

List Diseases – A

Pancreatic abnormalities are quite common. A large group of anomalies refers to variants of the size, shape and location of the pancreas and are largely of no clinical significance.
In the position of the female genitalia, violations (anomalies) are relatively frequent, which are predominantly secondary and depend on a variety of pathological processes that occur both in the genitals and outside the uterus and its appendages. The disorders observed in this case are not only determined by the mixing of the uterus, but depend on the underlying disease that caused the anomaly.
Kidney anomalies are quite common diseases of the urinary system, as they occur with a frequency of 40% among hereditary malformations.
Acquired deviations of the trachea and bronchi proceed without significant changes in their lumen. Most often, bronchial deviations occur due to external pressure of the tumor or cyst located in the lung parenchyma.
Anomalies in the development of the membranes of the eye are detected immediately after birth. The occurrence of anomalies is caused by mutation of genes, chromosomal abnormalities, exposure to exogenous and endogenous toxic factors during the intrauterine period of development.
Aplasia of the optic nerve is a rare, very serious pathology in which the optic nerve is not formed at all and there are no visual functions due to delay in the growth of neuron axons in the leg of the eye cup or in connection with premature burial of the embryonic fissure.
Anomalies in the development of the lens may have different manifestations. Any changes in the shape, size, and location of the lens cause severe disturbances in its function.
At the earliest stages of the development of the organ of vision, the developmental defects of the iris can be formed due to the non-opening of the anterior end of the eyeball slit, which is manifested by a defect in the iris, a congenital columboma of the iris.
Anomalies in the development of the duodenum are rare. Atresia, congenital stenosis and membranous membrane fusion of the duodenum are detected on the first day after birth: abundant vomiting, frequent regurgitation and other symptoms, high intestinal obstruction.
Anomalies of the development of the cornea are expressed by a change in its size and shape.
The size and shape of the jaws can vary greatly according to the individual size and shape of the entire face.
Ankylostomidosis - geogelmintosis. Adult helminths parasitize the human duodenum and jejunum. Ankylostomiasis combines two helminthiasis: ankylostomiasis caused by the duodenal curve of the duodenum - Ancylostoma duodenale, and noncatarosis caused by the nekator - Necator amencanus.
Ankylosis of temporomandibular joint - fibrous or bone fusion of articular surfaces, causing partial or complete disappearance of the joint gap.
Congenital aniridia is the absence of iris. With a thorough examination, sometimes find small fragments of the root, iris. This pathology can be combined with other malformations - microphthalmia, subluxation of the lens, nystagmus.

One of these "failures" is anhidrosis - a condition in which the sweat glands cease to perform their function. Pathology can affect, as any specific area, and the whole body.

Angiosarcoma (synonym: malignant hemomanioendothelioma) is a tumor that develops from the endothelial cells of blood vessels. The disease is often localized to the scalp and face, but can also occur in other sites in older men.
Angiosarcoma of the liver is a rare, very malignant tumor, which is difficult to differentiate from hepatocellular carcinoma. The liver is enlarged in size, contains many nodes resembling cavernous hemangioma.

Among benign tumors, there is such a specific neoplasm as angiomyolipoma, which can be accidentally detected during imaging of the abdominal organs.

Angiomatosis is a hereditary family hemorrhagic - an autosomal dominant disease. There are several reports in the literature that the disease has been detected in several generations.
Angiomatosis is hereditary hemorrhagic (Rundu-Osler-Weber disease syn.) - hereditary autosomal dominant disease, the gene locus is 9q33-34.


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