
Information about doctor

One of the most sought-after and well-known specialists of Israel in the field of internal and infectious diseases, AIDS. The professor Fransisk Shlefer is in charge of the specialized department in the Assuta clinic and is its leading infectious diseases specialist. Consults on infectious diseases of travelers and pregnant women. Reception, both adults, and patients of children's age.

Dr. Specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases:

  • Hepatitis B and C
  • Cytomegalovirus
  • Human papillomavirus and other dangerous pathologies.

The general clinical experience of the professor is about 40 years. Patients from all over the world seek advice and treatment for recurrent, chronic pathologies. Most often these are people with chronic and infectious lesions of the skeletal system, systemic infections of the skin and many other diseases.

Fransisk Shlefer developed diagnostic methods aimed at identifying problems in the body that are difficult to determine using classical techniques. Its integrated approach gives effective results in the process of diagnosis and treatment of diseases of internal organs.

In addition to medical practice, the professor is a lecturer at the Medical Faculty of the University. Ben-Gurion, trains future doctors. He also Fransisk Shlefer conducts scientific activities, publishes his work in international professional medical journals.

Education and work experience

  • Israel, University of Jerusalem School of Medicine.
  • Israel, Beer-Sheva, internship at the medical center "Soroka".
  • USA, Hepatitis Internship.
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