

List Diseases – S

Dysfunction of the sinus node leads to the development of conditions in which the frequency of the atrial impulses does not correspond to physiological needs. Symptoms may be minimal or include weakness, palpitation, and syncope. The diagnosis is based on ECG data. Patients with clinical symptoms require the implantation of an artificial pacemaker.
Syndrome of respiratory disorders in newborns, or hyaline membrane disease - respiratory failure of varying severity, which occurs most often in premature infants on the second day after birth.
The syndrome of rapid decay of the tumor (CABP), or tumor-lysis syndrome (TLS) occurs with rapid death of a large mass of tumor cells.
The syndrome of prolonged crushing (synonyms: traumatic toxicosis, crash syndrome, crushing syndrome, myoretic syndrome, "liberation" syndrome, Byuothers syndrome) is a specific variant of trauma associated with massive prolonged crushing of soft tissues or compression of the major vascular trunks of the extremities, characterized by severe clinical course and high mortality.
Syndrome of primary resistance of receptors to glucocorticoids is a disease manifested by hypercortisolemia, normal daily rhythm of cortisol secretion, increased level of ACTH in the blood, increased excretion of free cortisol in the urine in the absence of clinical manifestations of Cushing's syndrome.
The syndrome of persistent galactorrhea-amenorrhea is a characteristic clinical symptom complex that develops in women due to a prolonged increase in the secretion of prolactin. In rare cases, a similar symptom complex develops at a normal serum level of prolactin, which has an excessively high biological activity.

Syndrome of persistent galactorrhea-amenorrhoea (synonyms: Chiari-Frommel syndrome, Ahumada-Argons-del Castillo syndrome-by the authors who first described this syndrome: in the first case, in those giving birth and in the second case for nulliparous women). Galactorrhea in men is sometimes referred to as O'Connell syndrome.

Syndrome of muscular-facial pain can be observed in patients without pathology from the temporomandibular joint. It can be caused by stress, fatigue or spasm of the masticatory muscles (medial and lateral wing, jaw and temporal).
The term "syndrome of multiple endocrine tumors" (SMEO) combines diseases in which tumors of neuroectodermal origin (adenomas or cancers) and / or hyperplasia (diffuse, nodular) are detected in more than two endocrine organs.
The syndrome of multiple deletions of mitochondrial DNA is inherited according to the laws of Mendel, more often in the autosomal dominant type.
Syndrome low T3 (Euthyroid Sick Syndrom) is characterized by a low content of thyroid hormones in the serum of clinically euthyroid patients with systemic diseases of non-thyroid etiology.
The intoxication syndrome is a severe general condition of the body caused by infectious toxicosis, with a decrease in the resistance of the organism. As can be seen from the definition of the concept, two conditions are necessary for the development of the intoxication syndrome: a severe purulent infection and a decrease in the resistance of the organism.
Syndrome of insufficiency of intestinal absorption - a symptom complex, which is characterized by a disorder of absorption in the small intestine of one or several nutrients and a violation of metabolic processes.
Syndrome of insufficiency of digestion is a symptom complex associated with a violation of digestion of nutrients due to a deficiency of digestive enzymes (fermentopathy).
X-linked immune dysregulation syndrome, polyendocrinopathy and enteropathy (Immunodysregiilation, Polyendocrinopathy, and Enteropathy, X-Linked - IPEX) is a rare serious disease. For the first time it was described more than 20 years ago in a large family, where sex-linked inheritance was revealed.
The hypoplasia syndrome of the left heart consists of left ventricular hypoplasia and ascending aorta, underdevelopment of aortic and mitral valves, atrial septal defect and wide open arterial duct. If the physiological closure of the arterial duct is not prevented by the infusion of prostaglandin, cardiogenic shock will develop and the child will die. Often a loud single tone II and nonspecific systolic noise are heard.
Hyperimmunoglobulinemia IgM syndrome is associated with immunoglobulin deficiency and is characterized by a normal or elevated serum IgM level and the absence or decreased amount of other serum immunoglobulins, leading to increased susceptibility to bacterial infections.
At present, anxiety waiting syndrome is one of the most common diseases. This is due to various neuropsychic disorders that arise in the process of confronting everyday stressful situations.
For the first time WH Brown in 1928 described a patient with ovarian cell lung cancer who had clinical manifestations of hypercorticism: characteristic obesity, striae, hirsutism, glucosuria.
This syndrome often manifests itself on the background of severe vascular and cardiac diseases or neuroendocrine problems.


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