

List Diseases – A

Inflammatory processes of the pelvic organs (uterus, appendages, peritoneum) are the most common gynecological diseases. Over half of the women seeking help in the women's consultation suffer from inflammation of the internal genitalia, and about 50% of them require inpatient treatment.
Acute rhinoetmoiditis also has another name - acute anterior ethmoid rhinosinusitis, reflecting the anatomical localization of the inflammatory process of a rhinogenic nature, affecting the anterior cells of the latticed bone.

Acute inflammation of the middle ear - acute inflammation of the mucous membrane of the middle ear, resulting from the penetration into the tympanic cavity of infection from the nasopharynx through the auditory tube.

Acute hypoxemic respiratory failure is a severe arterial hypoxemia refractory to oxygen treatment.
Acute gastrointestinal diseases according to the frequency of occurrence take the second place after SARS among pathologies of young children. Acute gastrointestinal diseases at this age are never limited to the morphological and functional changes only of the stomach and intestines, and almost always combine with more or less pronounced disturbances in the general condition of the child, the functions of other organs, violation of CBS, metabolism, especially water-salt.
Acute gastroenteritis caused by the Norvolk causative agent is an acute viral infectious disease with a fecal-oral mechanism of transmission of the pathogen, characterized by moderate intoxication and a picture of acute gastroenteritis with benign course.

Acute gastritis is an acute inflammatory reaction in the mucous tissue of the stomach, provoked by some damaging factors.

Acute liverless cholecystitis accounts for about 5-10% of all cases of acute cholecystitis in adults and 30% in children. The most common predisposing factors are critical conditions, such as large-volume extraviral surgery, multiple injuries, extensive burns, recent childbirth, severe sepsis, mechanical ventilation and ventilation, and parenteral nutrition.

Acute functional blockade of the spine occurs when one of the arched processes is displaced. With a careless movement, your back, like an electric discharge, pierces a sharp pain. This is an acute functional block of the spine. Pain, like a lightning stroke, affects a person at the very beginning of the movement, leaving it bent in three deaths, motionless and unable to straighten.

With the development of this pathology, muscles lose reflex, as well as arbitrary innervation.

Acute etmoidosphenoiditis is an acute non-specific inflammation of the mucosa of the posterior cells of the latticed bone and the sphenoid sinus, arising either primarily on the basis of acute banal or influenza rhinitis, or as a consequence of (very rarely) acute transient inflammation of the anterior sinuses. Mostly adults are ill.
Acute esophagitis is divided into inflammation of infectious and inflammatory traumatic nature, the first - to nonspecific and specific, the second - to chemical burns and traumatic injuries (perforations, ruptures, gunshot wounds).
Acute epidemic conjunctivitis is a fairly common disease and is observed in almost all countries of the world with a hot climate. Acute epidemic conjunctivitis can manifest itself in the form of seasonal outbreaks in the summer-autumn period and take a heavy course.
The epidemic situation, the mass character of the lesion, make it necessary to differentiate hemorrhagic conjunctivitis from another very widespread and well-studied disease - acute epidemic adenoviral conjunctivitis.
Acute eosinophilic pneumonia is characterized by rapid eosinophilic infiltration of the interstitial spaces of the lung.
Acute drug hepatitis develops only in a small proportion of patients taking drugs, and manifests itself approximately 1 week after the start of treatment. The probability of developing acute drug hepatitis is usually not predictable. It does not depend on the dose, but it increases with repeated use of the medicine.

According to medical statistics, in 80% of cases, infectious-inflammatory damage of the genitourinary system is diagnosed in women. This prevalence of the disease is associated with anatomical features of the structure of the female urinary system.

In recent years, the term "acute coronary syndrome (ACS)." The acute coronary syndrome includes acute variants of IHD: unstable angina (NS) and myocardial infarction (MI).
Epidemic keratoconjunctivitis is a highly contagious disease characterized by reddening of the eyeball, lacrimation and frequent combination with keratitis.
Acute congestive heart failure in children is a clinical syndrome characterized by a sudden impairment of systemic blood flow as a result of decreased myocardial contractility. Acute heart failure can occur as a complication of infectious-toxic and allergic diseases, acute exogenous poisoning, myocarditis, cardiac arrhythmias, as well as rapid decompensation of chronic heart failure, usually in children with congenital and acquired heart defects, cardiomyopathies, arterial hypertension.


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