

List Diseases – S

Social anxiety disorder is a disorder characterized by persistent excessive avoidance of contacts with peers and strangers, lasting more than 6 months and combined with a distinct desire to communicate with family members and those whom the child knows well.
Rhonchopathy (Greek ronchus - snoring, wheezing) is a chronic progressive disease manifested by obstruction of the upper respiratory tract and chronic respiratory failure leading to syndromal shifts in the body of a compensatory and decompensatory nature.

The viper's bite - what could be scarier? So it seems to everyone who hears about it. No one wants to be bitten by a snake. Many believe that the snake's bite is extremely dangerous, and leads to death. The truth is there. But is everything so terrible? Let's figure this out.

Nicotine is a highly addictive drug contained in tobacco and is the main component of cigarette smoke.

Smoke poisoning happens quite often, and can have quite serious consequences. It can be both mild intoxication, and severe poisoning, which entail serious violations at all levels of the body, ranging from the cellular, and ending systemic, organismal. As with any other poisoning, a person needs emergency care.

Light bulb Bazena was first described by the French dermatologist Bazin in 1862. The basis of the disease is a special sensitivity to the sun's rays, but its mechanism is still unknown.
Animalpox is a group of zoonotic infectious diseases caused by viruses of the family Poxviridae and characterized by fever and vesiculose-pustular rash. Monkey pox (English monkeypox, Latin variola vimus) is an acute zoonotic natural focal viral infectious disease, common in tropical forests and savannah of the equatorial zone of Central and West Africa and characterized by intoxication, fever and vesicular-pustular rash.

Smallpox (Latin variola, variola major) is anthroponous. Especially dangerous viral infection with an aerosol mechanism of transmission of the pathogen, characterized by severe intoxication, a two-wave fever and vesicular-pustular exanthema and enanthema.

Sluggish skin (syn: dermatochalasis, generalized elastolysis) is a heterogeneous group of generalized connective tissue diseases with general clinical and histological skin changes.

From the elderly people sometimes you hear complaints that waking up in the morning, there is no feeling that you have rested, they say, not so much in youth. However, in the modern world there are many young people who face such a problem.

Sleeping, or somnambulism, is sitting, walking or other complex behavior during sleep, usually with open eyes, but without realizing what is happening.
Several epidemiological studies have demonstrated the widespread prevalence of sleep disorders. Sleep disorders often cause people suffering, reduce the quality of life and productivity of their activities, often cause death (in accidents caused by sleeping drivers), carry a variety of other health threats.

Everyone knows that changes in sleep occur with age, but it has not been proven until now whether these changes are part of normal aging or pathology. And one of the reasons for the ambiguity may be due to the different way of life in the regions, the differences among individuals.

Nocturnal apnea is a periodically occurring respiratory arrest in a sleep lasting more than 10 s in combination with constant strong snoring and frequent awakenings, accompanied by pronounced daytime drowsiness.
Almost half of the US population suffers from sleep disorders, while chronic lack of sleep leads to emotional disorders, memory problems, impairment of fine motor skills, reduced performance and an increased risk of road traffic injuries. Sleep disorders also contribute to cardiovascular morbidity and mortality.
Skin neuroma is a tumor-like proliferation of nerve tissue. There are traumatic, idiopathic (solitary or multiple) and multiple neuromas of the mucous membranes. The latter represents the result of multiple endocrine neoplasia of type 26.
Dermatomyositis (synonym: polymyositis, Wagner's disease) is a disease of connective tissue, which proceeds with a predominant lesion of the skin and skeletal musculature. People of all ages are ill.
Infection caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a disease transmitted mainly through sexual contact. In HIV infection, many systems and organs are affected, the growing inhibition of cellular immunity, which determines the vivid identity of its evolution, clinical manifestations and laboratory tests.
Ultraviolet radiation (UV) can get on the skin naturally in sunlight and with artificial UV-irradiation with special lamps (medical fotarii and UV lamps of industrial purpose).


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