

List Diseases – S

An oily "lipid" layer, which reduces evaporation, stabilizes the lacrimal film and provides a high optical quality of its surface. Lipids are produced by meibomian glands.
To the primary-ovarian hypofunction of the ovaries is the so-called syndrome of exhausted ovaries. To describe this pathological condition, many terms have been proposed: "premature menopause," "premature menopause," "premature ovarian failure," and others.
The Nijmegen breakage syndrome was first described in 1981. Weemaes CM as a new syndrome with chromosomal instability. The disease manifested by microcephaly, lagging behind the physical development, specific disorders of the facial skeleton, skin spots of the color "coffee with milk" and multiple breakdowns of 7 and 14 chromosomes was revealed in a 10-year-old boy.
Vegetosovascular dystonia is a fairly common condition. About 80% of the adult population have a confirmed diagnosis of VSD, while the number of women with this diagnosis is significantly higher than the number of men with the same problem.

Lateral amyotrophic sclerosis is a responsible diagnosis, equivalent to a medical "verdict". This diagnosis is not always simple, because in recent years the range of diseases has significantly expanded, in the clinical manifestations of which there can be observed not a disease but a syndrome of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

Syndrome of "morning light" is a very rare, usually one-sided sporadic condition. Bilateral cases of the disease (even more rare) can be hereditary.
Gricelli's syndrome is a congenital autosomal recessive syndrome, which is a combination of immunodeficiency and partial albinism, first described in France by Claude Griscelli. Albinism in this syndrome is caused by a violation of migration of melanosomes from melanocytes (in which a pigment is formed) into keratocytes.
Hyper-IgE syndrome (HIES) (0MIM 147060), formerly called Job syndrome, is characterized by recurrent infections, mainly of staphylococcal etiology, gross facial features, skeletal anomalies and a sharply elevated level of immunoglobulin E. The first two patients with a similar syndrome are described in 1966, Davis and colleagues. Since then, more than 50 cases with a similar clinical picture have been described, but the pathogenesis of the disease has not been determined to date.
Syndrome del Castillo (Sertoli-cell syndrome) is an infrequent disease. Patients in sexual and physical development do not differ from healthy men. Karyotype 46, XY.
Chernogubov-Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (syn. Hyperelastic skin) is a heterogeneous group of hereditary connective tissue diseases characterized by a number of common clinical signs and similar morphological changes.
Syndrome Brugada refers to the primary electrical diseases of the heart with a high risk of sudden arrhythmic death. In this syndrome, there is a delay in the right ventricle (right bundle bundle blockage), ST segment elevation in the right precordial leads (V1-V3) to a resting ECG, and a high incidence of ventricular fibrillation and sudden death, mainly at night.
Mikulich disease (synonyms: sarcoid sialosis, Mikulic allergic reticuloepithelial sialosis, lymphomyeloid sialosis, lymphocytic tumor) is named after the doctor J. Miculicz, who in 1892 described the increase in all the large and small salivary glands as well as the lacrimal glands he observed on For 14 months the peasant has 42 years.
For the first time in 1951, E. J. Gardner, and 2 years later, E. J. Gardner and R. C. Richards described a peculiar disease characterized by multiple cutaneous and subcutaneous lesions occurring simultaneously with tumor lesions of the bones and tumors of soft tissues. Currently, this disease, combining polyposis of the gastrointestinal tract, multiple osteomas and osteofibromas, tumors of soft tissues, is called Gardner's syndrome.
The phrase "empty Turkish saddle" (PTS) entered medical practice in 1951. After anatomical work, it was proposed by S. Busch, who studied autopsy material of 788 people who died from diseases not associated with pituitary pathology.
Syndactyly - congenital malformation of the hand, consisting in the union of two or more fingers with a violation of the cosmetic and functional state. This anomaly is sometimes observed in an isolated form, in which case the developmental disorder can be considered a diagnosis. In these cases, the fingers are developed fully, but between them there is soft-tissue or bone fusion.

Symptoms of laryngeal cancer appear not only because of smoking and alcohol abuse. The use of alcohol, all kinds of infectious diseases in the oral cavity, as well as pollution of the environment, can also provoke cancer of the larynx.

The symptoms of stress are obvious signs that always accompany the reaction of the human body to an unusual, extreme situation for him, disturbing the calm and emotional balance of a person.
Reddened swollen gums, sores in the mouth, which are accompanied by temperature and bad breath, are symptoms of stomatitis in children.
Because the etiology, the causes of inflammation can be different, the clinical picture, the symptoms of stomatitis are also variable and depend on the form, from the localization of the disease, the prevalence and many other factors.
Symptoms of stomach cancer can diagnose the disease of the gastrointestinal tract and start the necessary treatment on time. Let's consider what is stomach cancer, how to determine it and most importantly, how to cure this disease.


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