).

Specialist in the field of oncodermatology, Alkalay he became the founder and chairman of the Israeli Dermatosurgery Community of the Israel Medical Union. He founded the MoE Operations Society.

The doctor receives patients at the Assuta Clinical Center, conducts research activities, and introduces his own program into the student learning process, which is recognized and approved at the medical schools of the United States and Israel.

Yosi Alkalay - Author of more than a hundred scientific papers. He lectures at various international organizations and large European and American medical centers.


Education and work experience

  • Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Israel; Degree of Doctor of Medicine (MD)
  • Specialization in dermatology and venereology on the basis of the Hospital. I.Rabina, Petah Tikva, Israel
  • Postgraduate Studies in Dermatology at the Oncological Center named after M. D. Anderson University of Texas (Anderson Cancer Center), Houston, USA
  • Internship in MOHS operations at the Department of Dermatology at Baylor College of Medicine (BCM), Houston, USA

Membership in international organizations

  • President of the Israeli Society of Dermatology and Venereology (ISDV)
  • Consultant of the Israeli Society of Oncology on Dermato-oncology (ISCO)
  • European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (EADV)
  • Secretary of the European Society for Micrographic Operations (ESMS)
  • American Academy of Dermatology (AAD)
  • American Society of Dermatologic Surgery (ASDS)
  • Board Member, American Skin Cancer Association (ASSCF)
  • Secretary of the International Society of Dermatologic Surgery (ISDS)
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