

List Diseases – I


Inflammation of the lymph nodes under the armpit usually occurs against the background of an infection in the body. Usually lymph nodes return to normal after a while, when the source of infection is eliminated.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin - inflammation of the inguinal lymph nodes due to infection through the lymph vessels. There are superficial and deep inguinal lymph nodes, they are lymph from the perineum, rectum, lower abdominal wall, genitals and legs.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes in a child, their swelling indicates that there is a violation in their health. Parents should immediately think about it and make all attempts to eliminate them.

As soon as somewhere in the body there is a significant focus of infection, inflammation of the lymph nodes behind the ear, neck, axillary region, or groin occurs, depending on the location of the infection.

In medicine, an inflammation of the lymph nodes is called lymphadenitis. The disease develops when the infection enters the human lymphatic system. Throughout the length of the lymphatic vessels are lymph nodes, which have different sizes.
Inflammation of the gums or gingivitis is the most common dental disease. Inflammation of the gums is asymptomatic, because of this the patient may not suspect that he has problems with the gums.

Inflammation of tendons is a symptom complex that develops in their pathology, which is accompanied by pain and movement disorders in the segment.

It should be borne in mind that without proper therapy, inflammation of the gums in children can go on into a chronic form, then into the ulcerative necrotic stage, and, as a result, lead to the most serious dental problem - inflammation of the surrounding tooth root tissues, bone tissue of the alveolus and gums .

Inflammation is a complex compensatory-adaptive reaction of the organism to the effect of pathogenic factors of the external or internal environment, which proceeds locally or with a common lesion of all organs and tissues.

Infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis is a clinical form of tuberculosis that occurs against the background of specific hypersensitivity of the pulmonary tissue and a significant increase in the exudative tissue response in the inflammatory zone.
Infiltration of the lymphocyte of Jessner-Kanof was first described in 1953 by M. Jessner, NB Kanof. The causes and pathogenesis of dermatosis are not fully understood.
At each site of the reproductive system of the male and female body pathological processes may occur, violating the complex biological mechanism of their work and leading to infertility.
A group of infections can cause uveitis. Most often it is the herpes virus, cytomegalovirus and toxoplasmosis.
Infectious toxicosis is an emergency that can occur with any acute bacterial or viral infection in children from 3 months to 2 years. Patients with infectious toxicosis account for 7-9% of all patients entering the intensive care unit with infectious pathology.

Infectious mononucleosis is a polyethological disease caused by viruses from the Herpesviridae family, which occurs with fever, angina, polyadenitis, enlargement of the liver and spleen, and the appearance of atypical mononuclei in the peripheral blood.

Infectious mononucleosis (synonyms: Epstein-Barr infectious mononucleosis, Filatova's disease, glandular fever, monocytic angina, Pfeiffer's disease, English infectious mononucleosis, German infectiose mononukleos).
Infectious lung destruction - severe pathological conditions characterized by inflammatory infiltration and subsequent purulent or putrefactive decay (destruction) of lung tissue as a result of exposure to nonspecific infectious agents (NV Pukhov, 1998). There are three forms of infectious destruction of the lungs: abscess, gangrene and gangrenous abscess of the lung.
Infectious lesions of the esophagus are observed mainly in patients with reduced immune defense. Primary agents include Candida albicans, herpes simplex virus and cytomegalovirus. Symptoms of infection of the esophagus - chest pain and sore throat when swallowing.
Infective endocarditis is infective damage to the endocardium, usually bacterial (usually streptococcal and staphylococcal) or fungal. It leads to fever, noises in the heart, petechiae, anemia, embolic episodes and vegetation on the endocardium. Vegetations can lead to failure of the valves or obstruction, myocardial abscess, mycotic aneurysm.
Infectious endocarditis in pregnancy is an inflammatory disease caused by various infectious agents, which are characterized by damage to the heart valves and / or parietal endocardium and bacteremia.


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