

List Diseases – C

The first description of congenital (congenital) dyskeratosis (Dyskeratosis congenita) was performed by a dermatologist Zinsser in 1906, and in the 30s. It was also supplemented by dermatologists Kohl and Engman, therefore another name for this rare form of hereditary pathology is the "Zinsser-Kohl-Engman syndrome".
Congenital adrenal cortex dysfunction is also known to doctors as a congenital adrenogenital syndrome. In recent years, the disease is described more often as "congenital virilizing hyperplasia of the adrenal cortex", which emphasizes the effect of adrenal androgens on the external genitalia.
Congenital diverticulum of the urethra is a rather rare developmental defect, which manifests itself as a saccular protrusion on the posterior wall of this anatomical structure.
Congenital atrophy of microvilli (a syndrome of deactivation of microvilli) is characterized by the presence of cytoplasmic inclusions containing microvilli in the region of the apical pole of the enterocyte, there is no microvillin on the analogous surface of the mature enterocyte. These disorders can be detected by electron microscopy.
Congenital dislocation of the hip is a severe pathology characterized by underdevelopment of all the elements of the hip joint (bones, ligaments, joint capsule, muscles, vessels, nerves) and disruption of the spatial relationships of the femoral head and the acetabulum.
Congenital degenerative cochleopathy (congenital deafness) is caused by prenatal or intranatal pathogenic factors, manifested by deafness from the moment of the birth of the child.
Congenital clubfoot (equinoqua-varus deformity) is one of the most common malformations of the musculoskeletal system, which, according to different authors, is 4-20% of all deformities.
Congenital bullous epidermolysis (hereditary pemphigus) is a large group of noninflammatory skin diseases characterized by a tendency of the skin and mucous membranes to develop blisters, mainly in places of minor mechanical trauma (friction, pressure, solid food intake).
Anomalies of biliary tract and liver can be combined with other congenital anomalies, including heart disease, polydactyly and polycystic kidney disease. The development of biliary tract abnormalities can be associated with viral infections in the mother, for example, with rubella.
Cryptophthalm is a complete loss of eyelid differentiation. This is an extremely rare pathology, to the development of which results in the mother's disease in the period of the laying of the eyelids (II month of pregnancy).
Congenital angioedema is a consequence of insufficiency (type 1, in 85% of cases) or dysfunction (type 2, in 15% of cases) of a C1-protein inhibitor that regulates complement activation along the classical pathway.
Congenital amputations are transverse or longitudinal limb defects associated with primary growth impairment or secondary intrauterine destruction of normal embryonic tissues.
Condylomatosis of the urethra develops due to papillomavirus infection, which can occur as an independent disease, and against the background of the main.
Condyloma - growth on the surface of the skin caused by papillomavirus. The most common is Condyloma acuminatum or condyloma spiky. As a rule, its localization is the sexual organs of a person, the vagina or the penis.
Conductive disorder is a repetitive or persistent behavior that infringes upon the rights of others or age-appropriate social norms and rules. The diagnosis is based on the history. Treatment with proven efficacy does not exist, and many children require significant monitoring.

Concussion is a traumatic brain injury. In most cases, it has a light course and averages up to 70-80% of neurosurgical injuries.

Concussion symptoms are quite typical, but there are post-comsum disorders, a syndrome of delayed signs of head trauma, which should also be known and be attentive to the slightest atypical manifestations, so as not to miss a serious pathology of the brain.

Compulsive overeating is characterized by episodes of overeating, not entailing inappropriate compensatory behavior, such as causing vomiting or using laxatives. The diagnosis is clinical
Compression syndromes of the upper aperture of the chest are an indistinct group of diseases characterized by pain and paresthesias in the hands, neck, shoulders or arms.

Compression syndrome is formed by squeezing soft tissues or internal organs as a result of the disease with the development of a characteristic clinical picture, which can be regarded as a manifestation of this pathology or as its complication.


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