

List Diseases – O


The disease is characterized by damage to the bodies of the thoracic disks and vertebrae, the switching plates. 

It is a fairly common pathology and accounts for about 17% of the total number of aseptic necrosis. It occurs in childhood or adolescence. It is a fairly common pathology and makes up about 17% of the total number of aseptic necrosis. It occurs in childhood or adolescence.

In children, this pathology is much more common than in adults. This is due to the active growth of their bone system. The main age group of patients from 2 to 18 years.

It develops due to constant overload of the foot and with repeated injuries of the heels. In some cases, there is a bilateral lesion. 

This pathology has a dystrophic nature and is closely related to genetic factors. According to the international classification of diseases ICD 10, it is included in group XIII of the Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue (M00-M99).

Osteoblastoma (Synonyms - giant osteoid-osteoma, osteogenic fibroma) - benign bone-forming tumor, histologically identical to osteoid-osteome, but differing from it in large sizes. Clinical picture and data of radiation research methods.

Cases of cancer in the world are constantly increasing. Among the lesions of the skeletal system, the leader in frequency is osteoblastoclastoma - a benign tumor process, prone to malignancy, capable of damaging a variety of bones of the skeleton.

Arthrosis of the hip joint is a concept that unites degenerative pathologies developing in the hip joint zone, provoked by wear, disease or trauma. The basis of arthrosis is the destructive process of cartilage joint tissue, which affects other components - bone, joint bag, adjacent muscle tissue.
Ostitis (from the Greek osteon, which means "bone") is a disease characterized by inflammatory processes in the bone tissue.

Osgood Schlatter's disease (osteochondropathy tuberosity of the tibia) is more often recorded in the age group 11-16 years, characterized by a violation of ossification of the apophysis tuberosity of the tibia. Often sick teenagers, actively involved in sports.

Orthostatic hypotension is an important clinical syndrome that occurs in many neurological and somatic diseases. With orthostatic hypotension, the neurologist faces primarily problems with falls and fainting.
Orthostatic (postural) hypotension is a sharp drop in blood pressure (usually more than 20/10 mm Hg) when the patient makes a vertical position. For a few seconds or longer, fainting, loss of consciousness and confusion, dizziness, and visual impairment may occur.
Ornithosis (psittacosis) is an infectious disease caused by chlamydia and transmitted to humans from birds. Psittacosis is accompanied by symptoms of intoxication and lung damage.
Ornithosis (synth, psittacosis - psittacosis) is a zoonotic natural-anthropurgic infectious disease with an aerosol mechanism of neperacia of the pathogen, characterized by fever, intoxication, damage to the lungs, nervous system, hepatolyenal syndrome.

Orhoepididymitis (or epididymoorkhit) is a simultaneous combination of two separate infectious inflammatory urological diseases that can provoke and develop each other.

Very often, orchitis develops against a background of a distant infectious or inflammatory process in the body. Pathology can be caused by traumatic factors and can occur both in a one-sided form and with a bilateral lesion. 

Organic personality disorder occurs after some types of brain injury. It can be a head trauma, an infection, for example encephalitis, or a result of a brain disease, such as, for example, multiple sclerosis.

According to medical statistics, in 20% of cases parotitis is complicated by inflammation of the testicles and in 8% of cases bilateral inflammation develops. The main age of boys exposed to the disease is 10-12 years. 

Orbit myositis is an oropathic nonspecific inflammation of one or more extraocular muscles, which is considered to be one of the forms of idiopathic inflammation of the orbit.
The causes causing damage to the orbit are diverse: impact by a heavy object, bruise on falling, the introduction of foreign bodies and others. The wounded items can be knives, forks, pencils, ski poles, branches, shot or bullets with a gunshot wound.


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