Treatment of lymphadenitis
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Treatment of lymphadenitis - inflammation of the lymph nodes, begins with the elimination of its cause.
Most often, inflammation of the lymph nodes occurs in response to the penetration of the infection: fungal infections, HIV, tuberculosis, streptococcus. Symptoms: swelling of the skin around the lymph nodes, rash, redness and fever.
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Treatment of lymphadenitis of the neck
Treatment of lymphadenitis of the neck begins with the appointment of a clinical blood test. It shows a high content of leukocytes in it.
For treatment, a dry compress is prescribed if there is no fever, UHF and antibiotics. Sometimes suppurations are opened surgically.
Prevention: timely treatment of bacterial and viral infections, treatment of teeth, gonorrhea and syphilis.
Treatment of inguinal lymphadenitis
The cause is often sexually transmitted diseases.
Treatment of inguinal lymphadenitis - inflammation of the lymph nodes of the inguinal region, consists in strengthening immunity. Sometimes inguinal lymphonoduses remove or drain the formed abscess. After this procedure several dressings are necessary.
Apply heat treatment, electrophoresis, anti-inflammatory ointments.
Obstructions - osteomyelitis and sepsis.
Treatment of axillary lymphadenitis
Axillary inflammation of the lymph nodes is manifested by the expansion in the volume of the axillary lymph nodes, they become easily displaced. The patient complains of general manifestations of intoxication: weakness, headache and tachycardia. The skin around the lymph node becomes hot and turns red.
Pathogens: Staphylococci, Streptococcus, Proteus.
In case of adequate treatment, the lymph nodes rapidly decrease in size, the patient recovers.
Conservative treatment of axillary lymphadenitis is usually physiotherapeutic. Prescribed compresses with dimexid, ichthyol ointment. If no improvement occurs, an operation is performed to remove the axillary lymph nodes.
Treatment of axillary lymphadenitis with antibiotics. The most commonly used drugs: amoksiklav, amoxicillin, ampicillin. The duration of therapy with antibiotics is, on average, 14 days.
Amoksiklav appoint adults to 1 tablet every 8 hours. Individual sensitivity to the drug is possible.
Dosage of amoxicillin for adults - 0.5 g / 3 r. Per day. For children under 10 years - 0.25 g / 3 times a day, up to 3 years - 0.125 g / 3 times a day. Cautiously appoint or nominate to pregnant women. Do not prescribe with sensitivity to penicillins.
Ampicillin is prescribed to adults in the amount of 0.5 g. For one dose. The daily dose of the drug - 2-3 g. Children dosage is set at the rate of 100 mg / kg. The drug is taken in 5-6 receptions.
Treatment of submandibular lymphadenitis
Most often, submandibular inflammation of the lymph nodes is a consequence of tonsillitis and gingitis.
What symptoms should alert you?
- Sealing of lymph nodes under the jaw
- Pain sensations giving in the ear
- Fever
- Loss of appetite
- Neurological symptoms: insomnia, irritation
Serous form practically does not manifest itself. There is no discoloration of the skin, you can notice only a slight enlargement of the lymph nodes.
A good effect in the treatment of submandibular lymphadenitis is the use of antibiotics and infrared lamps. The doctor may prescribe a rinse with Burov's liquid.
Treatment of parotid lymphadenitis
Often, inflammation of the lymph nodes occurs against the background of boils and panaritium, influenza and pneumonia.
The disease can occur in a serous and purulent form. If the disease is not treated in time, it becomes chronic.
Self-medication is inadmissible. Increasingly, medicine is confronted with blurred atypical forms of inflammation of the lymph nodes. For example, with "light" serous forms, signs of intoxication can be very pronounced. Dangerous cysts and lymphomas give a similar picture.
Treatment of parotid lymphadenitis combines physiotherapy, the application of ointments to the affected lymph node and antibiotics. In the case of ulceration, treatment can be surgical.
Medicamentous treatment of parotid lymphadenitis. The doctor selects antibiotics of the penicillin group (amoxiclav, ampicillin, amoxicillin) and anti-inflammatory drugs.
Also, in combination with pharmacological preparations, non-traditional methods of treating parotid lymphadenitis give a good effect, for example, herbal preparations.
Mix one part of the nettle, yarrow and oregano and three parts of the horsetail. A tablespoon of the collection, pour 300 ml of water and keep on a water bath for 15 minutes. Strain 10 minutes, take 3 times a day before eating 100 ml.
Press the dandelion juice, wet it with a napkin. The resulting compress is applied to the affected lymph node.
A good effect is the application of peppermint leaves to the affected area for 2 hours.
Treatment of acute lymphadenitis
Acute inflammation of the lymph nodes accompanies hyperemia of the lymph node and an increase in temperature. The beginning of the disease resembles a picture of the flu.
This disease should be distinguished from:
- Tumors (sometimes it is necessary to do a lymph node biopsy)
- Salivary stone disease
- Periodontitis
- Cyst of neck and face.
In severe forms of the disease, treatment is carried out in a hospital. Antibiotics take about 14 days, both in the form of tablets, and intramuscularly. Apply compresses and bandages with mercury ointment.
In advanced cases, necrosis of the lymph nodes occurs.
Prevention of acute lymphadenitis is the timely treatment of teeth and respiratory diseases.
Treatment of chronic lymphadenitis
Chronic inflammation of the lymph nodes can occur due to an untreated tooth or sinusitis. When the lymph nodes swell, this means that they are fighting the infection. The disease most often occurs in children, because their immune system is still imperfect.
The cause may be tuberculosis or syphilis, micro-trauma, arising when squeezing acne.
The main thing in the treatment of chronic lymphadenitis is to create conditions for suppressing the infection. Enzymes and fortifying agents are prescribed.
Treatment of purulent lymphadenitis
The source of infection in a purulent form can be purulent wound, carbuncle, furuncle, osteomyelitis, tonsillitis.
The disease begins with weakness and enlargement of the lymph nodes. In simple forms, inflammation does not go beyond the lymph node. In destructive forms, changes occur in the surrounding tissues.
Treatment of purulent lymphadenitis is handled by a surgeon. It disinfects the hearth, drains it and sutures it. Treatment of lymphadenitis with antibiotics is prescribed by a doctor.
Treatment of Pulmonary Lymphadenitis
Lymph nodes in our body perform a barrier function. This barrier protects us from the spread of infection throughout the body. Factors that can lead to inflammation of the lymph nodes are diseases of the internal organs, accompanied by inflammation caused by bacteria, purulent wounds, phlegmon, carbuncles, caries. Specific inflammation of the lymph nodes can cause such serious diseases as tuberculosis and syphilis.
Diagnosis is not difficult. But sometimes, in order to distinguish lymphadenitis from other diseases, a biopsy, CT, MRI is performed. When suspected of tuberculosis, the Mantoux reaction is performed, fluorography.
Treatment of a non-parasitic form consists in providing rest to the affected area and physiotherapy. Usually assign UHF. Sometimes the doctor prescribes antibiotics.
The complication of lymphadenitis can be the development of impaired lymphatic flow, which can manifest itself as permanent edema.
Prevention of non-nasal lymphadenitis:
- Treatment of abrasions with iodine, greenery
- Treatment of caries
- Diagnosis of tuberculosis
- Avoiding stress
- Avoidance of hypothermia.
Treatment of the occipital lymphadenitis
Lymph nodes contain lymphocytes. They contain microorganisms and fragments of dead cells. Sometimes, when infiltrating the body of an infection, there is a working hypertrophy of the lymph node. It is also characteristic of a number of autoimmune diseases (systemic lupus erythematosus, etc.).
Normally, the occipital lymph nodes are painless and mobile. With an increase, they become painful. There may be redness. The temperature rises and appetite decreases.
The most common nonspecific inflammation of the lymph nodes is caused by staphylococci and streptococci.
At first, there is catarrhal occipital lymphadenitis. In this case, the patient can notice only an enlarged lymph node and a slight soreness. If there is no treatment at this stage, purulent lymphadenitis may occur. In this case, any touch to the lymph node is painful, it turns red, general weakness and headache build up. Then there is a purulent decay of the lymph node. If the cause of the occipital lymphadenitis in a chronic infection, it is necessary to begin treatment with it.
Prolonged inflammation of the occipital lymph nodes causes their atrophy. The outflow of lymph is disturbed, this can lead to elephantiasis.
The choice of an antibiotic for occipital lymphadenitis is determined by which causative agent caused it. It is best to test for antibiotic sensitivity.
It should be remembered that if purulent lymphadenitis develops, it is impossible to put compresses on the affected lymph node.
Treatment of reactive lymphadenitis
Reactive lymphadenitis occurs due to local disturbances. A reactive process in the lymph nodes of the body shows the fight against infection. Reactive lymphadenitis results in recovery after the cause is eliminated.
Reactive lymphadenitis usually proceeds relatively easily: the skin over the affected lymph node is not changed, there is no chills, no temperature and no headache.
Treatment of nonspecific lymphadenitis
Nonspecific lymphadenitis is caused by staphylococci, streptococci and E. Coli. It is possible to penetrate the infection into the lymph node at the time of injury.
Nonspecific lymphadenitis can be purulent and non-purulent, acute and chronic.
It is possible to suspect nonspecific lymphadenitis in the presence of such symptoms as knee enlargement, weakness and fever. As the progression of the pain becomes more pronounced, the skin in the area of the lymph nodes blushes.
How does chronic nonspecific lymphadenitis manifest itself? In this case, there is a painless increase in lymph nodes, they are not welded together.
Treatment of nonspecific lymphadenitis is as follows. If there is no pus, it is enough to prescribe antibiotics and UHF. In the presence of purulent inflammation, a small operation is needed, during which pus is removed, and the wound is drained.
Preparations for the treatment of lymphadenitis
What drugs can a doctor prescribe for the treatment of lymphadenitis? These are antibiotics: sumamed, amoxicillin, amoxiclav.
Sumamed is a drug that has a wide spectrum of action against bacterial infections. It prnimayut once a day, 1 hour before meals or 2 hours after eating. Side effects: nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea, rashes on the skin. Caution is used in patients with impaired renal and hepatic function.
Amoxicillin - effective in the treatment of lymphadenitis caused by bacterial infection. The drug, as a rule, appoint 0.5 g / 3 times a day. Children under 10 years of age are reduced by half, up to 5 years - three times (0.125 g / 3 times a day). Adverse events during admission: allergic reactions, anaphylactic shock, fever. Cautiously appoint or nominate to pregnant women. Do not prescribe to those who are sensitive to penicillins.
Amoxiclavin and clavulanic acid are part of the amoxiclav preparation. The tablets are dissolved in half a glass of water. Amoxiclav dosage for children weighing more than 40 kg and adults - one tablet, every 8 hours. Possible reactions from the digestive system, skin reactions, anxiety, dizziness and headache, anemia. The drug should not be taken sick with hepatitis, triggered by the use of penicillins and people with their individual intolerance.
Please note that all recommendations for taking medications on our portal are approximate. Treatment with antibiotics is carried out under the supervision of a doctor.
Dimexide for lymphadenitis
With lymphadenitis, if there is no purulent inflammation, compresses with dimexide are good.
Dimexide is diluted with water in a 1: 1 ratio. The compress is placed twice a day on the affected lymph node for 15 min.
Compresses for lymphadenitis
Take an alcoholic tincture of echinacea, dilute it with water in a proportion of 1: 2. Apply to the lymph node at night. Echinacea is also useful to drink to strengthen immunity for 20-40 drops 3 times a day.
You can take one teaspoon of St. John's wort, walnut leaves and mistletoe, pour 1 tbsp. Water and cook for 5 minutes. Make compresses with broth for the night.
Ichthyolic ointment with lymphadenitis
For the treatment of lymphadenitis, the inflamed lymph node is smeared with ichthyol ointment several times a day.
Homeopathy with lymphadenitis
With lymphadenitis, homeopathic treatment with Lymphomyosot is possible. Dosage - 15-20 drops, 3 times a day. The course of therapy - 10 days. The drug is not prescribed for children. Allergy is possible. Consult an endocrinologist if you have thyroid problems.
Treatment of lymphadenitis in children
The first 3-4 years the baby has no lymph nodes until the end. Symptoms of acute lymphadenitis in children:
- Enlargement of lymph nodes
- Fever
- Decreased appetite
- Chills
As a result of untimely treatment, multiple defeat of lymph nodes in children, chronic lymphadenitis develops.
Treatment of lymphadenitis in children is different from treatment in adults. In children, he most often develops after a sore throat. The child is disturbed by a dream. Infants may have signs of intoxication. If the child complains of pain in the area of the lymph nodes, it is acute catarrhal lymphadenitis. With purulent lymphadenitis, the pain is more intense and constant, lymph nodes hurt, even if you do not touch them.
You can provide first aid to a child by making a compress from household soap. Also helps compress of white cabbage: dip the cabbage leaf into hot water, pull it out and lower it again. Do it several times. Dry the leaf, attach it to a sore spot and tighten it with a scarf.
Watch how the baby eats. The weakened organism is very useful fish oil.
If lymphadenitis is acute catarrhal, it is enough to prescribe vitamins and funds for strengthening immunity, compresses. The doctor can not prescribe antibiotics in this case.
When purulent lymphadenitis is prescribed antibiotics: sumamed (10 mg / kg once a day for 3 days, once a day, keep the intervals between meals.It is advisable to apply for violations in the liver and kidneys and the tendency to allergies), amoxicillin (children over 10 years of age (with a body weight of more than 40 kg), the drug is prescribed 0.5 g 3 times per day Children aged 5-10 years are prescribed 0.25 g 3 times a day. Children aged 2 to 5 years, appoint 0.125 g 3 times per day Children under 2 years of age are prescribed in a daily dose of 20 mg / kg of body weight in 3 doses. Child drug intolerance).
For the prevention of pediatric lymphadenitis, trauma should be avoided, caries and stomatitis, inflammation of the tonsils should be treated in a timely manner.
Surgical treatment of lymphadenitis
With the growth of inflammation of the lymph node, he has to operate. Not only pus is removed from the wound, but also rejected tissue of the lymph node. The wound is covered with gauze. As a rule, local anesthesia may be sufficient for such an operation. The wound is drained for about a week.
To prevent the development of the disease, and the treatment of lymphadenitis was easy, it is important to pay attention to the affected lymph node in time and to identify the source of infection. Treatment of lymphadenitis should be under the supervision of a doctor, the recommendations in this article we have given for your reference.