Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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The sunstroke is an option of hyperthermia, which is symptomatically very similar to heat stroke. However, if thermal overheating is influenced by an increased ambient temperature, hyperinsolation (apoplexia solaris - in Latin) is provoked by sunlight.
In addition, a sunstroke is literally a blow to the brain, and thermal hyperthermia seizes the entire body.
The pathogenesis of hyperinsurance:
- Direct sunlight (most often in the middle of the day) acts on the cortex of the brain.
- The hyperthermia of all six plates (layers) of the cortex develops.
- Develops hyperemia of the brain envelopes, puffiness.
- Ventriculus cerebri - the cavities (ventricles) of the brain are overfilled with cerebrospinal fluid - the cerebrospinal fluid.
- The arterial pressure rises sharply (compensatory action).
- Violated the function of the nerve centers of the brain - respiratory, vascular, motor.
Causes of sunstroke
Hyperinsolation is etiologically explained by the pathogenic effect of solar radiation located at the zenith. The sun's rays are able to act from a height to a much larger surface than, for example, in the morning, when the luminary only rises. It should be noted that apoplexia solaris can develop not only in summer but also in winter, especially in mountainous areas. The factor acting on the cerebral cortex is infrared radiation - the most intense part of the spectrum of solar radiation. Infrared rays can act not only on the surface dermal layers of the human body, but can penetrate deeply into the tissue structures, in this case - the brain.
The causes of sunstroke may be as follows:
- Long stay under the direct rays of the sun - rest, walks.
- Work under the scorching sun.
- Windless weather.
- Head not covered with a headdress.
- Reception of some drugs that reduce the ability to thermoregulation (myelorelaxants).
- Drinking alcoholic beverages.
It is important to distinguish hyperinsurance and heat stroke, despite their similar clinical manifestations. The cause of sunstroke by and large is one-this is the direct hit of the rays on the head area, hence the main problems are concentrated there. Heat stroke can be caused by a number of factors and causes, while the whole body overheats, not just the head.
Signs of sunstroke
The rate of manifestations of sunstroke depends on the intensity of infrared radiation, the residence time under direct rays, the age and general health of a person.
In the clinical sense, the symptomatology of apoplexia solaris differs little from the signs of thermal hyperthermia (stroke). The main symptoms, signs of a sunstroke are as follows:
- Lethargy, weakness.
- Feeling drowsy, tired.
- The facial skin is hyperemic.
- Headache, which gradually develops and grows.
- Dry mouth, thirst.
- Dizziness.
- Ophthalmic disorders - it is impossible to concentrate the sight, the doubling of objects, "flies" before the eyes, darkening in the eyes.
- Increased body temperature.
- Feeling of nausea, often with increased blood pressure - vomiting.
- Nose bleed.
- Falling or rising of arterial pressure.
- Violation of cardiac activity.
The signs of a sun stroke differ from the symptoms of a heat stroke in that there are rarely neurologic manifestations during hyperinsurance - delusions, hallucinations, collapsoid conditions, convulsions. This happens only when a combination of sunstroke, sunburn and thermal hyperthermia.
Sun stroke in children
Hyperinsolation is especially dangerous for certain age groups, one of them is children. Sun stroke in children develops faster than for more seasoned adults, as the mechanisms of thermoregulation and metabolism in children are not yet fully formed. In addition, the scalp of the head in children is more vulnerable, sensitive to heat and does not have sufficient protective properties.
Symptoms of sunstroke in children manifest themselves very quickly and can be as follows:
- Sudden lethargy, irritability or drowsiness. The kid often yawns, tends to lie down.
- A strong reddening of the face.
- Headache, fever.
- Drops of sweat on the face (sweat).
- Nausea and vomiting.
- Absence of reaction to stimuli (absence of reflexes).
- Dehydration.
The sunstroke of children is more dangerous than that of heat, and can result in life-threatening consequences - loss of consciousness, slowing of heart rate, asphyxia, heart failure.
First aid in case of a sunstroke in a child
- Immediately transfer the baby to a cool room, at the very least - into a shadow.
- Put the child on the bed, give a horizontal position, head turned to one side.
- Fully cover the baby's head with a cloth. Fabric, diaper, bandage should be soaked in cool water. Water should be at room temperature, this is important. Do not use ice, as it is a contrast in the sense of temperature exposure and can trigger a hemorrhage.
- If the child is conscious, every half hour it is necessary to drink purified water. As a drink suitable non-carbonated mineral water, Regidron solution, sweetened water. You can also prepare a special rich drink: for 1 liter of water, add half a teaspoon of salt, 1, 5 tablespoons of sugar and a teaspoon of orange juice or lemon juice (freshly squeezed).
If within an hour the child's condition does not improve, you need to call an ambulance. Please note, if a child aged from birth to 3 years old has suffered a blow, the doctor should be called immediately.
Consequences of sunstroke
Unfortunately, the effects of sunstroke can not only be dangerous, but also result in a fatal outcome. It should be borne in mind that the sun's rays affect the brain, its vessels, as well as the reticular formation medulla oblongata - the medulla oblongata, disrupting its conductor, sensory and reflex functions. Diseases of the cardiovascular system, ophthalmic problems, impaired coordination of movements, neurological pathologies and even stroke - that's far from a complete list of serious consequences of a sunstroke. It should be noted that very often the consequences of staying under the scorching sun can be delayed. This is because the person independently neutralizes the symptoms of the stroke and is allegedly restored. However, the researchers argue that the effect of direct rays on the cerebral cortex within just 1 hour somehow leads to irreversible disturbances in the activity of the medulla oblongata. The severity of the lesion can be different - from the microscopic, which manifests itself only in periodic headaches, before the inflammatory processes in the cortex. In addition, the effects of sunstroke can be fatal, when the patient is not adequately treated for a long time. Lethal outcome comes from extensive hemorrhage, asphyxia or heart failure. Avoiding such serious threats is possible if you take the necessary preventive measures or provide timely first aid to the victim.
What to do with a sunstroke?
Actions to assist with a sunstroke should be clear and timely. Often the life of the affected person depends on the speed of such activities. Every modern person should know what to do with a sunstroke, even one who is not going to spend time on the beach or in principle sunbathe. The fact is that solar activity increases every year, unfortunately, this is no longer a myth, but a harsh reality, confirmed by scientists with a world-wide reputation. Thus, you can get a sunstroke in the shade, completely not suggesting such treachery from the tender sun. Every year, our planet loses hundreds of inhabitants, dying not so much from the sun's rays, but from the fact that the people around them simply do not know what to do with a sunstroke. That's why everyone and everyone should remember the following algorithm of actions:
- Immediately move the victim into the shade, cool place, preferably in a horizontal position, to distribute the heat load and reduce its localized intensity. Legs should be raised, head turned to one side.
- Ensures maximum airflow to the body, especially to the head, since it suffers more with the sun impact.
- On the forehead, the back of the neck and neck, apply a wet compress. It is important that the water is not ice, you can not create a contrast of temperatures. If there is no possibility of wrapping the head, you can simply spray the water (sprinkle).
- The victim, who is conscious, needs to drink at least 350 ml of water for 30-40 minutes. It is better if the drink is sweetened. Well helps to restore the water-salt balance solution of pharmacy Regidron or mineral table water without gas.
- If the victim lost consciousness, ammonia is needed. If there is no ammonia at hand, you can massage the acupuncture points - ear lobes (gently rub), whiskey, superciliary arches. Slapping on the cheeks, water splashing, too, can have an effect, however a syncope over 5 minutes is a formidable symptom requiring medical attention.
- Symptoms that increase and do not stop, talk about the need for hospitalization.
- If a child, an elderly or sick person was subjected to a sunstroke, calling an ambulance is the first thing that the people around must do. Prior to her arrival, you can start acting according to the plan, starting from point # 1.
Help with sunstroke
What should I do if there is a sunstroke? There are three basic rules:
- Call the doctor.
- External cooling.
- Inside - liquid.
A little more detail about how to help with a sunstroke:
- If you do not know how to act or the symptoms develop quickly and become menacing, call an ambulance or deliver the victim yourself to the nearest hospital.
- Affected by hyperinsolation should be cooled. Do not use ice or very cold water to avoid the contrast of external and internal temperatures. As a cooling, wet compresses are suitable, dousing the head with water at room temperature.
- The victim should be neutralized by dehydration. However, unlike heat stroke, solar can provoke high blood pressure, so you need to drink fluids often, but in small sips, so as not to aggravate the symptoms.
What can ambulances do?
- Intravenous solution of sodium chloride is found.
- In asphyxia, heart failure, subcutaneous administration of cordiamine or caffeine is indicated.
- Also, when breathing is stopped, its artificial recovery is shown.
- Hypertensive manifestations are stopped by the introduction of diuretics, drugs that reduce blood pressure.
Helping with a severe solar attack is a complex of medical measures conducted in a stationary environment. It includes all the necessary resuscitation, including oxygen therapy, pacemaking and other procedures.
A sunstroke is a problem that can be avoided if you take care of an adequate wardrobe in case of long walks in the sun or stay on the seashore, if you introduce the habit of drinking a lot during the summer, and also by protecting your head with the appropriate headgear. If it is reasonable to treat the sun's rays, then they will only benefit and will heal the body.
Prevention of heat and sunstroke
Preventive measures depend on the specific situation, circumstances, age and state of human health. Preventing heat and sunstroke, which often combine with each other, is compliance with the following recommendations:
- Clothing should be light, preferably light colors and made of natural materials. Stringing bright outfits will only attract the sun's rays, create the effect of the "hotbed" and exacerbate the symptoms.
- The period from 11.00 to 16.00 is a taboo of staying in direct sunlight. At high temperature, even in the shade you can get a heat stroke, so this period of the day is best spent in a cool room.
- In a hiking trip in the summer, you need to rest every hour for a rest in cool, shady places.
- During the hot season, the drinking regime should be strengthened. Every hour you need to drink at least 100 ml of liquid. This regime is especially important for young children, the elderly. It is better to drink water either simple, refined, or table mineral. Avoid carbonated drinks, alcohol, strong tea or coffee.
- In the hot season it is better not to betray and not create additional stress on the digestive tract and the body as a whole.
- It will well help to reduce the risk of dehydration of a cool shower, wetting your face, hands, feet with water. Today on sale there are special aquasprees, which are convenient to use during the day.
- A mandatory rule is to protect the head from sunlight. Hat, panama, and scarves of reflective shades will reliably protect you from sunstroke
Preventing thermal and sunstroke - this is the performance of simple actions that will help to maintain health.