Condylomatosis of the urethra
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Symptoms of the condylomatosis of urethra
Genital warts - papillomatous formations ranging in size from point to 1 cm or more appear on the glans penis; in women - in the vagina. The most frequent localization is near the external opening of the urethra. Condylomata can be located on the mucosa of the inner sheet of the foreskin, on the head, coronary groove, on the wet areas of the skin, in the scaphoid fossa of the urethra. Probably the total spread of genital warts, the bladder.
The course of the condylomatosis of the urethra with signs of inflammation is stubborn.
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Treatment of the condylomatosis of urethra
Condylomatosis of the urethra and the glans penis is treated with electrocoagulation. With the widespread defeat of the foreskin, it is advisable to make circumcision.
Treatment is often ineffective, the urethra condylomatosis often recurs.
Considering the viral nature of the disease and the sexual way of its spread, with the condylomas of the penis, the examination and treatment of the sexual partner is shown, which, as a rule, suffers from cervicitis. Both partners should receive antiviral drugs.
Assign epigen, bonafthon, acyclovir. In genital warts, intron-A has recently been used.
More information of the treatment