

List Diseases – S

Streptococci are the causative agents of such diverse diseases as angina, scarlet fever, rheumatism, glomerulonephritis, erysipelas, pyoderma, etc. In addition, streptococci often cause generalized processes such as septicemia and often play a leading role in the development of complications of other diseases.
Streptococcal infections are a group of infectious diseases caused by streptococci of various serological groups, with airborne and alimentary transmission of the pathogen, which occur with fever, intoxication, local suppuration, and the development of post-streptococcal autoimmune (rheumatic fever, glomerulonephritis) complications.
A smile is one of the most striking characteristics of successful people. Beautiful, even and white teeth are not given to everyone by nature. Earlier there was one way out - braces, but in our age it is possible to make teeth like that without much difficulty. And alignment of teeth without braces - an innovation in dental practice, which is rapidly gaining momentum. The main issue in the financial and time capacity of man.
Strabismus - different in nature lesions of the oculomotor and visual systems, in which there is a deviation of one eye from a common point of fixation, leading to a violation of monocular and binocular visual functions.
Strabismus (heterotrophy) - the deviation of one eye from the common fixation point, accompanied by a violation of binocular vision.

Stones of the prostate are primary (which are formed initially in the prostate gland) and secondary (which migrate from other parts of the genitourinary system.

In most cases, the stones of the common bile duct migrate from the gallbladder and are combined with calculous cholecystitis. The process of migration depends on the ratio of the size of the stone and the clearance of the gallbladder and common bile ducts. The increase in the size of the stone in the common bile duct causes obturation of the latter and promotes the migration of new stones from the gall bladder.
The first stone in the pancreas was discovered in 1667 by Graaf. Later, individual observations of pancreolithiasis began to accumulate, while, according to autopsy data, its frequency ranged from 0.004 to 0.75% of cases.
Stomatocytosis (the presence of cup-shaped concave erythrocyte form) and anemia that develops during hypophosphatemia are abnormalities of the erythrocyte membrane causing hemolytic anemia
Stomatitis in adults - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the mouth, arising from various stimuli. Stomatitis in adults is caused by bacteria and viruses, unbalanced nutrition, when the body lacks zinc, with mechanical injuries from solid foods, crackers, and the use of unwashed fruits.
What is stomatitis during pregnancy? Statistics says that almost every second mom develops stomatitis. This is due to the fact that during pregnancy, as mentioned above, the hormones of a woman are disturbed, the immunity is often weakened and this contributes to the development and very fruitful development of diseases in the woman’s body.

Peptic ulcer of the stomach and / or duodenum is a chronic, cyclical disease characterized by ulceration in the stomach, duodenum, less often - in postbulbarnyh departments.

Gastric cancer has many causes, but Helicobacter pylori plays a significant role. Symptoms of stomach cancer include a feeling of overflow, obturation and bleeding, but tend to manifest in the late stages of the disease.
Acute conjunctival-mucocutaneous skin syndrome (Stevens-Johnson's disease) - multiforme exudative erythema, manifested in the appearance of bullous rash on the skin and mucous membranes, has a different course.
Stevens-Johnson syndrome develops as a result of drug allergy after taking sulfonamides, tetracycline antibiotics, levomycetin, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
The surface of the stent has the ability to "attract" platelets, but after a short time the metal surface is covered with precipitating proteins, which somewhat reduces the risk for stent thrombosis.
Stenosis of the tricuspid valve is a narrowing of the tricuspid valve opening, which impedes the flow of blood from the right atrium to the right ventricle. Almost all cases are the result of rheumatic fever. Symptoms of stenosis of the tricuspid valve include a fluttering discomfort in the neck, fatigue, cold skin and discomfort in the upper right quadrant of the abdomen.
Stenosis of the renal veins - their changes, violating the venous outflow from the kidney: narrowing the lumen of the trunk renal vein or its branches, turning off the segmental branch, for example as a result of thrombosis, which is equivalent to narrowing the total lumen of the renal venous system.
Stenosis of the cervical canal is the structure of the internal throat of the cervix. Stenosis of the cervical canal can be congenital or acquired. The most common causes of acquired pathology are menopause, surgical interventions (for example, conization of the cervix, cautery), infection, cervical or uterine cancer and radiation therapy.
Stenosis of the aorta is a vice characterized by narrowing of the valvular, subvalvular or supra-valvular aperture. When stenosis develops myocardial hypertrophy of the left ventricle with a decrease in its cavity, since the myocardium of the left ventricle works with increased strain due to an obstruction to the discharge of blood into the aorta.


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