

List Diseases – B

Lymphoplasia benign can develop at any age, both in men and in women. The clinical picture of the disease is characterized by the appearance of nodules, plaques or infiltrative-tumor elements, located mainly on the skin of the face, mammary glands, genital organs, axillary pits.
The initial symptoms of benign tumors of the skeleton in children - pain syndrome of varying severity and lameness - are of little specificity. Given the low oncological alertness of specialists in the polyclinic link, they are often regarded as "pain of growth" or the result of a trauma to the musculoskeletal system.
Benign paroxysmal positional dizziness is paroxysmal vestibular dizziness, the provoking factor of which is the change in the position of the head and body.

Benign intracranial hypertension (idiopathic intracranial hypertension, pseudotumor brain) is manifested by increased intracranial pressure without signs of volumetric formation or hydrocephalus; CSF composition is unchanged.

Tumors of the skin of the eyelids account for more than 80% of all neoplasms of the organ of vision. Age of patients from 1 year to 80 years and more. Prevalent tumors of epithelial genesis (up to 67%).

Bell's paralysis is an idiopathic sudden one-sided peripheral paralysis of the facial nerve (VII pair).

Bejel is a kind of tropical treponematosis, observed mainly in children in Arab countries and manifested by the defeat at its different stages of the skin, and in later - the bone system.
Behcet's disease (synonyms: Turoth's large aphthus, Behcet's syndrome, triple syndrome) is a multi-organ, inflammatory disease of unknown etiology, whose clinical picture consists of aphthous stomatitis and lesions of genital organs, eyes and skin.
Behcet's disease - systemic vasculitis of small vessels with necrosis of the vascular wall and perivascular lymphomonocyte infiltration; is characterized by a triad in the form of recurrent aortic stomatitis; genital ulceration and uveitis. It occurs at any age, but in children Behcet's disease is a rare pathology. The genetic predisposition, communication with HLA-B5, B-51h, DRW52 was revealed.
Alcoholism is a big problem in any of its manifestations, be it vodka, wine or beer alcoholism.

Morsus apis - so in Latin sounds a bee sting. Actually, the bite does not occur, as the bee can only sting, and it can carry a variety of both emotional and physiological load.

Decubitus (decubitus - decubitus ulcer) is a chronic soft tissue ulcer that occurs in patients with impaired sensation (usually in a stationary state) due to compression, friction, or displacement of the skin, or as a result of a combination of these factors.
Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome (BWS) is a congenital disease that is characterized by excessively rapid growth at a younger age, asymmetry in the development of the body, an increased risk of developing cancer and some birth defects, and a violation of the child’s behavior.
Treatment of Bekhterev's disease pursues several goals - to reduce the severity of inflammation and pain, to prevent the development and progression of mobility disorders of the spine and joints.
Symptoms of Bechterew's disease do not depend on sex and the presence of HLA-B27. The formation of an imminent ankylosis of the spine with the formation and a number of cases of cervical and / or thoracic kyphosis (the "petition posture") is usually preceded by a variety of symptoms of Bekhterev's disease for many years (more often dozens of beds).
Early diagnosis of Bechterew's disease consists of an analysis of the presence of diseases associated with HLA-B27 in direct relatives of the patient. And information about the presence of episodes of uveitis, psoriasis, signs of chronic inflammatory bowel disease in the past is important for conducting a more detailed examination of the patient and determining the form of the disease.

Beam headache is the primary form of cephalgia, manifested by attacks of very intense severely unilateral pain of orbital, supraorbital, temporal or mixed localization, lasting 15-180 minutes, occurring daily at a frequency of once every 2 days up to eight times a day.

Basalioma is a slowly growing and rarely metastatic basal cell carcinoma that occurs in the epidermis or hair follicles whose cells are similar to the basal cells of the epidermis. Basalioma is considered not as a cancer or a benign neoplasm, but as a special kind of tumor with local destructive growth.
Basal cell carcinoma (basal cell) of the century is the most common malignant disease, which most often affects elderly patients.
Bartter's syndrome is a genetically determined tubular dysfunction manifested by hypokalemia, metabolic alkalosis, hyperuricemia and increased activity of renin and aldosterone.


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