Suggestion: methods and techniques
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Suggestion is an impact on the human psyche, bypassing consciousness, which consists in communicative (verbal and emotional) influence without comprehension and critical evaluation of the information received.
Thus, it is possible to introduce into the human psyche alien thoughts, ideas, beliefs, emotions, feelings that will not be subjected to logical analysis on his part. During the suggestion, there is a "blind" assimilation of the proposed information, according to which in the future the client will think, feel and act.
Suggestion is used to change the unwanted behavior of a person - to remove unnecessary actions or to impart the necessary ones. Also, suggestion is used to make changes in a person's thinking, to persuade him to use new attitudes and beliefs. To spread rumors and useful information, the technique of suggestion is often used too.
In order for suggestion to have the power of influence, it must be repeated. It is possible that initially the result of suggestion will not be achieved, but later it is necessarily realized. In addition, the consequences of suggestion may not appear immediately after exposure, but become noticeable after a certain time.
The instruments of suggestion are the word, the voice (its timbre, intonation, the rate of speech, etc.), the look.
Suggestion can affect all people, without exception. But there are individuals who are particularly susceptible to suggestion - such people are called suggestible.
Suggestion of thoughts is an influence in the course of which a person changes his own attitudes, beliefs, intellectual attitude towards an event, action or object. Also, the suggestion of thoughts involves the acquisition by man of new installations, for example, the emergence of desires and aspirations, which he did not have before.
In order that the suggestion of thoughts always had a positive result, certain rules must be observed:
- The suggestion object must be in a state where critical thinking and logical processing of information is disabled. It can happen in a light trance, under the influence of hypnosis and alcohol.
- The person exercising influence must sincerely believe in what inspires his ward. If this does not happen, the result of suggestion will be questionable.
- You can not feel discontent with yourself and with your actions during the suggestion session. Otherwise, the result will not be achieved.
- It is necessary to fulfill all those promises that were given to the suggested person, otherwise the result of suggestion will be leveled.
- You need to constantly train and improve your skills, because this affects the quality of the result.
Suggestion and Persuasion
Suggestion and persuasion are ways to influence the human psyche.
Persuasion is one of the types of directed psychological influence that is carried out by bringing arguments. Persuasion operates with human consciousness. Therefore, it is important to use the argumentation to explain the essence of the phenomenon, the cause-effect relationships and relationships in the course of it, explain the essence of the phenomenon, explain the significance of any issue.
The means of persuasion include a show, a story and a rationale (argumentation). Therefore, one can persuade not only with the help of words, but also with action, with a personal example of behavior. The effect of suggestion, which is based on opposition, is possible, which, for example, causes the object of persuasion to want to try what is considered to be inaccessible to it.
Persuasion has an effect on human behavior, but not directly. Because it is an inner motivation or coercion to action through an appeal to the mind of a person.
The strength and quality of persuasion is influenced by the following factors:
- Prejudice. In this case, the main work occurs with the formulation of the problem itself and the solution that the client already has. For the manipulator, it is necessary to change with his message those settings in which the object of persuasion believes.
- Trust in the source. It is very important to inspire confidence in your appearance and behavior, to inspire sympathy and to look authoritative.
- Message. The message itself should look convincing. To do this, not only arguments are used, but also vivid images designed to concentrate the attention of the audience on the desired manipulator emphasis of the problem.
- Emotions. Despite the fact that conviction appeals to the minds of people, it is impossible to circumvent emotions with this impact on a person. For example, messages that "take on the soul" of a client have a much greater impact on it than dry arguments and facts.
The difference between persuasion and suggestion is that suggestion refers to the subconscious, bypassing the conscious aspect of control over information. And persuasion affects the consciousness of a person, in which it is very important to critically comprehend the information received, to correlate it with the previous experience and to build logical chains. Although belief has an emotional component, suggestion operates only with human emotions and other subconscious factors, when belief refers specifically to the mind of a person.
Ways of suggestion
Specialists distinguish the following ways of suggestion:
- Suggestion during the wakefulness of the client, when he is in an active state of consciousness.
- Suggestion during relaxation, when there is a psychological and muscle relaxation.
- Suggestion through hypnosis, when the client falls into a highly altered psychophysiological state.
There is another classification of methods of suggestion:
- Verbal suggestion, in which the impact is carried out with the help of speech, verbally.
- Mental suggestion, which is made without direct contact with the client, through a long distance.
- Metaphysical suggestion, which is a combination of conversation about the reality of the human "I" and the unity of the universe with the mental process of suggestion. This method is used for physical and mental healing of the client.
- Spiritual impact, which is used for physical, mental and spiritual recovery of a person. Healing is in the flow of healing powers of the universe, which is directed to the client. In the process of healing, there is an overconsciousness that has good contact with the human subconscious and helps to heal from the ailments, and also bring the psyche to a state of harmony.
There are also three forms of suggestion:
- Strong persuasion.
- Pressure.
- Emotional-volitional influence.
Indirect suggestions
Indirect suggestions are a kind of influence on a person, in which he has a choice: to accept or reject the suggestion. This kind of suggestion is necessary in order to direct the behavior, emotions or thoughts of the client in the direction that he avoids.
Indirect suggestions are divided into several subspecies:
- The sequence of acceptance, in which the proposer lists the claims with which the client agrees. And in the end, he utters the attitude that a person must take.
- Implication, in which the suggestor affirmatively speaks about what can happen, and the client pre-adjusts itself to the predicted result.
- Double ligament is a frequently used technique in which the client is offered a choice of two similar options.
- Suggestion of the absence of a reference, in which the suggestor lists a list of possible situations, missing a significant event. The client's attention is subsequently attracted to him, and as a result, the person concentrates his consciousness on this factor.
Hypnotic suggestion
Hypnotic suggestion is a kind of influence on a person that requires immersing the client in an altered state called hypnosis. During the suggestion session, the client is immersed in a hypnotic dream with the help of a suggestor. In this state, the object of action reacts actively to what the hypnotist says. At the same time, there is no critical comprehension of information, and the teams fall directly into the subconscious, bypassing the conscious analysis and comprehension. And then they influence the behavior and health of a person, his psycho-emotional state.
Methods of hypnotic suggestion are divided into:
- Mechanical, in the course of which the client is influenced by objects and phenomena that have a monotonous character (light, sound, and so on).
- Mental when using verbal influence.
- Magnetic, based on the use of medical magnetism.
It is believed that the greatest effect is given by a combination of mental and magnetic approaches.
Psychological suggestion
Due to the fact that there is a domestic suggestion, you need to specifically highlight the psychological suggestion. This is a form of suggestion, in which a special psychological influence of one person (a suggestor) on another person (sugerent) is carried out. The above influence is exercised through verbal and non-verbal communication. At the same time, the quality of the arguments of the suggestor is low, and the criticality of the thinking of the suggestor is low.
Sugerent imbued with the arguments of the suggestor, as their own, and often without demanding any evidence of the statements being said. In such cases, the sugerent is influenced not so much by the source, content and form of suggestion, namely, the personality of the suggestor, which causes the client unquestioning confidence.
Imposing installations, laid down in a suggestor by a suggestor, become an integral part of the client's personality. And in the future, a person who has been affected by suggestion, changes his behavior in accordance with the received attitudes.
Mental suggestion
Mental suggestion is carried out in the case when the object of influence is absent in the reach zone of the suggestor. Such an impact is considered in absentia. The mental suggestion is carried out as follows - you need to imagine that the recipient of the impact is next to the person carrying out the suggestion. You can imagine the client at a distance, but it's important to see him nearby. Then you need to include to imagine that thoughts are moving away from the suggestor and reach the brain and consciousness of the person being inspired. It is also possible that the person making the suggestion represents that he and his client are talking.
One of the main conditions for this technique is the ability of a suggestor to imagine the client's desired state. When you transmit thoughts to a distance, a lot of energy is not wasted. Just need to imagine that there is a movement of thoughts from the suggestor to the person being suggested.
Mental suggestion has several stages:
- Tracking and tuning to the object of suggestion.
- Focusing on the object and forming a contact.
- Suggesting the necessary information.
Suggestion at a distance
Suggestion at a distance is an ability that not everyone has. Most people are confident that their thoughts and desires are completely independent. However, there is such a phenomenon as suggestion at a distance, capable of changing the beliefs and behavior of people. This phenomenon is associated with telepathy and hypnosis. The methods of classical hypnosis require direct contact with the client. However, hypnotic telepathy is possible without eye contact with the suggestor or even does not need the presence of the object of suggestion.
Suggestion at a distance occurs through the transfer of impulses emanating from the cerebral cortex of the person exercising the effect. The receiving signal does not even suspect that he has involuntarily become a receiver of other people's thoughts. Therefore, people perceive thoughts and feelings that arise in themselves as their own.
It has long been known that the human brain is like a kind of "radio receiver" that can both receive and radiate different impulses. Under certain circumstances, the brain begins to perceive other people's thoughts at a distance, as well as transfer people their own.
Technique of suggestion
The basic technique of suggestion includes the following steps:
- Establish a contact (rapport) with the client and form a subconscious trust. For this, the mechanism of verbal and non-verbal adjustment (implicit imitation) is used. Verbal adjustment takes place by means of agreement with the utterances of the object of influence. Non-verbal adjustment uses the speech tempo, intonation and timbre of the client's voice; postures and gestures; rhythm of breathing and pause in speech and so on.
- Keeping a client in a light trance to reduce consciousness activity. This happens with the help of:
- fixing the client's attention on some external subject, manipulating objects;
- Attraction of attention to any part of the body instilled and focusing on the sensations in it;
- keeping the attention of the object of suggestion on any experience, emotion.
- Consciousness activity also decreases in situations of light shock, surprise, confusion, reloading with redundant information.
- Running unconscious search for analogies in the subconscious of the client - is carried out using metaphors, questions, stories told by the suggestor.
- Immediate suggestion. At this stage, the suggestor uses the introduction of commands into the subconscious of the target object.
The mechanism of suggestion
In order for the suggestion to reach the result, one must influence the subconscious of man. For this, conscious processes, responsible for critical comprehension of information and logical analysis of the received data, are disconnected in various ways. And the emotional component of a person's personality, on the contrary, becomes actively involved in the process of suggestion.
The subconscious perceives for truth any command that has been repeated many times, and in a convincing form. An imposing installation penetrates the subconscious and remains there forever, even if the object of influence has forgotten about the act of suggestion itself. Within a certain period of time, there is a change in the state and behavior of the client, in accordance with the received commands.
Neuroscientists explain the mechanism of suggestion as follows. With the help of a speech, the suggestor acts on the client's cerebral cortex, thus irritating it. Orders of the suggestor cause certain emotions that arise due to stimulation of the subcortical zones of the brain. Negative induction, which appears due to low resistance of consciousness, is transmitted throughout the cortex of the brain. Therefore, the team becomes limited from all other influences and the client obeys the suggestion. In the cerebral cortex a new dominant excitation emerges, which is quite persistent, and strongly influences the client's further behavior.
Suggestion and Hypnosis
Hypnosis is a special altered state of human psychophysiology, which is called to produce suggestion. With the help of this state, it is possible to change the attitudes and beliefs of the client, to improve his psycho-emotional state and well-being. Since the subconscious of the suggestion object is configured to perform those commands that were received under hypnotic influence.
There are four phases of hypnosis:
- There is easy drowsiness and relaxation of muscles, while consciousness and memory remain clear.
- There is a wax-like flexibility in the muscles, which allows the client to maintain a certain position for a long time. Consciousness becomes clouded.
- Actually hypnosis, when the impressions and emotions of the client are limited directly to the information that is given to the client by the hypnotist verbally. In this phase, the client can be immersed in a state of catalepsy, in which his body appears to be made of wood.
- Characterized by the entry of the client into a somnambulistic condition, in which the manifestation of such phenomena as telepathy and clairvoyance becomes possible.
Suggestion and hypnosis are different kinds of influences, because hypnosis passes in a strong altered state of consciousness, and suggestion is carried out either with a light trance or in the full consciousness of the client. The relationship between suggestion and hypnosis is that any hypnotic effect is carried out to produce a session of suggestion to the client.
Types of suggestion
Types of suggestion are divided into verbal and non-verbal, intentional and unintended effects.
- Verbal is a kind of suggestion, which is carried out with the help of words. There are three subspecies of verbal suggestion:
- direct;
- indirect;
- open;
- hidden.
- Nonverbal is a kind of suggestion, which is carried out wordlessly, with the help of gestures, views and intonations. There are three forms of non-verbal suggestion, which are used by specialists:
- catalepsy;
- pauses;
- levitation.
- Intentional is the form of suggestion, when the suggestor has a specific goal of influence; clearly understands what and who is going to inspire and make every effort to achieve the goal.
- The unintentional is a form of suggestion when the suggestor has no clear purpose to inspire the object of influence and does not use any deliberate effort. Such a form of suggestion is effective in case the object of influence is internally predisposed to the information being suggested.
Under the content of suggestion is divided into:
- Positive - allows you to achieve positive changes in the state of the client, its qualities, emotions and behavior.
- Negative - has a negative psychological effect on a person, after which he has negative states, properties, feelings and actions.
Strict suggestion
Strict suggestion is a severe condemnation of a person's actions. Strict suggestion is made in a negative form and predicts the most deplorable measures for the object of action, if the sug- gerant fails to fulfill the conditions that were set for him.
Strict suggestion, usually, is made after a committed misdemeanor. Usually such an impact is more influential, authoritative person, higher in rank, rank or position. With strict suggestion, you can use elements of intimidation or threats, emotional pressure and blackmail, as well as a forecast of negative consequences for a person.
Suggestive suggestion
Suggestion is a mental suggestion that is used to change the thinking processes of an object of influence. Also, during the process of suggestion, feelings and emotions, reactions and other aspects of the client's behavior change. The act of influence, usually, is not noticed by the person on whom suggestive suggestion is made. The method of suggestive influence, usually, is used in psychotherapy to cure the patient's mental and physical ailments.
Distinguish suggestion, which is carried out from the side (someone else's suggestive suggestion) and his own suggestive suggestion (autosuggestion, self-hypnosis).
Verbal suggestion
Verbal (or verbal) suggestion is the kind of impact on a person that is produced with the help of words.
Consider subspecies verbal suggestion:
- Direct suggestion. With this form of suggestion, the intentions and goals of the suggestor, which are clearly pronounced and implemented, are clear. They can not be interpreted in any other way than that which was offered to the object of influence. This kind of suggestion is used, for example, in operations to anesthetize the process.
- Indirect suggestion. In this case, the suggestions of the suggestor are not understandable to the object of suggestion, so it may not be influenced. Since the goals and intentions of the person carrying out the suggestion are incomprehensible to the client, the latter has a choice - to yield to suggestion or not. Usually, indirect suggestion is used when they want to direct a person in the direction that he ignores.
- Open suggestion, which is different in that it provides a person with a choice of various options for action. There are several forms of open suggestion:
- Mobilizing, when the subject of suggestion is offered a fairly wide scope, which the client fills with content to his liking.
- Limited, when the client is offered a list of answers from which he can choose the one that suits him.
- A therapeutic metaphor that uses the replacement of the name of one object, phenomenon or event by another. This method is used to connect different aspects of reality in suggestion.
- The hidden suggestion is the arrangement of the speech of the suggestor with the help of various kinds of hidden commands. Such forms of influence are inserted into the broader context of the text that the inspirer utters.
Non-verbal suggestion
Non-verbal suggestion is an effect that is realized without the help of words through the use of non-verbal methods - intonation, gestures, views, manipulation of objects, voice timbre and others. It is possible to use this kind of suggestion, not only with a realized specific goal, but also exclusively unconsciously.
Consider the types of non-verbal suggestion:
- Catalepsy, during which the client takes a certain imposed position for the success of the suggested suggestion. Allocate catalepsy of the whole body or its individual parts. Constantly resort to this type of suggestion is not worth it.
- Pauses that are inserted in the right places. The gap (emptiness) in the spoken text is filled by the client with their own solutions, so the use of pauses can take the form of open suggestion. In addition, with the help of pauses, you can identify the main idea of the phrase or the entire text.
- Levitation, during which no physical impact of the suggestor is required. Produced suggestion is carried out with the help of the client, namely, thanks to his imagination. In this case, the object of suggestion itself determines the moment of entering the trance state, which makes levitation suitable for self-hypnosis sessions. Since after the suggestor has taught the client to enter the state of levitation, the object of suggestion can be used by him independently.
Hidden suggestion
Hidden suggestion is a form of non-verbal action. There are several forms of hidden suggestion:
- Suggestion through speech strategies. This is a method of hidden suggestion, when the instruction given to the client is dissolved in the structure of the proposal. Such verbal contrivances are achieved with the help of techniques of assumption, limitation of choice, abstract proposal, negation, cause-and-effect opposition, truisms, and so on.
- Suggestion using hidden quotes. This method of suggestion involves exposure through the expression of thoughts of strangers or the creation of an artificial situation that can be used as an excuse for psychological influence. The story is performed on behalf of another person, but the object of impact understands that the appeal is directed personally to him.
- Suggestion through marking. The essence of this technique is the non-verbal isolation of that part of the statement that is the command for the object of suggestion. This can be achieved, for example, raising the voice on the desired phrase, changing the tempo of the speech, inserting small pauses before and after the command, changing the timbre of the voice. You can gesticulate or manipulate with objects - a mobile phone, a lighter, a pen.
- Creation of a thought form. Suggestion is due to the introduction of the client's thoughts, which begin to guide his actions. Such statements, which are uttered in a convincing manner, begin their independent life in the head of the object of suggestion and direct its reasoning in the right direction.
Suggestion in a dream
The result of this mode of action is similar to the effect of hypnotic suggestion. In a dream, the influence of speech is not conscious. The object of influence does not realize that it is listening to someone's speech; clients refer to words that are perceived as thoughts that have appeared in their dreams.
Suggestion in a dream occurs with the help of whispering special phrases to the sleeping person. The technique of suggestion to a sleeping person is simple and is divided into several stages:
- Adjustment to the sleeper. It is necessary to sit at the head of the impact object. You need to touch the client's finger and keep it in such a way that you do not wake it up. You can also place the palm carefully on the forehead. Within 2-3 minutes you need to say in a low voice, in the breathing rhythm of the sleeper: "The dream becomes deeper and deeper".
- Checking the reference of the sleeper. Speech should be quiet and calm, during the pronunciation of words you need to slow down, then speed up the pace of speech. If the breathing rhythm of the sleeper also changes, then contact with the client is established.
- Suggestion. At this stage, the phrases are spoken, which must be conveyed to the client.
- Selling of forgetting. You can tell the client that after awakening, he will forget everything that happened during sleep. But, at the same time, the sleeper will remember what he was inspired.
The suggestion session is carried out at night in the first 15 to 45 minutes of sleep or in the morning 1-2 hours before awakening.
Suggesting in reality
Inspiration in reality occurs in several varieties:
- During active wakefulness of the client.
- In a state of rest and easy relaxation.
There are several rules that help to achieve success at the time of suggestion:
- It is necessary to be absolutely confident in your abilities and in what is pronounced.
- It is required to speak loudly, clearly and clearly in words.
- You need to look into the eyes of your ward.
- Before you start working with a client, you need to relax as much as possible and relieve yourself of psychological stress.
- At the beginning of the session, you need to establish contact with the client.
- The best results are obtained when the object of influence is in a state of light trance.
- You need to set the required wait; say what should happen as a result and why.
- Suggestor should be at rest.
Direct suggestion
Direct suggestion is a kind of suggestion in which intentions of influence are open and they can not be interpreted by any other methods. Direct suggestion is divided into the following subspecies:
- Explicit suggestion - the suggestor is transparent and explains in detail to the client what target is pursued and what result is expected.
- The camouflaged suggestion - the suggestor does not state the intentions of the impact, but at the same time makes it clear that the effect of influence depends on the client himself.
- Posthypnotic suggestion - is used to provoke the client's state of self-hypnosis or in cases where the object of exposure must be erased from memory, any traumatic events in his psyche. Thanks to posthypnotic suggestion, you can program the client to perform any action after the hypnotic session is over.
Suggesting thoughts on photography
Suggestion of thoughts on photography is a kind of mental suggestion that is carried out at a great distance from the client. At a mental suggestion it is necessary to establish contact with the object of influence. To do this, the suggestor in his mind causes the image of the client and keeps it for a long time.
To facilitate the transfer of thoughts over a distance, a photographic snapshot of the suggestion object is used. Since there is no need to direct efforts to keep the image of the client in mind, the mental impact on him is more successful.
The technique of suggesting thoughts on photography is simple. Suggestor needs to sit down, relax and put himself in a state of easy trance. Then you need to focus your eyes on the customer's photos and start mentally repeatedly saying a command. It must be done confidently, discarding any doubts. A constant concentration of consciousness is necessary on the desired installation, as well as on the client's image.
Suggestion in business communication
Suggestion in business communication occurs under the influence of the authority of the individual, from which the received information comes. This happens in emotionally busy business negotiations, as well as in stressful situations. At this time, the criticality of consciousness decreases and one can succumb to provocative suggestion.
The lack of time, when it is impossible to take a break and critically rethink the information received, is also a contributing factor to suggestion.
Suggestion is made in categorical form, with elements of psychological pressure. Therefore, the suggested person does not weigh the information and does not give it a logical analysis, but simply automatically reacts to it, performing certain actions.
A person who falls under the suggestive influence, is able to impulsively make a decision only under the influence of emotions, without thinking about his behavior.
The quality of suggestion depends on the person's age, sex, personal characteristics and type of thinking. Also, the knowledge of the singularity of the personality of the individual to whom the suggestion is made is the key to the success of the impact.
Treatment by suggestion
The word is considered healing not less than other medical methods - medicamental, surgical, physiotherapeutic, folk. With the help of methods of suggestion, you can cure:
- Neuroses, stammering, aggressive behavior and other psychoemotional disorders.
- Many internal diseases, especially psychosomatic.
- The initial stages of cancer.
- Alcohol, narcotic, food and other kinds of addictions, and also smoking.
- Bad habits, for example, the desire to constantly nail and so on.
- Correct unwanted behavior, for example, get rid of laziness, improve school performance, lack of desire to eat and so on.
Healing of the body and the psyche is due to the use of huge hidden reserves of the central nervous system of man. Treatment suggestion is carried out through the management of psycho-physiological processes during the introduction of the patient into a hypnotic state and pronouncing to him the team that changes the attitudes, beliefs and attitudes of the client.
Suggesting the disease
Suggestion of the disease refers to the negative form of suggestion. The object of the impact, previously distinguished by health, there are manifestations of the disease, for which it was programmed. Very often, the suggestion of diseases occurs at the household level, for example, overly caring parents or grandmothers who constantly instill in their child that he will become ill from any external factors.
Illnesses of suggestion most often arise in hypochondriacs, which are susceptible to both external suggestion and self-suggestion. Hypochondria is a condition that manifests itself through fears or excessive anxiety about one's own health. Hypochondriacs are often afraid of getting sick of some dangerous, deadly disease.
Usually, the suggestion of a disease is effective when a person internally agrees with the speaker or suspects himself of something like that.
Suggesting fear
Suggesting fear is an adverse effect, designed to provide a person with a state of anxiety, anxiety, or panic fear. It is also possible to update depressive states or apathy. The danger can be real or fictional. Fear can cause specifically some object, phenomenon, or simply steadily keep inexplicable by anything a state of anxiety or panic. Feeling of fear can also arise before the unknown.
It is characteristic that until the moment of suggestion, the object of the effect did not exhibit any negative reactions to the above stimuli. After the suggested suggestion, the sugerents have a stable behavior, in which they begin to avoid any places, objects or phenomena that were previously indifferent. Moreover, this fear is unmotivated: if a person has to ask why he is afraid of something concrete, he can not even give a reasoned answer to this question.
In a collision with an object or phenomenon that causes fear, a person has all the psychophysiological characteristics that he can easily get out of control of his consciousness and panics. Remove the suggestion of fear can only be a response session (or sessions) of the opposite direction. Rational ways, persuasion and other methods instill fear not removed.
Suggestion of health
Suggestion of health refers to the type of medical suggestion that occurs during the illness of the patient. Such suggestion sessions can be conducted in a state of relaxation, light trance or hypnosis. At autosuggestion, it is also possible and necessary to apply settings to improve health.
There are a lot of cases when complex somatic ailments disappeared only due to conducted sessions of suggestion or self-hypnosis.
Experts recommend that they perform self-hypnosis sessions aimed at improving their health immediately after awakening or before falling asleep. The fact is that at these moments the line between consciousness and the unconscious is blurred, the person is in the so-called "state of salinity." In this state, access to the unconscious is facilitated, which makes it easier for the team to recover and heal.
Suggestion to lose weight
Since the subconscious perceives commands or images well, when control of the cerebral cortex is turned off, you can apply methods of suggestion for weight loss sessions.
To do this, the suggestor conducting the session should use verbal commands that induce the client's psyche to stimulate the processes of fat burning in the body. Very good results are achieved thanks to suggestion in a state of hypnosis. It is also good to use images and verbal commands in autosuggestion sessions.
Suggestion to lose weight is used to restore the optimal state of the psyche and metabolism; the lost skills of self-regulation of the body's protective functions are restored.
Suggesting self-confidence
Self-confidence is a feeling of one's own inner strength, rightness, backed by a calm state of mind, in which a person feels comfortable in any situation.
To create a state of self-confidence, there are several ways:
- You need to play self-confidence, direct the activity of the body to copy confident behavior.
- It is necessary to use affirmations or phrases of autosuggestion, which should be used in situations of stress or loss of confidence.
- To resort to self-hypnosis and relaxation sessions, while using the images of success and self-hypnosis phrases aimed at strengthening the psyche.
Suggestion of self-confidence can also occur in psychotherapeutic sessions through a trance or hypnotic effect.
Learning to suggest
Training in suggestion begins with the ability to establish contact or rapport with a person. These skills are well developed in the psychological flow, called neuro-linguistic programming (NLP).
Training to introduce the client into a state of easy trance and the effective use of speech structures and special commands takes place at training and seminars on Ericksonian hypnosis.
Training in hypnotic suggestion can be done on special training courses on hypnosis, but for this you need to have a medical education permitting the use of hypnotic effects for therapeutic and psychotherapeutic purposes.
Protection from suggestion
Protection from suggestion is a necessary skill, not only in a critical situation, but also in everyday communication.
To protect yourself from suggestion, you must adhere to the following recommendations:
- Always remember your goals in communication and return the conversation in the right direction.
- In conversation, it is more often to change the posture, the pace of speech, the timbre of voice and intonation, the rhythm and frequency of breathing in another gesticulate.
- Do not look into the eyes of the other person, do not follow those things that he manipulates. It is best to focus on an object that has been selected on its own or to move your eye from subject to subject.
- Go into the inner trance - immerse yourself in some memories, reflections, imagine any events.
- Include an internal monologue: begin to mentally say a prayer, read a poem, sing a song.
- If you can not get out of the suggestion, it's best to immediately break off contact and leave the meeting place.
How not to yield to suggestion?
There are rules of conduct for those people who are concerned about the problem, how not to yield to suggestion:
- It is necessary to avoid contact with suspicious strangers, gypsies, beggars and so on.
- It is not necessary to take information from strangers without critical judgment, however frightening or attractive it might be. It is necessary to question any information received.
- Do not look into the eyes of strangers interlocutors and not allow touching your body.
- It is necessary to learn how to refuse, to say "no." Everyone is free in his actions, and no one is obliged to help someone, get into someone's position, know the answers to all questions, fulfill ill-considered promises or communicate with someone.
- Do not ever take quick decisions under pressure from outside.
- It is not necessary to disclose to outside people any confidential information about yourself, to "open your soul" to strangers.
- It is necessary to engage in autogenic training in order to resist extraneous influences in a critical situation.
- Dark glasses, listening to a player, simple haste are a good way to fence off suggestion.
- In critical situations, you need to remain calm and cool, avoiding emotional reactions to different circumstances.
- Collective suggestion has a greater effect than an individual one. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid mass gatherings in which there is a possibility of becoming an object of influence.
Suggestion is a serious tool of psychological influence on a person. And therefore, using it, one must be professional and very cautious. Because with the help of suggestion, you can both harm the person, and heal him.