

List Diseases – S

Most patients turn to the dentist with complaints about pain in the jaw area. It should be understood that toothache in pulpitis - symptoms that are subjective, despite the fact that in terms of intensity, they can be compared with renal colic. The perception of pain largely depends on the personality of the patient, which makes it difficult to assess objectively.
Patients often describe the symptoms of periodontitis as an increase in the aching tooth, which is explained by the pressure of exudate, pus on the periodontal region. The tooth, from which the inflammation begins, is mobile, often affected by tooth decay.
Clinically, the disease is sluggish, in the initial stage the symptoms of periodontal disease are not manifested. The dystrophic process is not accidentally called pyorrhea, since its first visible sign can be pyorrhoea.
Symptoms of myocardial infarction are based on three main symptoms: characteristic severe pain, lasting more than 20-30 minutes and not weakening after taking nitroglycerin; specific electrocardiographic data; laboratory indicators.
In most patients, the symptoms of mitral valve prolapse are absent, are asymptomatic. In the presence of complaints, the clinical picture of uncomplicated mitral valve prolapse is determined by symptoms of autonomic nervous system dysfunction.

Due to its multifunctionality, the kidneys are susceptible to many diseases. Let's consider more in detail the most frequent diseases - inflammations of kidneys, as well as symptoms of kidney inflammation, as manifestations of pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, glomerulonephritis, inflammation of the bladder.

The pressure inside the skull is maintained by complicated processes, so the symptoms of increased intracranial pressure appear as signs of the possible onset of pathological processes that must be taken into account.
Symptoms of hepatitis E begin gradually with the appearance of asthenodyspeptic signs. Weakness is observed, increasing during 3-4 days, worsening of appetite, nausea, abdominal pain.
Symptoms of food poisoning depend on the amount of low-quality products or toxic substances that have entered the gastrointestinal tract, the type of toxin or the type of pathogen that causes toxic infections.
Fibromyalgia symptoms are polymorphic, but the main symptom is common muscle pain, pain in the tendons and ligaments.
Unfortunately, the symptoms of brain cancer can be so diverse that they can easily be mistaken for a completely different disease. In addition, not all cancers are manifested in general by any signs: many oncological formations have a latent flow and find themselves already at the last, inoperable stage.

Symptoms of ankle fracture in clinical practice are often mistakenly diagnosed as signs of dislocation or sprain of the ankles.

In 5-8% of patients, blood can break into the ventricular system, usually through the third ventricle, sometimes causing a tamponade of the ventricles of the brain. As a rule, this leads to a lethal outcome. However, in the overwhelming majority of cases, the symptoms of aneurysm rupture are accompanied only by subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH).
Symptoms of adnexitis vary depending on the form of the disease, which can be acute, subacute, chronic, one- or two-sided.

Symptoms of hip fracture are multiple signs of serious injury, especially dangerous for the elderly. Fracture of the femoral neck is one of the main causes of disability in older patients.

Symptoms of a fracture of the foot can be varied, and depend on which part of the foot is affected. The middle part of the foot is permanently vulnerable, and most often fractures are affected by the ramming, navicular, heel, cuboid, as well as phalanges of the fingers and metatarsal bones.

The symptoms of a fracture are those necessary signs that help differentiate the true bone damage from a strong soft tissue injury. Symptoms are conditionally divided into absolute, that is, obvious and not subject to doubt, and relative, that is, indicative.

Symptomatic (intensive syndrome) therapy consists in an emergency elimination of the development of the functions of vital organs and systems that have developed in connection with the action of a toxic substance.

Symptomatic diffuse spasm of the esophagus is a variant of motor disorders, characterized by various non-impulsive and hyperdynamic contractions and increased tone of the lower esophageal sphincter.
The development of anemia is possible with a number of pathological conditions, seemingly not related to the hematopoietic system. Diagnostic difficulties, as a rule, do not occur if the underlying disease is known and the anemic syndrome does not prevail in the clinical picture.


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