

List Diseases – C

The coloboma of the optic nerve disc is a consequence of incomplete closure of the choroidal fissure. This is a rare condition, usually sporadic, but there is also an autosomal dominant inheritance.
Exposure to cold can cause a decrease in body temperature (hypothermia) and local soft tissue damage.
The common cold is an acute viral infection of the respiratory tract, self-resolving and proceeding normally without fever, with inflammation of the upper parts of the respiratory tract, including rhinorrhea, cough, and throat swelling.
Coding from alcoholism is a psychological suggestion prohibiting the use of any alcoholic beverages. Modern coding has many different ways and methods of getting rid of alcohol dependence.
A tailbone injury is a nuisance that people rarely pay due attention to. Getting a tailbone injury is easier than ever; you don’t even have to fall or bump hard about anything.
People have such congenital anomalies with which he lives for a long time and does not suspect anything at all. Such a defect as the coccyx cyst, which arises from the fact that the soft tissues in the sacrococcygeal region developed incorrectly, belongs to this.

Cocaine is often used in combination with other substances. Alcohol is another drug that cocaine users use to reduce the irritability experienced by taking high doses of cocaine. In some, in addition to cocaine addiction, alcohol dependence also develops. With the simultaneous intake of cocaine and alcohol can interact with each other.

High doses of cocaine can cause euphoric agitation and schizophreniform symptoms. Psychological and physical dependence can lead to severe addiction
Coarctation of the aorta is a limited narrowing of the aortic lumen, which leads to upper limb hypertension, left ventricular hypertrophy and hypoperfusion of the abdominal cavity organs and lower limbs. Symptoms of coarctation of the aorta vary depending on the degree of narrowing and its extent - from headache, pain in the chest, cold extremities, weakness and lameness to fulminant heart failure and shock.
Coagulopathy includes a symptom complex that develops with functional or morphological changes in the system of regulation of the aggregate state of the blood (the coagulation system is its functional part).
Circulating anticoagulants are usually represented by autoantibodies that neutralize specific clotting factors in vivo (eg, autoantibodies against Factors VIII and V) or inhibit protein-bound phospholipids in vitro. Sometimes a late type of auto-antibody causes bleeding in vivo, binding prothrombin.
Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum refers to the multi-factorial in the etiopathogenesis of organic diseases, in the emergence, flow and outcome of which, along with a hereditary predisposition and the action of various environmental factors, an important role is played by psychogenic factors.
The concept of "trigeminal vegetative cephalgia" combines several rare forms of primary headache, combining both features of cephalgia and typical features of cranial parasympathetic neuralgia. Due to insufficient knowledge of doctors, the diagnosis of trigeminal autonomic cephalalgia often causes difficulties.
Among the many antifungal agents for drug therapy of vaginal candidiasis or thrush, advertising of which is full of Internet, fashion magazines, signs and stands in pharmacy kiosks, the most acceptable, effective and safe means is clotrimazole from thrush.
In the emergence of various spine injuries, four main mechanisms of action of damaging violence should be distinguished: flexion, flexion-rotational, extensor and compression. Each of these types of violence leads to a certain form of spinal injury, each of which can be classified as either stable or unstable damage.
Closed injuries and injuries to the scrotum and testicle occur most often as a result of a direct stroke, falling on hard objects, squeezing (squeezing), stretching, pinching the scrotum, etc.
Closed injuries and injuries of the prostate and seminal vesicles can occur with fractures of the pelvic bones, a strong impact in the perineum or a fall on it. Bruises and ruptures of these organs are usually combined with damage to the adjacent venous plexus.
Closed injuries and bladder trauma in most cases occur as a result of transport trauma, less often the victim is squeezed or dropped, the abdomen is struck, the shock wave is affected by mine and blast injury.
Clonorchiasis is a biogelmintosis, which at an early stage manifests itself as allergic symptoms, and in the chronic stage proceeds with a predominant lesion of the liver and pancreas.
Defects in the development of deep veins of the extremities, or the Klippel-Trenone syndrome, are a serious congenital disease that progresses, causing functional and anatomical disorders that lead the patient to disability.


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