

List Diseases – A

Angiomas belong to benign vascular formations, located on the wings of the nose between the skin and the cartilaginous tissue. Angioma from the blood vessels is called hemangioma, from lymphatic vessels - lymphangioma.
Angiomas of the larynx are divided into hemangiomas and lymphangiomas. True laryngeal hemangiomas are very rare and, according to different authors, account for about 1% of all benign tumors of the larynx.
Kidney angiolipoma is a benign neoplasm of mesenchymal nature, the symptoms of which depend on the size of the tumor. Signs of angiolipoma of the kidney are in the presence of pain in the lumbar region, hematuria and tumor formation in the projection of the placement of the kidney.
Angiokeratoma occurs due to epithelial swelling and the formation of subepidermal extensions of capillary cavities, which is accompanied by reactive changes in the epidermis.
Angiogenic infection is the primary infection of the bloodstream, the source of which is in the blood vessels or in the heart cavities. The laboratory indicator of angiogenic infection is considered bacteremia, and clinical symptomatic complex of sepsis.

Such neoplasms can include, for example, fibrous papule, sebaceous adenoma, nail fibroma, pearl papule, Koenen tumor, etc.

Angioedema is an edema of the deep layers of the dermis and subcutaneous tissues. It can be caused by medications, poison (especially animal origin), food or extracted allergens.
Angioedema of the eyelids (Quincke's edema) is a frequent allergic complication of general antibiotic therapy and the use of other medications.
Tularemia is an acute infectious disease with a natural foci characterized by fever and lymph node involvement.
Smallpox is a natural, highly contagious disease of a viral nature, characterized by severe course, intoxication, fever, rashes on the skin and mucous membranes, often leaving scarring behind.
Rubella in the early stages of the disease resembles scarlet fever and measles, and with mild forms of these diseases, a false diagnosis is possible, and secondly, with rubella, along with pathological changes in the mucous membranes of the throat and pharynx, other complications can occur in the ENT organs.
Measles is an acute infectious disease predominantly of childhood, characterized by general intoxication, fever, catarrhal inflammation of the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract and eyes, specific eruptions on the oral mucosa, maculopapular rash on the skin.
Acute leukemia is characterized by an increase in the number of blast, or leukemic, "young" cells in the bone marrow, spleen, lymph nodes, liver and other internal organs.
As an independent infectious disease, infectious mononucleosis was first described by NF Filatov in 1885 under the name "idiopathic inflammation of the cervical lymphatic glands". In 1889 E.Pfeiffer described a clinical picture of the same disease called "glandular fever".
The angina in this viral infection is introduced into the vulgar angina class, since the anginal process that occurs in the pharynx refers to secondary diseases caused by AIDS caused by the T-lymphotropic human type 3 virus, which results in rapid development of the so-called opportunistic infection, in abundance vegetative in the mucous membrane of the pharynx and its lymphadenoidal formations.
Sore throat during pregnancy, unfortunately, is diagnosed quite often, as the organism of the future mother is extremely vulnerable to various colds and infectious diseases.
Angina - one of the forms of streptococcal infection with the localization of the inflammatory process in the lymphoid tissue of the oropharynx, mainly in the palatine tonsils. Accompanied by intoxication, fever, sore throat and regional lymph nodes.
Alimentary-toxic aleukia is a mycotoxicosis that occurs when products are eaten from products overwintered in the field (millet, buckwheat, wheat, rye, barley, oats, rice).
Agranulocytosis (aleukia) is a blood disease characterized by complete or almost complete absence of granulocytes (granular leukocytes) in the blood. Distinguish agranulocytosis myelotoxic and immune.
With unstable angina, pressing, pulling or contracting pain behind the sternum arises with irradiation into the left arm and shoulder blade, which arises in response to physical and emotional stress, food intake, exposure to cold. Acute coronary insufficiency in children and adolescents is associated mainly with exogenous causes.


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