Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Condyloma - growth on the surface of the skin caused by papillomavirus.
The most common is Condyloma acuminatum or condyloma spiky. As a rule, its localization is the sexual organs of a person, the vagina or the penis. Less often, condyloma appears in the anus.
Ways of infection
The virus of the papilloma does not accidentally have an indication - "man", that is, it is able to develop only in the human body and transmitted by human contact. The main way of infection, as in many STDs - sexually transmitted diseases, is sexual. It does not matter what kind of sexual contact is heterosexual or homosexual, anal, oral. Kondiloma does not recognize such restrictions and moral standards. Even when using a condom, if one of the partners is a virus carrier, the second falls into a zone of high risk of infection, since physical contact is nevertheless inevitable. As a rule, people with reduced, weakened immunity, are exposed to stresses and do not observe a full-fledged diet, rest and sleep. Children can be infected with condyloma at the time of birth, when the mother's pathogens are infected with the virus. For children, human papillomavirus is also dangerous, as for adults, because for the virus and age boundaries are not an obstacle.
Causes of Genital Warts
Papillomavirus can cause not only condyloma, but also other types and subtypes of its manifestation, of which today there are more than 100. Papillomas, warts affect mankind at an alarming rate, often developing into a malignant form. The most favorable in terms of the effectiveness of treatment are genital warts, which are transmitted most often through sexual intercourse, including with protected sexual contacts, that is, by contact of the skin.
Symptoms of condyloma
Feeling of discomfort, itching during defecation, if condyloma grows in the area of the anal opening.
Pain in sexual contact, when condyloma is mechanically injured, becomes inflamed and often bleeds.
Asymptomicity is characteristic of flat warts.
Asymptomatic development of genital warts is very common, especially if they grow in the rectum, vagina, in the urethra or the cervix. That is why it is important to undergo a preventive examination every year - urological or gynecological. Earlier identification of genital warts - a pledge of their rapid and effective treatment.
Types of Warts
Condyloma can manifest itself in various forms, be different in shape and size.
Condyloma acuminatum are growths of a pinkish hue, which are often located in several pieces. The virus is able to spread very quickly, so the group of small condylomas grows and transforms into one extensive condyloma. A vivid example of a gigantic education is the condyloma of Buschke-Levenshtein. This kind of condyloma affects the face of young or old. In men, giant condyloma is localized in the foreskin zone, in women it is less common and is located on the skin of the genital organ in the clitoral region. This condyloma is considered to be a precancerous neoplasm, since it can penetrate into soft tissues, provoke fistula ulcers and degenerate into squamous cell carcinoma.
Flat condyloma is most often located in the mucous tissue of the urethra, on the cervix. It is very difficult to diagnose, since even with a visual gynecological examination, flat warts are difficult to see. For several years, condyloma can gradually grow, without causing obvious clinical symptoms, until it provokes an oncology process in the cervix.
Wide condylomas, which grow on the genitals of both men and women, have a syphilitic etiology and are not subject to antiviral treatment, since they are not provoked by papillomavirus.
Also, condyloma is divided into groups of risks, which is determined by differentiating the type of virus:
- High risk is HPV (human papilloma virus) 16, 18, 31, 33, 35. These types of the virus are capable of provoking oncological processes in the uterus (cervix).
- Low or medium risk are viruses of type 6 and type 11, which are treated more effectively and relapses of renewal of condyloma practically do not occur.
What tests are needed?
Who to contact?
Treatment of condyloma
The method of treatment is chosen by the attending doctor after diagnosis and all diagnostic measures. Typically, the choice is made between destruction or chemical removal of genital warts. If the condyloma is single and detected at an early stage, it can be removed with the help of cauterization with special preparations - solcoderm, podophyllin, also uses the use of condylline as an over-growth drug. The local method of treatment is application or spray irrigation - Epigen, which has a powerful antiviral effect. Previously practiced the lubrication of condylomas with conventional oxolin ointment, now this drug is not a preferred drug due to its weak effect. The use of rectal drugs of counteracting HPV is shown. Condyloma is susceptible to the action of genferon, panavir. Cycloferon is prescribed in tableted form, which is also effective in the form of liniment applied topically to condylomas. In addition to local methods of therapy, immunostimulant treatment with isoprinosine is carried out.
Extensive excrescences are removed by cryodestruction with the help of liquid nitrogen. Also, the removal with laser technology is effective, electrocoagulation is effective.
So-called "home" or alternative ways to remove viral outgrowths are possible only in the case of irrefutable evidence that condyloma is benign. Among the most effective means can be called cauterization of condylom tincture celandine or tincture of propolis. The effect of these remedies is similar to the cauterization effect, when the condyloma is gradually dried and separated independently.
Kondiloma, even after recovery, can recur because once infected with human papillomavirus, it remains in it forever. However, it is possible to control its activity in fairly simple ways:
- Maintain in a tone, strengthen your own immune system.
- Observe all the rules of a healthy lifestyle.
- Be as cautious as possible in sexual intercourse and exclude casual sex. Despite the fact that a condom can not always protect against genital warts, nevertheless it is able to protect a person from other STDs.
If the condyloma reappeared, a relapse occurred, it is necessary to see a doctor. The earlier treatment is initiated, the faster the process of HPV spread across the body will stop.
More information of the treatment