

List Diseases – A

Acute vascular insufficiency is characterized by a sudden impairment of blood circulation as a result of discrepancy between the volume of circulating blood and the capacity of the vascular bed. Development of the syndrome of small ejection in acute vascular insufficiency is associated with a decrease in venous return due to a sudden increase in the capacity of the vascular bed.
Ulcerative-membranous laryngitis is very rare and is caused by a fusospiralous microbiota similar to the one that causes the Simanovsky-Plaut-Vincent angina.
Acute tubulointerstitial nephritis is characterized by pronounced inflammatory changes in the structures of renal interstitium with infiltration predominantly by lymphocytes (up to 80% of all cells) and polymorphonuclear leukocytes, and granulomas are less often found.
Acute transverse myelitis is an acute inflammation of the gray and white matter of one or more adjacent segments, usually of the thoracic. Among the causes are postinfectious inflammation, multiple sclerosis, autoimmune inflammation, vasculitis and the effect of medications.
Acute tonsillitis (tonsillitis), tonsillopharyngitis and acute pharyngitis are characterized by inflammation of one or more components of the lymphoid pharyngeal ring. For acute tonsillitis (angina), a typical acute inflammation of the lymphoid tissue is mainly palatine tonsils.
Acute stress disorder (OCD) is a short period (about 1 month) of obsessive memories and nightmarish dreams, alienation, avoidance and anxiety that occurred within 1 month after a traumatic event.
Acute stomatitis - small ulcers that arise in the oral cavity, accompanied by discomfort and, periodically, painful sensations. Where do they come from on the human body? What are they talking about and how to deal with them?
Acute sinusitis accounts for 30-35% of all cases of upper respiratory tract infections. Acute sinusitis is recorded from the period of the newborn (acute etmoiditis), but more often at the age of 3-6 years (acute etmoiditis and acute sinusitis). Acute frontal and acute sphenoidal sinusitis and the more so the pansinusitis is observed less often.
Acute sinusitis is an acute inflammation of the mucous membrane of one or several paranasal sinuses. Inflammatory diseases of the paranasal sinuses are considered one of the most urgent problems of otorhinolaryngology.
Acute simple adenoiditis - otolaryngological disease, which is characterized by inflammation of the adenoids, is more common in the first years of life.
Acute severe asthma is a severe bronchospasm in a patient with a history of asthma. What causes acute asthma? Asthma in history with emergency hospitalizations in the past. Respiratory tract infections. Trigger factors, such as stress, cold, exercise, smoking, allergen. Premature or newborns with low weight.
Isolated acute right ventricular failure is much less common than left ventricular acute heart failure. This is due to the fact that the right ventricle is more resistant to ischemic injury due to a more favorable ratio between its oxygen demand and the conditions of delivery to it.
After heart surgery, the emergence of acute right ventricular failure is associated with the development of residual pulmonary hypertension (systolic form) or with a decrease in contractility of the right ventricle (diastolic form).
The pathogenetic basis is formed by IgE-mediated allergic reactions. Rhinoconjunctivitis is a classic example of atopic diseases characterized by the presence of hyperproduction of IgE, a high level of specific IgE and IgC4 antibodies, an imbalance of immunoregulatory cells.
Acute rhinitis (acute rhinitis) is an acute nonspecific inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity. Acute rhinitis is considered one of the most common diseases in children and adults, there is no precise epidemiological data.
Acute respiratory failure is a condition characterized by a violation of the normal gas composition of the arterial blood: the delivery of a sufficient amount of oxygen to the arterial blood and the removal of an appropriate amount of carbon dioxide from the venous blood into the alveoli. Disruption of pulmonary gas exchange leads to a decrease in pAO2 (hypoxemia) and an increase in pCO2 (hypercapnia).
Acute renal failure is a nonspecific syndrome of various etiologies that develops in connection with a sudden shutdown of the homeostatic functions of the kidneys, which is based on hypoxia of the renal tissue, followed by the primary damage to the tubules and the development of interstitial edema. The syndrome manifests itself as increasing azotemia, electrolyte imbalance, decompensated acidosis and impaired ability to release water.
Pyelonephritis is a nonspecific infectious and inflammatory process that occurs in the bowel-cup system and tubulointerstitial tissue of the kidneys. In the general structure of the pathology of the urinary tract is about 50%.
Acute pyelonephritis is a well-pronounced clinical syndrome. Consisting of an acute onset with fever, pain in the side and muscle tension in the rib and vertebral corner, associated with leukocytosis, leukocyturia and bacteriuria. These symptoms can be accompanied by cystitis with frequent, painful urination.
Acute purulent thyroiditis is caused by cocco flora, it is rare. The use of antibiotics to treat coccal infections has made this form of thyroiditis very rare.


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