

List Diseases – A

Aplastic anemia is a composite group of diseases, the main symptom of which is depression of bone marrow hemopoiesis according to aspirate and bone marrow biopsy and peripheral pancytopenia (anemia of different severity, thrombocytopenia, leukogranulocytopenia and reticulocytopenia) in the absence of diagnostic signs of leukemia, myelodysplastic syndrome, myelobnosis and tumor metastases .

Among the anomalies in the development of male genital organs in a normal karyotype (46, XY) is a congenital defect of the genitals such as testicular aplasia - the absence of one or both testes in the scrotum due to agenesis, that is, because they are not formed. 

Aplasia brush - the complete absence of hand rays with the presence on the affected side of only the bones of the wrist. With such developmental defects, only prosthetics is possible.

The consequence of this disorder is the development of pancytopenia (there is a deficit of all blood cells: leukocytes, erythrocytes, and also platelets). Deep pancytopenia is a life-threatening condition.
Agenesis, or aplasia of the kidney - congenital single kidney, the complete absence of the kidney and renal vessels is 1% of all defects. The frequency of anomalies, according to autopsies, is 1 to 1100.
Apical periodontitis is often called apical periodontitis, apex in Latin is the upper, upper part. Accordingly, the apical inflammatory process in periodontium is a disease localized in the upper part of the root of the tooth.
Aphthous stomatitis is one of the forms of stomatitis, which is manifested by the appearance of ulcerative defects in the oral cavity and is accompanied by discomfort.
Aphthous laryngitis is manifested by rash on the mucous membrane of the pharynx and larynx of small superficial erosions covered with fibrinous coating, first yellowish, then gray, surrounded by a bright red border.

The loss of the ability to utter a voice is called aphonia. At the same time, a person speaks only in a whisper, without hoarseness, wheezing, characteristic of dysphonic disorders. 

Aphasia is a disorder or loss of speech function - a violation of active (expressive) speech and its understanding (or its nonverbal equivalents) as a result of the defeat of speech centers in the cerebral cortex, basal ganglia or white matter containing the conductors connecting them.

What is a coma, or a coma, know, perhaps, everything. But such a term as "apallic syndrome" is not familiar to many. Apallic syndrome is usually called a kind of coma - a vegetative state, in which there is a deep breakdown in the function of the cortex of the brain.

Aortic is an inflammation of the aorta, sometimes leading to the development of an aneurysm or occlusion.

Aortic stenosis is a narrowing of the aortic valve that limits the flow of blood from the left ventricle to the ascending part of the aorta during systole. The causes include a congenital bicuspid aortic valve, idiopathic degenerative sclerosis with calcification, and rheumatic fever.

Aortic regurgitation is the failure of the aortic valve to close, resulting in flow from the aorta to the left ventricle during diastole.
Aortic insufficiency can be caused either by a primary lesion of the aortic valve flaps or by aortic root damage, which now accounts for more than 50% of all cases of isolated aortic insufficiency.
Aortic dissection - the penetration of blood through cracks in the inner shell of the aorta with the separation of the inner, middle shells and the creation of a false lumen.
The use of anxiolytics, sedatives and hypnotics for medical reasons is widespread. When they are used, intoxication can occur, accompanied by physical and mental disorders. Repeated use can lead to the development of abuse and dependence
Some measure of anxiety is a normal aspect of a child's development. For example, most children aged 1-2 years are afraid of separation from their mother, especially in an unfamiliar place.
Every person periodically experiences fear and anxiety. Fear is an emotional, somatic and behavioral response to a directly recognizable external threat (for example, an attack or the risk of a car accident).
Anxiety disorder due to separation in childhood is an excessive anxiety resulting from separation from the mother or substituting people and resulting in impaired social adaptation.


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