

List Diseases – O

Low transverse position of the head occurs during childbirth in those cases when the prepulsive head moves towards the exit from the pelvis, without performing an internal rotation and remaining an arrow-shaped suture in the transverse dimension.
Depending on where the back and occiput are facing - towards the symphysis or back to the cape - there are two types of high standing: the front, positio occipitalis pubica s. Anterior, and posterior, positio occipitalis sacralis s. Posterior.
Obstructive sleep apnea (sleep apnea) includes episodes of partial and / or complete closure of the upper respiratory tract during sleep, leading to a cessation of breathing lasting more than 10 seconds. Symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea include a feeling of fatigue, snoring, re-awakening, morning headache and excessive daytime sleepiness. The diagnosis is based on a history of sleep, physical examination and polysomnography.
Obstructive bronchitis, one of the types of complex, extensive inflammatory process of the bronchi, taking place with complex symptoms. To an acute form of obstructive bronchitis are predisposed, mainly, children in early and preschool years. Obstructive bronchitis in adults manifests itself, often, in exacerbations of its already chronic form.
Obstruction of the upper and lower respiratory tract. The causes of airway obstruction are various diseases and injuries. In cases where the obstruction of the gas flow during breathing occurs in the mouth, throat or larynx, respiratory disorders are considered due to obstruction of the upper respiratory tract, below the larynx - obstruction of the lower respiratory tract.
Obstruction of the nasolacrimal canal - this condition is better called a delayed restoration of patency of the nasolacrimal canal, t. It is often resolved spontaneously.
The obstruction of lacrimal canalis develops more often due to inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyelids and tubules with conjunctivitis.
In the case of abnormal delivery, untimely and incorrect delivery of obstetrical care, trauma often occurs during childbirth: damage to the external and internal genital organs, as well as adjacent organs - the urinary tract, rectum, articulations of the pelvis.
Early obstetric peritonitis occurs on the 1st-3rd day after the operation. It is usually due to infection during surgery, which was carried out against the background of chorioamnionitis.
Obstetric bleeding - bleeding in the second half of pregnancy, during and after childbirth. Early postpartum haemorrhage - bleeding that occurred in the first 2 hours, late - more than 2 hours after childbirth.
Obsessive-compulsive disorder is characterized by obsessions, compulsions, or both. Obsessions and compulsions cause marked distress and affect achievement and social functioning. Diagnosis is based on anamnestic data. Treatment includes behavioral therapy and SSRI.
According to DSM-IV, obsessive-compulsive disorder is a variant of an anxiety disorder characterized by obsessively repeated undesirable, unpleasant thoughts, images or impulses (obsessions) and / or repetitive actions that a person performs compulsorily and according to certain rules (compulsions).

All of us to a greater or lesser degree happened to focus on any thoughts or actions that at the moment seemed important to us, caused concern or annoyance. 

Friendly eye movements are binocular movements, in which the eyes move synchronously and symmetrically in the same direction. There are 3 main types of movements: saccadic, smooth search, non-optical reflex.
Obliterating thromboangiitis is an inflammatory thrombosis of small arteries, medium sized arteries and some superficial veins causing arterial ischemia of the distal limbs and superficial thrombophlebitis.
At the heart of this group of diseases is atherosclerosis of the arteries of the lower limbs, causing ischemia. A moderate degree of disease can be asymptomatic or cause intermittent claudication.
Obliterating bronchiolitis is a disease from the group of "small respiratory tract diseases", in which bronchioles are affected - respiratory tracts with a diameter of less than 2-3 mm, which do not have a cartilaginous base and mucous glands.

It is diagnosed when the person's weight exceeds the maximum allowable value by more than 100%. The norm can be calculated by BMI or other formulas, such as the ratio of the waist to the hips in width.

Obesity is a chronic relapsing disease characterized by an excess of fat tissue in the body (in men not less than 20%, in women 25% of body weight, body mass index more than 25-30 kg / m2).


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