

List Diseases – A


It happens that a person unconsciously at a certain moment loses consciousness - as a rule, it is more common in childhood, and is called "absence". 

Symptoms of corneal sensitivity often provoke the appearance of keratitis.
Abscess of the brain or spinal cord - a limited accumulation of pus in the cavity of the skull or spinal canal. Depending on the localization, abscesses can be intracerebral (accumulation of pus in the brain substance), subdural (located under the dura mater) or epidural (localized over the dura mater). Abscesses of the brain are met with a frequency of about 0.7 per 100 000 population per year.
Abscess of the lung - inflammation of the tissue of the lungs of a non-specific nature, which is accompanied by melting it with the formation of a nano-necrotic cavity.
Kidney abscess is a fairly rare form of acute purulent pyelonephritis. Kidney abscess often complicates urolithiasis.
Differentiate the abscess of the century with presepthalnogo cellulitis and subperiosteal abscess (displacement of the eyeball). Diagnosis is confirmed by the results of X-ray computed tomography.
A limited area of accumulation of pus in the layers of the tissues of the breast is called the abscess of the breast.
This development of the inflammatory process in the liver tissues to the state of their necrosis and the formation of a cavity with purulent contents.

Periodontal (periodontal) abscess - or, more simply, gum abscess - is the formation in periodontal tissue of a cavity filled with purulent contents. The focus of inflammation is localized in the area near the tooth and has the appearance of a small formation inside the gum.

Abscess of larynx and phlegmon of the larynx are very dangerous diseases, which are fraught with quite serious complications.
Abortion at the first pregnancy is a difficult moment when a potential mother faces a choice, to leave the child or not.

Congenital megacolon - a significant expansion of part or the entire colon, usually with a thickening of the muscular wall of its wall. Congenital megacolon can be caused by any obstacles for further movement of the contents of the colon (stenosis, membranous lintels, etc.), but more often is a congenital anomaly of its innervation - congenital agacglosis.

Clinical refraction characterizes the proportionality of the optical power of the eye and its anteroposterior axis (distance from the apex of the cornea to the central fovea of the retina). Clinical refraction is the position of the main focus of the eye relative to the retina.
Abnormalities of renal vessels are divided into congenital malformations of the structure, quantity, shape and location of arterial vessels and are diagnosed frequently among all abnormalities of the kidneys and urinary tract.
Abscess - a cavity filled with pus and delimited from surrounding tissues and organs by a pyogenic membrane. By the time of occurrence, the abscesses are divided into early and late ones. To late carry abscesses, formed later 3 months.
Abdominal tuberculosis is most often localized in the intestines, lymph nodes and peritoneum. It is difficult to diagnose abdominal tuberculosis.
Abdominal syndrome can develop sharply against the background of complete health, in the postoperative period as a complication, gradually with the progression of the underlying disease or the development of complications, for example, anastomosis, peritonitis,
Loss of the loop of the umbilical cord and small parts of the fetus can be observed in case of outflow of amniotic fluid and absence of a contact belt between the mother's pelvis and the presenting part.
The piometer is the accumulation of pus in the uterus as a result of infection of the contents of the uterine cavity with pyogenic microorganisms when the outflow from the cavity is disturbed.

A bruised hand - the injury is extremely painful and vainly considered ordinary and not worthy of attention. In the hands, including in the fingers, there are a lot of nerve endings, which almost instantaneously transmit impulses-signals to the spinal cord.


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